Douluo: Awakening Chaos Qinglong Bloodline

Chapter 435 435. This day is coming

Chapter 435 435. This day has come

Long Fei: "System, do I still have a lottery draw today?"

System: "Yes! Do you want to start it?"

Long Fei nodded: "Yes, by the way, help me activate the daily automatic reminder service, otherwise I'm afraid I'll forget it."

System: "No problem, the system will automatically deduct [-] fairy coins every day as the reminder service fee, and the host can close it by itself."


Long Fei is not short of money: "Okay."

"The deduction of 1000 million fairy coins is completed. The random lottery starts—"

Listening to the voice from the system in his mind, and looking at the flashing picture in front of him, Long Fei suddenly looked forward to it.

I don't know what to draw this time.
"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a random dragon vein from the planes of the heavens and myriad worlds. It has been placed in the system warehouse, please check it yourself!"

As the system's voice came out first, a scene that finally stopped appeared in front of Long Fei's eyes.

It is a picture of a thick mountain range exuding golden light.

"This is the dragon vein?"

Long Fei muttered, and then said: "Can you take it out now?"

"No, the dragon vein is very big, we need to find a big place, otherwise the whole Luohe City will be swallowed up by this dragon vein!"

Following Long Fei's idea, a warning reminder appeared in the system.

"That's it"

"Then can I put it in the dragon kingdom in my palm?" Long Fei asked curiously.

The system said: "Yes!"

it is good!
The next moment, Long Fei's consciousness entered the Dragon Kingdom in his palm.

At this moment, the palm of the dragon's country is also a blue chaos, but there are very rare people here, these people are the patriarchs of the eight ancient clans who followed Long Fei, and Zhu Kun and others, they got Long Fei's promise , All of them became emperors in this country.

The divine sense has been recognized in this chaotic way of heaven, so it can live and practice here for a long time.

Now that these people are practicing, Long Fei sees that they are in a closed state, so he doesn't bother them. Afterwards, these people will be called out to make a difference, and the level is very important.

Long Fei swept over these people. Their cultivation bases were all around the seventh or eighth level Earth Immortal, and there was still a lot of difference with him.

Then he looked away, found a place and called the system: "System, put that dragon fly in that position!"

According to Long Fei's thoughts, some synchronized movements appeared in that area soon.


The moment his voice fell, the system entered into operation directly, a golden light appeared from the endless chaotic sky, and then a huge, ancient and intimidating Longwei appeared.

The golden light is blooming, the golden light is bright, like the boundless chaos of the Great Dao!

At the moment this huge dragon vein appeared, countless dragon shadows appeared on it.

This dragon vein is really big! ! !

"It's so big, how big is it?"

This is even bigger than Luohe City!
Long Fei's eyes widened, this time he spent 1000 million fairy coins to draw the dragon veins and made money!

One must know that it would take a very long time for his chaotic world to automatically generate such a surging and magnificent dragon vein full of endless power.

But now this is totally saved.

However, the moment this dragon vein landed at that position, the endless fog of chaos directly submerged it, and when it reappeared the next moment, the color of this dragon vein was directly assimilated by cyan!
At the same time, Long Fei seemed to get a huge feedback!
The cultivation base has skyrocketed!
Ninth-level peak true immortal!

"Upgraded! The system is fast! Otherwise, I will break through Xuanxian!" Long Fei's expression changed immediately, and he said hurriedly.

Because he feels that there are still a lot of experience points pouring into his body crazily, if he doesn't activate the suppression now, he will immediately become a Xuanxian!
After receiving the order, the system directly and automatically deducted the fairy coins and suppressed Long Fei's cultivation, making him a card-level ninth-level peak true immortal. As soon as he finished those places at that time, he would directly contact the breakthrough Xuanxian!

Unexpectedly, this day came so quickly!

The suppression fee has been deducted today, and the system will continue to deduct money from tomorrow until the end of the day. Now there are two services that automatically deduct fees.

Long Fei looked at the dragon vein that was assimilated by the chaos in front of him. Now this dragon vein has become a product of this chaotic world. Get a very terrible sublimation in raising!

At that time, the feedback Long Fei will get will be terrible!
Now he can feel that a lot of energy will feed back into his body every minute. I really look forward to how many levels he can improve after lifting the suppression!

After enjoying all the formal services soon, Long Fei fell asleep in the room here.

The passage of time does not care about affection, and the world of immortal cultivators flies by so quickly.

And the day to go to Cigu Ridge to enter the ancient ruins is today.

Long Fei woke up early in the morning, and came to the central palace in a flash. Relying on his familiarity with Xia Taiyang Qi, he found his place in an instant.

Now he has come to Xia Taiyang.

"Domain Master, I shouldn't have come here?"

The moment he appeared, the four young men and women beside him were stunned for a moment and looked at him.

Is this the fifth member mentioned by the domain owner?

That's right, the four of them are the four of the five-member group that entered the ancient ruins this time.

Two men and two women.

All four of them felt very strong energy and vigor from Long Fei.

The four of them gave Long Fei a comment: Very strong!Very strong!They have been completely suppressed!

They were extremely shocked, you must know that they are the four strongest members of the younger generation in Luohe region.

And this person is even more terrifying than them!
Who is it?

It's unbelievable!
"Hehe, it's not too late." Territory Master Xia Taiyang shook his head with a smile: "It's just right to come."

"It's just a matter of stepping on the spot." Long Fei said with a smile.

Xia Taiyang smiled, looked at the other four people, and said to Long Fei: "These four people entered the ancient ruins with you this time."

"This is Long Fei. He will be your captain this time. You must follow his command for this operation!" Xia Taiyang said, showing a serious face to the other four.

"Why is the domain owner?!"

Some people are dissatisfied, why does an outsider just come to be the captain?
And the four of them have been training for a long time.

Already have the captain's choice.

"Hehe, don't you agree? I have my reasons for making such an arrangement. You just need to accept the order. Could it be that the domain master will harm you?" The domain master Xia Taiyang said with a slight change of expression.

And the man wanted to say something, but his teammates stopped him and shook his head, expressing that he should stop talking.

The four of them stared at Long Fei solemnly. Long Fei had been smiling all over his face from the beginning to now, giving people a difficult feeling.

And Long Fei has returned to its original appearance.


(End of this chapter)

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