Chapter 487. Chapter 487.

The face of the middle-aged old man was extremely shocked when he saw the picture inside the ring.

"There are so many, and they are all rare treasures! It seems that this is a great opportunity!"

Shocked, he spoke, and quickly retreated from the ring.

Looking at Long Fei with a wonderful face: "How do you have so many treasures?"

"I found it, I accumulated it through experience." Long Fei replied simply. Naturally, it was impossible to tell the details. Wouldn't this be a confession?He's not that stupid.

The middle-aged old man frowned and pondered for a moment. It would be a lie if he said that the things inside could not touch people's hearts. Even if he saw so many treasures again, his heart would be extremely moved.

Then he slowly opened his mouth and said: "You are now at the best age of cultivation stage, are you really sure that you want to sell these resources to the sect, and don't use them yourself? You have to know that these resources are more than enough for you to cultivate even to the Golden Immortal! "

"No, even if I decide to sell it, it won't change." Long Fei shook his head.

"As long as you don't regret the decision you made today."

Seeing Long Fei like this, the middle-aged old man stopped trying to persuade him, if you don't want it, then I will definitely.

Middle-aged man: "How much do you want to sell?"

"Five hundred fairy coins." Long Fei said directly.

In fact, he was also a little apprehensive at this price, wondering if it would work.

But it shouldn't be a big problem.

After hearing this number, the middle-aged man did not speak directly.

On the contrary, the man on the side was shocked when he heard it.

500 billion fairy coins, my dear, how dare you say it!

After thinking about it, 500 billion fairy coins, how much should this be!
The man can't imagine that he has never had so much money in his life, and his ability to understand and imagine is limited.

Curiosity and desire like a frog in a well.

500 billion fairy coins are enough to buy a lot of awesome training resources!
"Okay, then 500 billion fairy coins!"

But in the next second, the middle-aged old man who had been silent for a moment spoke out.

He even agreed!
And no bargaining!
The man was extremely astonished, his face was capitalized, but he didn't make a sound because he didn't dare.

"This is what you want."

The middle-aged old man waved his hand, and a ring exuding the sound of dragon chant and blue light slowly came to Long Fei's hand from mid-air.

Long Fei was also excited, he didn't expect this huge transaction to be easier and smoother than he imagined.

Check it immediately, the space in the ring is not too big or small, just filled with all the fairy coins, too big, too many, I can't count them, there are definitely 500 billion fairy coins here, after all, here is Qinglongzong and they are not short of this little money.

After all, money is useless in front of cultivation resources.

Long Fei immediately took the money.

"This transaction is over, I have nothing else to do, so I will leave first!" Long Fei said hurriedly, then turned around and planned to leave.

"Wait!" The middle-aged old man stopped Long Fei.

Long Fei stopped and looked over: "Does the pavilion master have any orders?"

"In the future, if you still have such resources, you can come to me directly. Remember that Qinglongzong will become your first merchant, and we can eat as much as you have. Qinglongzong is not short of money."

As the middle-aged old man said, a brown token emitting blue light slowly floated down into Long Fei's hand.

Long Fei's heart is hot, this first long-term seller finally has!

"It's the pavilion master!" After putting it away, Long Fei nodded.

"You all go out." The middle-aged old man said lightly.

With a wave of his hand, a force rushed towards the bodies of the two, and Long Fei and the two were sent out of the room in the next second.

"Maybe he will add a different color to my Azure Dragon School."

After the two disappeared, the middle-aged old man murmured to himself, then got up and disappeared into the room. He wanted to go to the suzerain to record these resources.

After going out, Long Fei said goodbye to the man, but before leaving, they added a listening number to each other, so that in the future, if the man has the resources he wants, he will also find him.

After all, he can bargain here, and the resources sold in Qinglongzong are all fixed prices.

After finishing all this, Long Fei directly returned to his cave and continued to practice in closed doors.

He doesn't have a game tomorrow, because he has already been scheduled for two consecutive days, and he won't have a game until the day after tomorrow.

But the turmoil in the competition within the Azure Dragon School is still going on.

After practicing, Long Fei took out those precious resources and began to use them.

The effect is really good, his experience value is constantly improving online.

Although now he still needs to fill a lot of experience points, but the problem is not big, it's just a matter of time.

"Boss, you still haven't drawn a lottery today." The system said.

"Can you enable me to automatically deduct money for the lottery draw every day? Otherwise, I will miss a lot of lottery chances by retreating."

Long Fei frowned and asked.

Yujie's system sounded: "Yes, the daily automatic deduction of money for the lucky draw service requires a daily payment of 100 million fairy coins."

"I'm really not short of money now, you can deduct it and turn on this function." Long Fei didn't care, even if the system cheated him of money, he wouldn't change anything, after all, he really has money now. Money, people will float when they have money, and now he has this feeling.

Then sighed: "It's really comfortable to have money."

"The lottery is successful—congratulations to the boss for getting the skill from Dragon Ball Kameisen: Kamehae Qigong Wave!"

After hearing the report from Yujie's system, Long Fei's eyes brightened: "It turned out to be this skill. It's very good. Immediately enlighten me to learn it!"

"Ding ding—in progress—"

In the next second, a strange memory appeared in Long Fei's mind.

Soon, the enlightenment was over, and now he has completely mastered the use of Kamehae Qigong Bo.

"Very good, you can experiment with it in the next competition." A wicked smile appeared on the corner of Long Fei's mouth.

Who will be the lucky one in this experiment next time?

really looking forward to--

Immediately afterwards, he closed his eyes again to practice.

In this way, time passed bit by bit.

Soon it will be the day after tomorrow.

Long Fei still left the cave in the same way as before.

Now his cultivation base has increased a lot.

Soon he will be able to break through to the mid-level Xuanxian of the eighth level.

I have to say, I don't know if the experience points are aimed at him, it's really a lot.

If it was those realms before, it is very likely that they have been raised by several small levels now.

Along the way, Long Fei took out the Inner Sect Disciple Token in his hand to take a look.

The number above is twenty.

In other words, it represents the NO.20 arena venue.

"I didn't expect such a large number this time." Muttering, he left quickly in the next second.

Soon he appeared in the NO.20 ring.

A fierce confrontation is going on in the arena at the moment.

Under the arena, there were also many disciples from the inner sect watching and calling.

Many of these people were eliminated, and of course it was not ruled out that some of the selected ones came to join in the fun.

If that's the case, this person's heart is really big, so don't hurry up to practice and improve your cultivation base strength.


(End of this chapter)

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