Chapter 406 406. Take it all
"The effect of people absorbing alchemy is that they can obtain alchemy physique. Such a person can control all alchemy very accurately, and can distract most of the alchemy together, and a trace of heaven and earth alchemy will be produced in the human body. The completed pill qi inflammation has the effect of improving the physique and spirit for a long time, and it also has a long-term effect on improving comprehension.

The words of the system are finally finished.

Long Fei listened carefully and with great interest.

After the system finished speaking, he thought in his heart: "Heaven and earth pill energy is indeed a product of heaven and earth, and it has such a powerful effect."

Long Fei said to Chang Luo: "Okay, this world's alchemy is also good, let's see what's in the last box first?"


Chang Luo opened the last brocade box.

It was a slightly larger piece of wood with bloody red veins all over its body.

"What is it this time?" Long Fei asked again.

Chang Luo said: "This is blood light wood, which came out from the bottom of a dark valley in the west of Dazzling Continent. It has gathered the spirit of the dark mountain for many years, and it has been stained with blood, so it has this name, and don't look at it as just a piece of wood. , but it can be provided to monks who cultivate the body to absorb the blood energy in it and feed it back to the body, enhancing the surging blood energy and strengthening the body!"

Continued: "The current market value is 100 million fairy coins!"

"Oh I got it."

Long Fei nodded, and then settled the matter: "Shuanglong Liuli Zhi, Earth Explosion Sky Star Dragon Blood, Tiangang Alchemy Pill, Heaven and Earth Pill Qi, Blood Light Wood."

"To be honest, I want all five of these things!" Long Fei looked at Chang Luo seriously.

Chang Luo was taken aback for a moment, then chuckled: "These five things really make people remember."

"I can exchange the first thunder and second-grade Shenyou Dan in my hand for one item. As for the other four items, I can buy them all at a sufficient price. President, do you think this is okay?"

As Long Fei said, he had already taken out the bottle containing the second-grade Yilei Immortal Travel Pill from his hand and placed it on the table.

After hearing this, Chang Luo hesitated for a moment, looked at the five items on the table, nodded after deep consideration: "Yes, Mr. Long is a noble soldier of the Central Domain Palace, I will give this face!"

"Okay, happy cooperation!" Long Fei laughed, very happy.

As long as money can solve things, it is not a problem!
"Then what would Mr. Long want in exchange?" Chang Luo stroked his beard lightly and asked.

"I want this world's elixir!" Long Fei pointed to the fourth item.

"Okay." Chang Luo nodded in agreement without hesitation.

Long Fei smiled and continued to attack: "The next four items, will you give me a total price for the next four items?"

Chang Luo closed his eyes and thought for a while, before he said, "These four items count as [-] fairy coins. What do Mr. Long think of this money?"


After hearing this, Long Fei resolutely gave up and disagreed, and then said with a righteous face: "In this way, I can't take advantage of you. These four things are not ordinary things. I will give you a hundred million fairy coins. You see How about the president?"

"Ah this."

The president Chang Luo also stared at him, can the young man still play like this?

It’s okay not to reduce the price, but you even took the initiative to increase the price?

If this is released to others, it will definitely be applauded directly!

Boy, are you showing off how rich you are?

"How about it?"

Seeing that Chang Luo hadn't answered yet, Long Fei spoke first.

"Cough cough."

Chang Luo nodded, and said, "Mr. Long is so refreshing. It would be inappropriate for the old man to evade. Just follow what you said, Mr. Long."


Long Fei laughed loudly with his hands on his hips: "It's easy to say! It's easy to say!"

Soon, he threw out a ring and put it on the table.

Long Fei said: "There is exactly [-] million fairy coins stored in this ring, please take a look at it, President!"

Chairman Chang Luo laughed and said, "Okay!"

He picked up the ring and took a look inside. There were a lot of fairy coins inside. He just scanned once and then came out, because he believed that Long Fei would not do anything.

Chang Luo said: "Okay, here is indeed an amount of [-] million, and now these five things are yours!"

Long Fei handed the Yilei and Second Grade Immortal Travel Pill to Chang Luo, and Chang Luo hurriedly and carefully put it away.

Then Long Fei also put away the five things.

Long Fei smiled and said: "President, this transaction is over, so I will go back first, and I have to prepare for the next knockout match in the afternoon."

"Don't we have a second cooperation? About joining the alchemist guild"

Chang Luo looked at Long Fei, but seemed to have guessed the result from his eyes and complexion, but Long Fei hadn't said no himself, so he felt that there was still a glimmer of hope.

Since there is hope, it is impossible to give up!
After hearing this, Long Fei smiled and shook his head: "As for joining the alchemy masters guild, forget it, I major in strength and cultivation, alchemy is just for entertainment, and I rarely get in touch with it, but I promised Dianyu before to be a guest minister. "

Chang Luo felt regretful after hearing this, but his eyes lit up when he heard what Long Fei said later: "Yes, Ke Qing! Ke Qing is also a member of our alchemist guild!"

Long Fei smiled and said: "If there is nothing else, can I leave, President?"

"Of course, I will take you away."

After Chang Luo finished speaking, Long Fei followed behind him and left the pavilion.

On the way, Chang Luo said: "If Mr. Long needs some training resources in the future, please let me know. As long as our alchemist guild has what we have, we can provide it for you. Of course, you can also pay for it."

"Of course I can't wait for this!" Long Fei was very happy. It's a great thing to come out and get a supplier this time!
If it weren't for the condition not to allow, he would really drag Chang Luo to have a drink, the kind that he wouldn't return without getting drunk!
With the conversation and transaction between the two still coming out, the first knockout match of the alchemist officially ended at this moment.

Those who have never experienced it are directly eliminated, and those who have refined are selecting the quality, and only 30 people are eliminated, including Long Fei.

Moreover, the No.1 in this knockout round is Long Fei.

The referee also announced that the next knockout match will be held in the afternoon towards the night.

The 30 people left quickly, went back to rest, and the next step was to hold the second batch of knockout matches.

Then there will be 60 people in the knockout match in the afternoon.

Out of 200 people, 140 people were eliminated at once. This elimination rate is truly terrifying!
Ordinary people really can't stand it!

After Long Fei and Chang Luo separated, they headed back quickly towards the central domain palace.

Go back to the room and set up formations around you.

Then he took out the bottle containing the qi of heaven and earth and came out.

Looking at the crimson gas in the bottle in his hand, Long Feizi laughed: "I will refine and absorb you now, it happens to be possible for the game in the afternoon, so how awesome is it for you to come out and try it out! I hope you won't let me down , although the current alchemy has declined a lot, but it should be able to get quite good benefits."

(End of this chapter)

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