Douluo: Awakening Chaos Qinglong Bloodline

Chapter 421. 421. Bloodlight Wood Absorption

Chapter 421. 421. Bloodlight Wood Absorption
The color of blood and light, the spirit of the dark mountain is the base, and the red wood is the body.

This represents both ominous and hopeful at the same time.

The appearance of blood and light wood can cast a strong body, strengthen the blood in the body, and strengthen the vigorous blood of the flesh!
The choice of body repairers is the best strategy!
Looking at the blood light wood in his hand, Long Fei showed a look of longing, and his eyes showed eagerness and excitement.

He took a sharp breath close to his nose, and he immediately felt the smell of bloody ancient mahogany. Although this piece of blood light wood is only as big as a palm, it has already existed a lot, brewed and nourished a lot, and the essence inside is huge. .

Long Fei wasn't polite anymore, he quickly practiced his kung fu, the blood light wood floated up, and he sat cross-legged, his hands naturally formed a circular gesture on his abdomen.


Also at this moment, a cyan light emerged from his body.

This cyan light spread throughout the room, forming a powerful magnetic barrier.

The blood-glow wood floating in front of him exudes a strong blood-light light, which is very bright. If a person keeps looking at it intently like this, he will soon be fascinated by the abnormal energy of the blood-glow wood.

From another perspective, this piece of blood light wood also has the temptation to make people addicted.

From the light of the Blood Light Wood, strands of energy gas that looked like fairy energy was drawn by the power of Long Fei's body, and entered his body just like that.

This state continued until Long Fei completely absorbed all the blood light power in the blood light wood.

In this way, Long Fei continued to absorb the spirit of the dark mountain on the blood light wood.

After all, the color of blood and light on it is the energy that has been contaminated by countless Nether Mountain Qi after many years.

So now this kind of qi can be called the qi of blood and light or the qi of the dark mountain.

While Long Fei was absorbing the Blood Light Wood, on the other side.

It was also the place where he and Sun Mingfei fought just now.

At this moment, following the discovery of those people, they quickly informed the domain master and others in the Luohe domain to come.

Xia Taiyang brought Li Xu to come, and Luo Lian was arranged to sit in the palace.

At this moment, together with those people before, there are now six people in this place.

The other four people are all talkers of some forces.

"Lord, this thief dares to set up a battle formation in the area where you clearly forbid fighting, and even destroys it like this. This is undoubtedly challenging your majesty!"

"That's right, Territory Lord, such an arrogant thief should be quickly found out and executed in public, to show that your dignity cannot be offended!"

Such a rare opportunity to get close to this powerful domain lord, how could the four talkers let go of this great opportunity to flatter them?

So from just now to now, these four people have been talking to each other, and their voices have become louder and louder. I am afraid that Xia Taiyang will not be able to pay attention to one of them.
Xia Taiyang and Li Xu just listened quietly to the four people's words without saying anything, their ears were listening, but their eyes were looking at the big depression left by the battle ahead, and the uneven Align the wide marks.

The more they looked at each other like this, the colder their eyes became.

Xia Taiyang said coldly: "Being able to set up a formation on the old man's site without me noticing at all, this person is very powerful in terms of strength, and it may not be one or two people, but a group of people."

Although the four of them were a bit long-winded, they were right in saying one thing. This is within the scope of the Luohe domain, but some people did this, which undoubtedly challenged his bottom line and authority. This is something that no one can bear.

However, others arranged a formation to prevent him from finding out. From another perspective, the other party did not want to provoke him, so this was not a challenge to his majesty.

However, he only looked at the reality in front of him. The reality was that these people fought in the jurisdiction of the rules set by him and destroyed the place like this. They were challenging him!
After hearing this, Li Xu expressed his own opinions and remarks: "These people came prepared, and the means of leaving must be the strangest. If we want to find the domain owner, it will not be easy, at least in a short period of time." impossible."

After hearing this, Xia Taiyang responded to his opinions and remarks, and he slowly raised his hand, although his tone was still a little cold, but he said softly: "This is not urgent, let's find someone to repair this place first, these people come without a shadow Those who go without a trace will definitely not appear for the first time, and there will definitely be a second time."

After finishing speaking, Xia Taiyang looked at the four speakers.

When Xia Taiyang and Xia Taiyang talked, the four speakers obediently watched and listened with their mouths closed, and did not dare to intervene.

It wasn't until Xia Taiyang looked at them that he opened his mouth and said, "I don't know what the domain master has ordered? We will definitely do our best!"

Xia Taiyang said: "Notify the people in charge of the nearby forces and ask them to send people to covertly investigate the recent and existing suspicious people on a large scale. Anyone who is suspicious will be arrested, and so will you."

"Yes, we must complete the task!"

The four quickly cupped their hands and said respectfully.

"Go down."

Xia Taiyang waved the four of them away.

Before leaving, the four looked at the destroyed place in front of them and left.

After the four of them left, Xia Taiyang fell into it himself, looking for every bit of it, to see if there were any clues that might exist.

"This is obviously the mark left by the knife." Xia Taiyang frowned.

Soon he found an aura, a somewhat familiar aura, but he wasn't sure about it, so he didn't think too much about it in the end.

After confirming that there is nothing else, he turned around and told Li Xu: "You send someone here to deal with this place, and the speed will be restored."

Continued: "After finishing, go and call the guards and other forces in the Luohe area to observe secretly together."

"It's the domain owner!"

Li Xu nodded.

Then Xia Taiyang flew away from here.

"This breath can't be him, right? It shouldn't be"

On the way back, Xia Taiyang guessed in his heart, but the time between them was too short to be so smooth. Could it be that it was arranged in advance?

Finally sighed: "If it's really him, then I really can only turn a blind eye."

With the rapid passage of time, Long Fei in the room in the central palace had already absorbed a lot of blood light wood's energy.

During this period, Xia Taiyang came outside Long Fei once to confirm his guess, and seeing the red and cyan light emitting from inside, he didn't push the door to go in, because he knew that Long Fei was entering deep cultivation.

This is also a good thing. It is a good help to go to the ancient ruins the day after tomorrow. The stronger he is, the better!

And as an eighth-level Xuanxian, he can feel that there is a very powerful force in the room that has always existed, and this mysterious energy is the formation barrier.

He just came to check on it secretly, and he didn't want to startle the snake.

Then left.


(End of this chapter)

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