Douluo: Awakening Chaos Qinglong Bloodline

Chapter 454 454. The Helpless Animal

Chapter 454 454. The Helpless Animal

"Ding dong, host, it's useless for you to draw another random lottery today. Do you want to deduct the money directly?"

Just as Long Fei was about to leave, Miss System's voice rang in his mind.

Long Fei was taken aback: "Didn't I smoke today?"

"The passage of time in this dimensional world is a bit different. A day has passed in the outside world, and now it is a new day." The system replied.

Long Fei suddenly realized, no wonder he was like this: "I didn't expect that there is such a layer of time in this inner and outer world, okay, let's deduct money and draw a lottery according to the old rules."

"The money has been deducted successfully, and the random lottery draw has officially started—"

While Long Fei was waiting for the result of the lottery in front of him, those mysterious people in black robes outside and some other people with mysterious identities had already started to control Yanjian Chihongying's movements with their fairy skills, but this thing was too huge And there are too many people eating, and the strength is increasing so fast, it won't last long.

And everyone tried to attack, but the skin of this thing was too hard, and even immortal skills couldn't break through.

"This animal's skin is too hard, and our immortal skills can't break through."

"No, we can't waste any more time with this beast, we have to find the entrance to the next place!"

"Okay, then let's leave here, the life and death of these people has nothing to do with us!"

The mysterious black-robed man also realized the horror of this beast, so he didn't plan to restrain it for a long time, but planned to run directly to the next place.

So did some of the rest who came with a definite purpose.

This new continent is huge, but luckily the four of Feng Tian also came here, and the four of them met by chance, but they did not appear in the area of ​​Yanjian Chihongying.

"There's a big movement coming from afar. It seems that there's a big battle happening. I don't know what's going on with Long Fei."

"If the guess is correct, he will still come to this place. Let's find a way to find him and meet up."

"This place is extremely dangerous. Let's try not to expose it too much and keep a low profile until we find Long Fei."

"it is good!"

Feng Tian and the others reached a consensus. After all, everyone cherishes their lives. Although their strength is at the peak of the seventh-level true immortal realm, they are nothing at all here. This cultivation level will also be easily killed. .

The purpose of their coming here is to practice and find Styx flowers, and to get some resources and treasures for cultivation by the way.

Along the way, some resources were obtained without any risk.

They also know the danger, and they will not rashly covet things beyond their abilities.

It is enough to get it.

And when he came in, Xia Taiyang also specially told him to put his own life first, don't take too many risks, and preserve his strength.

They kept these words firmly in their hearts.

At this moment, Long Fei looked at the results of the lottery and showed a wise smile. He looked at Yanjian Chihongying who had escaped from the predicament in front of him and showed a mysterious smile.

"Congratulations to the boss for being lucky and winning the very rare Hunyuan Elf Ball!"

"The Hunyuan Elf Ball can subdue all creatures below Xuanxian, and there are ten creature positions within one ball, and it can be upgraded with the money paid, and the number of creature positions will also increase at that time , the level of being able to subdue creatures is also higher."

Listening to the introduction voice of the system, Long Fei was even more satisfied.

"Yes, it's really time to come." Long Fei extracted the Hunyuan Elf Ball from the system warehouse. It was very round and beautiful, especially the faint golden luster of Hunyuan on it was extraordinarily mysterious and noble.

I don't know if the copy mirror can be copied?
Long Fei tried it, but failed.
But this is also normal, after all, this thing is not a mortal thing.

Fortunately, it can be upgraded by spending money. As for the number of creatures, there is no need to worry, ten is enough for now!
Seeing that those people had all fled, many of them didn't intend to stay here any longer. They managed to escape a group of people after exhausting some quick escape techniques and some weird tricks.

As for the rest of the people, they became the food of this eagle's mouth because of the weirdness of some caring people.

Getting stronger and stronger, this thing seems to be breaking through Xuanxian.

Now even if someone had set up a formation before, it was directly crushed by the terrifying and overbearing power of this beast, and the few people who set up the formation also felt a lot of backlash and were injured.

Everyone ran away, Yanjian Chihongying went straight into the sky, and once again performed the baptism of heavenly flames to run through this area. This area has been destroyed in the war. Some of them also died in this disaster and became the food of this eagle.

At this moment, a special ray of light appeared on Yanjian Chihongying. It seemed to be upgrading, but it seemed to be restrained by some kind of force and could not break through.

It made it even more annoyed, and the terrifying sound of anger ran through the sky.

This piece of new continent seems to be the strongest here.

But the reality is that the cemetery continent in this dimensional space is the strongest existence. Although there are several existences as terrifying as it, they are still not its opponents.

So, after fighting for so long, I almost didn't see the rest of the immortal beasts, because they all hid in fear.

And just when everyone chose to stay away and quickly search for the next place, Yanjian Chihongying also felt the fear of these people, and suddenly felt that this group of people was not fun and too weak, so he stopped chasing and killing them.

What it wants to break through now is Xuanxian, and because it is restricted by the rules of this world, it is extremely difficult to enter Xuanxian.

"Damn God, Ben Ying must get rid of this damn bondage and step into the realm of Xuanxian!!"

Yanjian Chihongying raged, deafening, and the sound of anger spread throughout the New World.

Even this voice has a very terrifying power.

Those people and creatures, fairy beasts were frightened even more frightened.

"I didn't expect this beast to have this kind of restraint, but it's a pity that Xuanxian can't come in, and even if we join forces, we are not opponents of each other. Both attack and defense are invincible."

"It doesn't matter, I seem to have found the entrance to the next place. After entering there, it will be close to where we are going."

"The secret realm is only open for half a month, and it will be closed internally after half a month. We will also be sent out forcibly, so we need to speed up!"

The mysterious black-robed man said while expressing nectar.

Not only them, but those who also came with a purpose.

At this moment, Long Fei's figure appeared in the sky.

It was observed by some people who were running away and hiding, but they didn't publicize it. They were afraid that it would be more harm than good to be eaten by that terrifying beast.

Everyone wanted to see what this man was up to.

"Huh? Human?"

"There are still humans who are not afraid of me!?",

"Interesting! Such a thick blood, such a strong dragon's breath, if I swallow this person, maybe I can break through the damn rules and enter the Xuanxian!"

Yanjian Chihongying saw hope, and his angry pupils emitted two terrifying red beams towards Longfei.

Looking at the two beams of light in front of him, Long Fei didn't have a trace of fear, and murmured: "Although I can accept you directly, but I prefer to subdue the opponent first and then subdue you."

The stronger Yanjian Chihongying is, the more he likes it!

(End of this chapter)

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