Chapter 418 418. Competition
Seeing that this incident was over, everyone went back one after another.

And Long Fei also directly entered the hall to look for that figure of Sun Mingfei.

And that woman also quickly walked towards the hall after Dian Yu's appraisal of the pill, looking for Long Fei's figure.

Finally, he finally found Long Fei at a corner crossing.

She was so happy that she ran directly towards Long Fei.

At this moment, Long Fei had also found Sun Mingfei, and he was now waiting for Sun Mingfei's statement.

Long Fei looked at Sun Mingfei and said, "How about it, I gave you so much time to think about it, now can you give me the answer I want?"

"Are you strong?" Sun Mingfei looked at Long Fei.

Long Fei said lightly: "Of course."

Sun Mingfei thought about it for a day and this is the result: "I want to fight you, if I win, I will worship you as my teacher!"

Long Fei laughed happily: "Even if you and I are at the first level of Earth Immortal, I can kill hundreds of you with just one breath."

"You just said yes or no?" Sun Mingfei gritted his teeth.

Apprenticeship is obviously not a casual thing.

This is a lifelong event.

"Okay, you can find a place." Long Fei put his hands behind his back.

And at this moment, the sound of footsteps came towards this side.

"Great, finally found you, my savior!"

Long Fei, the woman in front of him, recognized who it was at a glance, it was the woman who fell under the thunder just now.

There was a bit of joy and excitement on the woman's face.

Long Fei looked at the woman happily: "I have found all of this, what do you want to express?"

The woman said: "Hello, son, thank you for saving me just now, let me introduce myself, my name is Wei Ya."

Wei Ya has long blue hair, delicate face, regular facial features, slightly long eyelashes, a tall figure, a plump jade rabbit, long legs, and fair skin.

"Hi, my name is Long Fei, well, now that we're done getting to know each other, you can leave if you have nothing else to do."

Long Fei looked at him and introduced himself.

"and many more."

Wei Ya said shyly: "Do you have a listening account? Can I add you?"

Women chase men through the mountains, and men chase women through the mountains.

Long Fei said lightly: "Okay."

After finishing speaking, he took out his listening device, and the two quickly added each other with their hands and feet.

Long Fei's face was calm: "I added it, I have some things to deal with with my prospective apprentice, you go and prepare for tomorrow's prescription."

"There's no comparison yet, don't talk nonsense!"

Sun Mingfei was immediately displeased when he heard that, this guy made his own way, and called himself indiscriminately before he even compared him.
"Sooner or later, you can't beat me at all."

After finishing speaking, Long Fei raised his hand and pressed directly on his shoulder, Sun Mingfei didn't have time to react, just like that, he and Long Fei disappeared in place.

Wei Ya stared blankly at this scene.

After reacting, Fang Cai was surprised: "What a powerful movement technique, it disappeared just like that, and I couldn't feel it at all. Could it be that he just used this movement technique to come to my side and save me?"

Although I said so, there are some elements of suspicion in it, but this result is also very close to the reality, maybe that's it!
"Then see you tomorrow!"

She knew that Long Fei was directly selected into tomorrow's top five competition, and selected the top five from the next seven who advanced.


When they reappeared, Long Fei and Sun Mingfei came to a wilderness clearing, there was no one around, only one or two birds flew by occasionally, there was no other sound except the sound of the wind blowing grass .

"Where is this place?" Sun Mingfei came here for the first time. After frowning, he looked at Long Fei.

I saw Long Fei wave his hand slightly.

He said lightly: "You don't care where this place is, you just need to understand that this place is where we will fight."

After the words fell, a formation quickly spread to the surroundings, and a large circle appeared in this area.

A full ten kilometers around was covered by this formation, which directly blocked Xia Taiyang's perception of this place, and he could also fly.

With his hands behind his back, Long Fei looked at Sun Mingfei with an extremely calm expression: "This place has a radius of ten kilometers, and I have already used formations to isolate the perception of this place from the outside. Come on, make a quick decision."

"Ten kilometers? It's a good formation!"

Sun Mingfei said in surprise.

"What's so surprising about you as a level one Earth Immortal?" Long Fei was speechless, and then said: "Don't worry, I will pass on these skills to you after you accept me as your teacher."

"Okay! Let me see how awesome you are!"

After Sun Mingfei finished speaking, he directly attacked Longfei.

The red celestial energy on his body spread out quickly, and the violent flame attribute stood out from his fist. He planned to test it out first.

"Test me? I think you'd better use all your strength directly, otherwise you won't have a chance!"

Long Fei narrowed his eyes a little bit with contempt.

Sun Mingfei had already arrived in front of him, punching out quickly, the fist was fast, and it carried scorching flames and powerful celestial energy.

It looks really cool, but the reality is that until now he has not hit Long Fei with a single punch.

Long Fei's movement moved very slightly, there was almost no stagnation or disconnection in the interval, and he easily dodged all of Sun Mingfei's attacks.

"Damn it! Since I didn't hit him with a single punch! My speed is already very fast. Could this be the difference between an Earth Immortal and a True Immortal? This is too big!"

Sun Mingfei thought unwillingly.

Then he gave up continuing to attack and turned into retreating, and the figure disappeared in place in a flash, appearing a kilometer away from Long Fei.

Sun Mingfei rolled his eyes, and suddenly thought of something, so he said: "It's not fair, you have to suppress the first level of the earth immortal with the same cultivation base and strength as mine, otherwise I will fight against me with such a high cultivation base. I will admit you!"

"Hehe. Then as you wish."

Long Fei instantly suppressed his cultivation and strength to the level of an Earth Immortal.

"It's ready now." Long Fei stretched out his finger and pointed at Sun Mingfei and hooked his palm. The provocation was very strong.

There was a flash of fire in Sun Mingfei's eyes, and his whole body was engulfed by the energy of the flame-colored fairy energy.

"Chizhu Ghost Boom!"

The next moment, countless flame energy formed huge flame beads in the air and on the ground, shot out from the sky, and exploded on the ground.

Boom! !

Bang bang bang! ! !
In the next second, the move completely drowned Long Fei.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Sun Mingfei didn't relax his vigilance, instead he called out the weapon that he had fought with him for a long time.

Is a very big knife!

"Emperor Seven Star Knife!"

"Break of Fire Ling!"

In an instant, terrifying power condensed on his saber, and he fought directly towards Long Fei!

The attack flew towards those who were engulfed in the flames of the explosion.


(End of this chapter)

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