Douluo: Awakening Chaos Qinglong Bloodline

Chapter 423 423. A Different Way

Chapter 423 423. A Different Way

The game has officially started.

Long Fei took out the volume of alchemy documents extracted from the system, and then took out the eight materials that only had one set.

That's right, there is only one pair, and he only needs to buy one pair, and it will be successful once!
Now he has a [-]% success rate!
The eight materials floated in the air, and the familiar heaven and earth pill appeared on his body.

The Qi of Heaven and Earth Pill turned into the Fire of Heaven and Earth Pill, which appeared under the eight materials.

Chang Luo, the president who has been paying attention to Long Fei's side, and the rest of Chang Luo and others were shocked. They were shocked because of the eight materials Long Fei took out!

"What are these medicinal materials? Why haven't we seen them?"

"And judging from a series of factors such as the color and smell of these eight materials, they are all top-notch!"

"Could it be that he brought it from the lower realm?"

These people discussed in shock.

The president Chang Luo gasped, his eyes widened, he was extremely shocked, and sighed: "The medicinal power of these eight ingredients is terrible, and the age is also very long. It's hard to say what the ingredients are, but this Even if the eight materials do not need to be refined into pills, each of them can bring unimaginable huge improvements to the human body!"

"How could he have such incredible materials?" an elder asked.

"Could it be from the Azure Dragon Sect?" The elders frowned after hearing this, recalling that Long Fei's identity was a disciple of the Azure Dragon Sect. Everything is possible in this top sect, and what they haven't seen may not be possible. No, but even if there is it must be very expensive.

If this is the case, it is very difficult for ordinary people to get one of them in the Azure Dragon School, let alone eight of them come out at once, it is even more difficult than ascending to the sky!
The president Chang Luo stroked his long beard, and an old voice sounded slowly from his mouth: "No matter where he got the eight materials, we just need to read on, but I'm very impressed with his fairy-level foundation-building Danyue. I'm getting more and more interested and curious."

Unexpectedly, the president said so, these people naturally didn't make any other voices, but chose to watch quietly, almost all of these people's eyes were locked on Long Fei.

If he really refines it, maybe No.1 will really be him.

Don't let us down!

At this moment, Long Fei seemed to be the absolute protagonist of the set, unshakable.

And Sun Mingfei, who was in charge of the work indoors, also arrived at the venue, and looked at Long Fei, a cheap master, in front of a door.

At this moment, Long Fei has already started a series of operations. The steps are not in the order of traditional alchemists, but the techniques are extremely skillful.

This is outrageously the kind of kung fu that can only be used by very advanced alchemists.

Looking at Long Fei's strange yet powerful refining method, Sun Mingfei couldn't help but fell into obsession.

"This is Master's alchemy technique? If I can learn it, I might be able to become a powerful alchemist. No! I can definitely do it!"

"However, the simultaneous refining of flames and souls is definitely not something that ordinary people can try and control. If there is a slight mistake, the consequences will be severe damage to the soul."

Sun Mingfei sighed from the bottom of his heart: "Not only do you need excellent skills in this area, but you also need great courage far beyond ordinary people. The master I worship this time may really bring me a different and powerful direction."

He squeezed his fists, after absorbing and refining the Shuanglong Liulizhi yesterday, even if he has not absorbed all of it, he has only absorbed half of it and has been promoted from a first-level earth immortal to a second-level earth immortal s level!

That's right, he is now a genuine second-level earth immortal powerhouse!

But here, the second-level earth immortal cannot be measured by the word strong, but can only be briefly described by ordinary people, because earth immortals are too common, and earth immortals can't make any waves here.

After all, those people above are either high-level true immortals or mysterious immortals, which is very different from him now.

In front of these people, I have no ability to resist.

While looking at what was in front of him, he was thinking in his mind.

At this moment, Long Fei has also entered the middle and late stage.

At this moment, the temperature of the world's elixir is even more intense than before. With the help of Long Fei's even more terrifying soul consciousness, the 10-year-old materials of the eight immortal products in front of him all turned into liquid at the same time.

These liquids are not round, but flat.

Like a liquid blade, it is smooth and beautiful.

The surface of the liquid presents the essential energy color originally belonging to these materials.

Very bright.

Each of the eight liquids emits light of eight different colors.

Under the control of Long Fei's powerful soul consciousness, these scattered liquid blades gradually gathered towards the center of the flame, and naturally presented a vertical straight line, and the liquid blades were neatly arranged one by one. orderly.

And there is an energy that acts as a mutual attraction between them.

This scene is very similar to the fact that the eight parallel planes could not communicate with each other under this force, but now a path leading to the blade plane between them is forcibly opened.

We call this path the Plane Channel!

Once the plane channel was opened, the seven pieces of liquid were forcibly fused together by Long Fei's powerful soul consciousness.

This process is not instantaneous. After all, these liquids are where all the essence of the fairy-level 10-year-old essence is concentrated. The power of a single drop of medicine in it is unimaginably huge. Can't help the medicinal energy inside the body oozes blood, and then explodes and dies!

But if all the eight materials are fused into one pill, the effect will not be so cruel. After all, all of the eight ingredients have mutual restraint and neutralization effect reactions, similar to chemical reactions, obviously will The effect is often the best when they are blended together.

Similar to traditional Chinese medicine materials.

The golden energy world pill fire turned into wisps of mist floating in the blade that was about to be completed.

Eight in one, become the most perfect part.

Under the check and balance of the two energies, the outline of the Taiji pattern was formed in the heaven and earth elixir, and then the blade liquid was instantly transformed into a round elixir at a speed visible to the naked eye. This is what must be experienced before becoming an alchemy. an important step.

Under the balance and coordination of Taiji-like forces, the circular energy also slowly turns into a real pill in the high temperature of the heaven and earth pill fire!

"We really feel ashamed of ourselves for such an alchemy technique!"

Those people above have been paying attention to Long Fei until now, and they couldn't help sighing.

The president Chang Luo closed his eyes, then opened them slowly, took a deep breath and looked at the front and said: "Go and prepare a third-rank alchemist badge, I have a hunch that he will not fail, and he will be another one soon." A history is born in our eyes!"

The people behind were stunned when they heard this, and then hurriedly went to deal with it.


(End of this chapter)

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