Douluo: Awakening Chaos Qinglong Bloodline

Chapter 499 499. Luotian Sword Intent

Chapter 499 499. Luotian Sword Intent
"What an arrogant word!"

The audience was shocked by Long Fei's words and became a sensation.

"This guy is really interesting." Qing Xianheng laughed.

But at this moment, the lord Ji Xianming pursed his lips and said, "Very good, I will fulfill you!"

Driven by him, an awe-inspiring sword light rushed out of his body.

Patterns appeared on his body, and a long sword with the power of a weak golden fairy turned into a sword body several feet high. The terrifying and domineering supreme sword intent seemed to be able to cut through the ages from this moment!
On the way the sword fell, Tianhe appeared.

This Tianhe is a picture formed by the cut-off sky film.

"This sword is very strong!"

The elder No. [-] Sword Immortal sitting on the high platform was shocked, and slowly spit out these words from his mouth.

But this son is still much worse than him.

His number one is not so easy to surpass.

"This sword is called Luotian, under this sword, the sky will collapse!"

"Accept it, Junior Brother Long!"

The imposing manner on the sword became extraordinarily terrifying.

Everything around was shaking, and so was the surrounding mountains. If it weren't for the blessing of the formation, this place might have been destroyed like this.

"He's so terrifying!" Ji Juechen and Xiao Ruoyu, both sword idiots, gasped after seeing the sword unleashed by Ji Xianming, their bodies trembling in fear.

Ji Xianming's sword had completely surpassed them, their swords were trembling.

This is an absolutely powerful suppression of sword intent!
People who practice swords are very clearly aware of it!

"Very good, even so, I did my best! Take the move!"

Long Fei moved his right leg back and took a deep breath.

After the right hand is finished, pull it.

Immediately, terrifying power erupted from him again, and all those god emperor rings came out one after another.

Rapid condensation on his right hand.

Just the momentum alone has shattered the space around the fist.

"This punch is not easy, strengthen the formation quickly, or I'm afraid something will happen!" Qing Xianheng frowned and said.

I have to say that these two are really monsters!
It is really a great blessing for Qinglongzong to have these two people!
"Yes!" The rest of the elders also found that these powers were terrifying, and they immediately executed them. This required them to arrange it themselves.

This punch of Long Fei is full of destruction, domineering, and Longwei.
Sensing that the aura on Long Fei's body had completely surpassed his own, Ji Xianming was not calm anymore.

"How come... this guy is not really a monster, is he?" Ji Xianming was a little suspicious all of a sudden.

He could feel that the energy in Long Fei's body had reached the level of a Golden Immortal, but his cultivation was still within the range of an eighth-level Profound Immortal.

His eyes were fixed.

So he added strength to Luotian.

At this moment, Long Fei had already condensed, and just punched him out.

Dragon chant Today, a huge golden and cyan dragon chant burst out from the sky in an instant, and the void shattered wherever it passed.


The entire Azure Dragon School was incomparably shaken.

"It's scary!" At the same time, everyone had this thought.

The most obvious one was Ji Xianming who fought Long Fei so closely!
His complexion changed completely, he gritted his teeth and left here immediately: "This damn monster!"

next moment!
Boom! ! ! !
Although it is said that his Luotian sword intent is very strong, under the terrifying fist of Long Fei, his terror and strength are just overwhelmed and belittled.

In just one round, Luotian Sword Intent was annihilated directly under the fist and turned into nothingness.

""burst! ! ""

Long Fei shouted loudly, he was afraid that this fist would directly penetrate the formation.

Now he is in the form of a Super Saiyan after all, and the strength of his whole body has been increased by fifty times. In addition to his original blood power and other multipliers, his total strength multiplier has been increased by at least a hundred times!
His strength was incomparably heaven-defying. Although this formation was arranged by the golden immortals of Qinglongzong, he was still worried that the entire Yuding Basin and the disciples here would be wiped out when it rebounded.

At that time, this place will become a land of destruction, and he will also become a sinner of the Azure Dragon School.

Following Long Fei's order.

Suddenly, the huge fist exploded instantly!

There was a loud bang, as shocking as a planet exploding.

The powerful impact splashed everywhere, and the formation was constantly vibrating.

The elders of Jinxian began to increase their strength one after another.

They were also shocked. With the support of their Golden Immortal-level characters, there was a feeling that the formation couldn't stand it? ? ?
At this moment, Long Fei also burst out his power to form a protective shield around him, protecting the rest of the people, and the rest of them also started to save themselves.

"Quick, open a gap in the formation in the sky!" Long Fei shouted!
"According to what he said!" Qing Xianheng said.

The rest of the elders supported it, and then started the operation.

There was a gap in the formation in the sky.

"Is it enough?!" an elder shouted.

"Enough!" Long Fei shouted, and then flew into the sky, and under the diffusion of his power, he took the whole person and the explosion diffusion area out of the formation.

In such an instant, he broke through the atmosphere and came to the universe of the astral world, threw the explosion out, and then quickly returned to the astral world.

Then, in the astral world, you can clearly see the huge explosion light group outside.

Because of the reason of the universe, no sound came in.

And Long Fei also returned to the astral realm, and now he can't survive in the universe, unless he has the ability to survive in the universe, otherwise no matter how powerful he is, he still has to rely on those spaceships to move in the universe.

After doing all this, he returned to the ring.

Looking at Ji Xianming at the side, he said, "What, do you still want to fight? You'd better think clearly, don't wait for me to knock you out with too much force."

Ji Xianming was taken aback, and had to say that this happened too suddenly.

"Knitting wool, this trick will determine the outcome, it has nothing to do with you."

"The referee admits defeat."

Then he looked back at Long Fei, and continued: "You guy really didn't disappoint me. If you hadn't appeared, I would still be No.1 after today's game. I've been in No.1 for too long and it's boring. Showing up gave me even more motivation."

After speaking, he jumped out of the ring directly.


"Did I hear it wrong?!"

"Ji Xianming, the number one in the inner sect, actually surrendered on his own initiative!!"

"My mother! This guy is really perverted!"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Can you continue the attack that the pervert just made???"

"In a sense, this guy has far surpassed Ji Xianming."

"But don't think that Ji Xianming has become weaker. It's just that his opponent is too strong. If you go up to fight against him, you will definitely be defeated by his sword intent!"

Everyone was shocked and began to discuss continuously.

Everyone was afraid when they recalled Ji Xianming's sword falling into the sky just now.

"This guy really won." Ji Juechen didn't know why he was in a good mood.

"Okay, Long Fei wins this competition!"

The referee elder was stunned and immediately announced.

Then he looked at Yu Zhibo: "Do you want to challenge No.1?"

After a moment of silence, Yu Zhibo shook his head: "Forget it, but I want to challenge Ji Xianming."

After all, if he wins, he will be No.2.

But he felt that it was unlikely, after all, that guy's sword just now was terrible, even if he had Lan Kong Tianxu, he might not be the opponent.

He felt that under the sword intent, his blue sky would be easily split into two halves.

But now the only certainty is that Long Fei is already number one in the inner sect.

And it is also No.1 in this competition!
He was very happy, as long as the referee announced it, he would be able to receive the system task.


(End of this chapter)

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