Chapter 445

After many rounds, killing and reorganizing, killing and reorganizing, no matter how they can't be killed.

In the end, their eyes were all on the treasure chest, and they went around directly after the stone monsters were broken.

And at this moment, an afterimage appeared in the sky. It was a man rushing directly towards the treasure chest on the high platform above!

He showed a successful face.

"Not good! He wants to snatch the treasure chest, stop him!" Someone shouted.

Everyone found out in time.

However, they were still fighting and there was no time to make a move, but Long Fei was not in a hurry when he saw this scene. Instead, he looked at the meaningful smile on the high platform in front of him, as if he had discovered something that others could not. thing.

When the person in mid-air rushed into the treasure chest at an arm's length away, he was suddenly bounced back by a hard and invisible object.


The man was caught off guard by this blow, and his whole body was in pain from the impact. After the flying back body smashed through several stone monsters, he stabilized himself, clutching the painful parts of his body, showing embarrassment.

"what happened?!"

Including himself, the eight people except Long Fei looked at this person with puzzled expressions, and then turned their eyes back to the high platform.

Everyone could see clearly that just when this little thief was about to succeed, he was knocked away by an invisible energy wall.

In other words, there is a layer of walls that they cannot see above, which protects the things inside.

"Damn it, the invisible wall hurt me to death," the man gritted his teeth and cursed angrily.

"Hmph, you deserve it, who told you to steal!"

A woman proudly said: "This is your fate!"

"Shut up! Smelly woman!" Displeased with being told, the man directly scolded back.

The woman scolded back: "You! What are you talking about! I'll tear your mouth apart!"

Immediately there was infighting.

"Okay, don't make noise, the most important thing for us now is to destroy these stone monsters in front of us, not to fight among ourselves here!"

It was a man with long hair who spoke.

His gaze was always on the stone monsters in front of him.

"It's easy to say, but these stone monsters will be resurrected no matter how they are fought, and they are still getting more and more fierce, and the number is increasing. How do we fight?"

"I think these stone monsters are used to consume us. Our correct goal should be to work together to break through the invisible wall in front of us!"

"It is closed everywhere, there are no other crossings and exits, it is like an end point for us."

The rest expressed their views one after another.

All of a sudden, the voices of these people talking while beheading the stone monster sounded.

"No matter what, let's try again." The long-haired man frowned and said lightly.

"Hey! That person over there, you haven't made a move since the very beginning, what are you doing there?! Watch our performance!" A man was upset when he saw Long Fei, and shouted.

The rest of the people also immediately noticed Long Fei.

They were so focused on hunting these stone monsters just now that they almost forgot the existence of this person.

I have to say, Long Fei's presence is really low.
"It's useless."

With a calm face, Long Fei said lightly: "If you keep fighting like this, you will never be able to kill the opponent, and the number will only increase."

"Then what do you say?! Standing there waiting to die?!"

The man said angrily.

"We're going to use a method."

Long Fei ignored the idiot's anger, but calmly said: "The essence of stone monsters is made of soil and gravel, and using the energy of the attributes of mutual restraint may be the right key to break them. For example, submerging them with water may be deliberate. Unexpected effect."

"The attributes are incompatible!"

After what Long Fei said, they were awakened immediately.

I just fought too seriously and didn't think of these methods.

The long-haired man looked at Long Fei, and seemed to be thinking about something.

"Is there anyone here who has water-type fairy power? Or can use water-related fairy-level or something?"

The man immediately asked.

Anyway, he is a fire attribute.

Water and fire are incompatible, as long as it is fire, there is no way for them to have water. They don't want to blow themselves up and die.

Everyone looked at each other.

The long-haired man said: "I don't think anyone has water attributes. I was watching the battle just now. Most of them are fire attributes or wind attributes."

"Only you didn't make a move, so what about you?" The long-haired man looked at Long Fei.

Everyone's eyes also looked at him.

At this moment, the scattered stone monsters gathered together again, and the evil spirit on them was huge.

Long Fei raised his hand and said to the stone monster in front of him, "You guys are lucky to have met me."

"Broad seas and sky!"

With a wave of his hand, a terrifying water energy appeared on his body, and a huge and magnificent water energy attack appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Everyone was shocked when they felt the aura emanating from Long Fei's body.

What a strong force!
The long-haired man's pupils widened, and he couldn't believe it: This power has surpassed me!

The turbulent force of the sea submerged all the stone monsters, and after a brief struggle under the impact of this terrifying water energy, the stone monsters were all dissolved into gravel and soil.

The next moment, a burst of cold air appeared, and the water directly froze on the soil and gravel, turning into ice sculptures.

"Dual water and ice?!"

Everyone was startled, but quickly calmed down. After all, having dual attributes or even multiple attributes is not uncommon in the world of Ascension.

But attributes like ice are extremely rare, and most people will never awaken them.

Could it be that it was made by some kind of genius treasure the day after tomorrow?
Even though there are some immortal spirit roots on the market, the price is super expensive, and they are also very rare.

everything is over.

The scene ahead is one piece of frozen gravel, one after another.

The cold and humidity are still lingering here.

Everyone didn't move immediately, but they took a look at the situation and finally confirmed that these would not be resurrected before they breathed a sigh of relief.

The long-haired man said: "You have solved the problem here, and you have the priority to choose five treasure chests."

Everyone's eyes turned to the front, and everyone wanted to take it as their own. Of course, some people were rational and couldn't be too greedy, otherwise the gain would outweigh the loss.

"Five treasure chests, ten people, it is impossible to divide." Long Fei said lightly: "The winner here will be decided after all."

After hearing Long Fei's words, everyone looked at each other, worried that such a thing would happen.

"If this is the case, then there are only the last five people left!"

Someone has already moved to kill.

It was wide here, and everyone dispersed immediately.

No one trusts anyone here.

"Hmph! Do you really want to fight?! Then come!"

"This is a battle of life and death?!"

Everyone refused to accept anyone and sneered.

"Hey, people's hearts are unpredictable." Long Fei sighed, and a faint voice sounded.

"Sorry, I want everything here, the nine of you will deal with me together."

Long Fei looked at everyone indifferently.

"You have a big appetite, so you're not afraid of being overwhelmed!" The long-haired man said coldly with a cold glint in his eyes.


"court death!"

"I don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth!!"

The rest of the people felt humiliated by Long Fei's words, and immediately became angry.


(End of this chapter)

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