Chapter 412 412. Three Thunders
The terrifying thunder fell, and this scene that everyone was very familiar with reappeared.

And the power and power of the second thunder strike on the protective barrier is at least twice as strong as the first time!
Everyone's face changed.

However, under the protection of this barrier, the cultivators in the square are forcibly concentrating their elixirs calmly, because this is a very important key for them to enter the finals!It must not be distracted and failed because of those special disturbances from the outside world.

And those audiences were very idle, his eyes were all attracted by the shocking scene of Long Fei above.

"Such a terrifying thunder, this young man has been beaten three times since morning! If he survives this time, he will really survive three times. It's really a miracle!"

"If we were the ones submerged by the thunder, we might have already been wiped out."

"The strength of this person is really terrifying and daunting"

When these people were talking about it, a strong dragon chant appeared again in vain, ruthlessly annihilating the second Dan Lei Thunder.

Long Fei held the pill in his hand, and two lines of thunder appeared on the Golden Sun Melting Soul Pill that survived the second time.

This is the Golden Sun Melting Soul Pill after two thunder baptisms. All its effects will be stronger than before. As for how powerful it is, it will only be understood by the user who eats it.

The Jinyang Melting Soul Pill bloomed with a more intense golden light, its fragrance became more intense, its color became smoother, and the whole became more noble.

Now this Second Thunder Second Grade Jinyang Melting Soul Pill is already a sky-high price to find!
"After experiencing two such terrifying lightning calamities, this Jinyang Soul Melting Pill is already a peerless thing!"

Chang Luo said with a shocked face while looking up, the sky at this moment is not entertained by finishing the second thunder, it seems that the third thunder is still brewing! ! !
"This is the omen of the third thunder tribulation!!"

The faces of the people turned pale with shock.

If it survives this time, then the price of this Golden Sun Melting Soul Pill that surpasses the most perfect will be at least 20 billion fairy coins! ! !
If you can't make it through, it is likely to become a defective product, but even so, this defective product is different from those defective products. The former also has a worth close to [-] million.

And now Erlei's second-grade Jinyang Melting Soul Pill is worth at least one billion!
Afterwards, every time a Thunder Lane is added, the price will increase by one billion yuan. This is a very scary figure. Do you know how many massive cultivation resources can be bought by one billion fairy coins? !

That is very large and massive! !
"Are you still coming? No matter what, I'm afraid you won't come! If you dare to come, I dare to accept everything!"

On the other side, the excited look on Long Fei's face with blue arrogance could not be concealed.

How excited he was, he had just received the second thunderbolt, his physical body had once again been improved by leaps and bounds, and his experience value was also rapidly increasing. You will be able to successfully break through to the eighth-level true immortal!


The thunder that was brewing resounded loudly and crisply, like the thunder of destroying the world, piercing into the hearts of the people, shocking the root of people's hearts.

Ordinary people really can't bear it.

Fortunately, he is not an ordinary person!

The third thunderbolt is more terrifying than the combined power of the second and first thunderbolt.

Ordinary mysterious immortals may fall under this thunder, let alone Long Fei himself who only has the cultivation level of a true immortal.

These people were thinking that Long Fei would give up letting the Jinyang Soul Melting Pill resist the third thunder, but after all, they guessed that they couldn't beat the reality. Not only did Long Fei not put it away, but he even sent the Jinyang Soul Melting Pill up. Accept the third baptism of Thunder!

The possibility of this being the last thunderbolt is very high.

Long Fei believed in his own strength, and he also believed in the ability of Jinyang Melting Soul Pill, a elixir that was not tolerated by the world, and he would never succumb to the mere tribulation so easily!

The terrifying power diffused from the Jinyang Melting Soul Pill to form a natural protective barrier. In order to successfully receive the baptism of the third thunder tribulation this time, Long Fei did his best. He gave everything he could to save his life. All the energy and methods were used on this pill.

At the same time, he used the Wuji Longevity Kungfu and the power of the Chaos Azure Dragon bloodline in his body as confidently as before.

Boom! ! !

At this time, the third thunderbolt with the terrifying power of destroying the world officially fell, instantly submerging Long Fei and Jinyang Soul Melting Pill in the sea of ​​thunder!

Within the sea of ​​thunder, the clothes on Long Fei's body were being broken, and he soon fell into the huge chaotic green dragon totem. The dragon shadow and the breath of the dragon's voice appeared at the same time to resist the baptism of this terrifying thunder calamity. Cooperating with the power of the chaotic green dragon's bloodline, he absorbs and refines the thunder power that hit him.

With the help of these various factors, Long Fei quickly absorbed these forces, and the thunder power carried by his body became more intense, and his ability to control the thunder also reached an astonishing Dzogchen realm.

"Practice for me!"

"Give it to me!"

"Suck me!!"

Long Fei shouted in a low voice, the skin on his body rose from the high temperature, and a large area of ​​redness appeared on his body, and due to the effect of the thunder and high temperature, there was a very loud sizzle sound of breath evaporating on his skin.

The method with the devouring ability used by Long Fei on the Jinyang Melting Soul Pill is also continuously absorbing the power of thunder. The strange thing is that this time the pill is not as strong as the first and second time before. That kind of dimness distracts the light, but under the baptism of the Danlei Calamity, it becomes more brilliant, more dazzling, more cool, and even more incredible! !
"Break it for me!"

Long Fei shouted loudly, and the power of Longwei in the sky suddenly became stronger, the sky vibrated, and the power of thunder shattered directly, and finally the dark clouds in the sky were finally diverted.

This also means that the Danlei Tribulation belonging to this Jinyang Soul Melting Pill has officially become a thing of the past.

And more people are excited and excited.

One is seeing this unusual, rare scene in a hundred years.

The second is that the Jinyang Soul Melting Pill has survived the baptism of three thunder tribulations without being destroyed and survived, becoming a truly rare second-grade Jinyang Soul Melting Pill of the Three Thunders!
"The current price of this Jinyang Melting Soul Pill has not only increased to an incomparably sky-high price, but also has been greatly improved in quality and level. I guess it should be at the intermediate level of Sanlei's second-grade elixir. This is really A rare scene in history!"

The president Chang Luo's face was shocked, and he even wanted to get this hard-to-find elixir from Long Fei's hands!
He turned his eyes to Xia Taiyang and then looked at the faces of some people below. These people all showed the same eagerness as him, and they probably wanted to pay for it!

(End of this chapter)

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