Chapter 400 400. Surprise

"What kind of flame is this? Heavenly fire? Immortal fire? Or immortal beast fire?"

The few people who had been paying attention to Long Fei from time to time were immediately startled when they saw the methods Long Fei used, and couldn't help standing up slowly.

And Xia Taiyang's eyes slowly moved to Long Fei at this time.

Xia Taiyang stroked his chin beard slowly, and said: "Oh, interesting little guy, as expected of the Azure Dragon Sect, even a flame is so different from others."

Chang Luo, the president at the top, looked carefully at the flame in Long Fei's hand, and said, "This flame is not on the fairy fire list, it seems to be the flame of a fairy beast. But this breath is so strange , it seems that this flame is not a kind of flame, could it be... a new flame after fusion?!"

At the same time, Long Fei was not the only one who performed well in the arena, there were other men and women as well.

One of the men with long brown hair was very skillful in alchemy, and was also taken by the senior elders.

The same goes for one of the women with blue hair.

The two of them, together with Long Fei, naturally formed a small-scale triadic situation.

Everyone was unwilling to admit defeat, and worked even harder.

Long Fei used the most correct steps that he had been deducing in his mind to refine.

The six materials were suspended, surrounded by a terrifying force and forcibly fused, and during the fusion process, they were forcibly liquefied under the scorching high temperature of Qinglong Diyan.

A few rays of light representing the material itself appeared, looking scattered and harmonious, giving people a feeling of incomprehensibility.

"What is he doing?!"

Seeing that Long Fei didn't follow the refining steps so violently, and all of them were so condensed directly, the alchemy guild and others on the stage couldn't sit still.

This kind of refining method is completely dangerous for an alchemist who only has the first rank of immortal level.

The president, Chang Luo, also frowned: "Such an exquisite technique doesn't look like it was used for the first time. There are many ways to refine elixir, as long as it can be perfectly refined, then this rude technique is still It is correct and feasible, but the technique used by this person is extremely delicate in terms of the control of the soul and its own strength and the temperature of the flame, if one accidentally makes a mistake, all previous efforts will be wasted."

Having said that, he paused.

Then he continued to speak: "This method, even if I come to it, the success rate does not exceed the third level, and he is only a first-rank alchemist at the immortal level. Using this method blindly is completely superfluous, and it is too arrogant."

On the other side, another elder who was mocking the two of them suddenly added: "It seems that our expectations of him are too high. Seeing this scene just dispelled the high value in our hearts, and it may not be true. Not a good thing."

In their hearts, they believed that even if their president, a super old man who made alchemy, was not sure of success at the third level, then this rookie who was only a first-rank immortal would not have a chance of success.

In their hearts, Long Fei's failure had already been judged in advance.

After finishing speaking, he continued to look at the two men and laughed: "Why, you guys are talking, but now you still think he can do it?"

When the two elders were said so, their faces became angry, and their beards were about to fly out of anger, and they were on the verge of slapping someone.

And after what the president said to him, the two of them who were full of confidence in Long Fei before are now gradually relaxing.

They are really guilty.

Looking at the current situation, the only one who can rely on himself is Long Fei himself.

The two gritted their teeth, there was no other way, this person was really annoying, the two said coldly, "It's not until the end, the ending is hard to judge, what if there is a reversal?"

"Reversal?! Hahahaha!"

The man laughed mockingly.

"Then I'll wait and see what you call a reversal!"

"Okay, you all have one less sentence, and if you make a lot of noise, just throw them out. Whoever comes will have no face!" A cold light flickered in the eyes of the president Chang Luo, his tone became low, and his breath changed instantly. The and just now are completely two people.

As soon as his words came out, they were in this crazy state again. The three of them swallowed their saliva, feeling the powerful and depressing aura suddenly covering their heads, and the eyes of the three were full of fear. with trembling.


The two sides looked at each other and made the last stubbornness.

Then the two elders clenched their fists, and their eyes returned to Long Fei.

"It seems a little different."

Chairman Chang Luo no longer paid attention to the three of them, but turned his eyes back to Long Fei. To be correct, he hadn't moved his eyes since he saw them just now. Curiosity tended to make him look again. At present, this is different from the past, and it even surpasses the results that each of them thought.

When the two elders who were ridiculed saw Long Fei's skillful technique at this moment, saw the process of refining the medicine and the results gradually surfaced, their complexions suddenly changed, from anger to surprise and excitement: " What did I say, this person is extraordinary!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at the elder beside him with mocking eyes.

The elder was unconvinced, and said stubbornly: "This is just now, everyone has bad luck."

"You just have to be ashamed and suffer!" The two snorted coldly.


After being said so, he ignored the two of them directly.

The screen turns.

At this moment, Long Fei had already put the melted liquid into the alchemy furnace raised by Qinglong Diyan. As for the situation inside, only Long Fei knew about it.

And this step is the fastest step that he skipped over many complicated steps in the literature, and it is also crucial. It is not too much to say whether he can successfully condense the real pill later depends entirely on this step. One step away.

Powerful soul power emanated from Long Fei's body, and the soul energy that had reached the level of Xuanxian completely affected those alchemist monks who were very close to him.

The affected people immediately felt that even the simplest breathing was a little difficult.

"what happened?!"

Many people even became suspicious with a drastic change of complexion.

"What a powerful soul energy! It's completely above us!"

As alchemists, they are very familiar and sensitive to substances like souls.

All these people looked at Long Fei.

As for Long Fei, he didn't pay attention to it, and still concentrated on doing his own thing. He didn't care what happened to other people. If he really said something, it could only be that the other party was too rubbish, so he couldn't be blamed.

At this moment, four words are most suitable to describe Long Fei.

The powerful soul power is wrapping the Emperor Flame Furnace which is being smelted.

As time passed bit by bit, suddenly a group of dark clouds covered the originally clear sky around it, and there were several thunderbolts brewing to manifest the holiness.


(End of this chapter)

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