Chapter 697. Chapter 697.

Looking at the sudden power in front of him, Long Fei was taken aback for a moment, this scene reminded him of the previous encounter with Hong Huo.

But in the next second, he felt a familiar aura from this scorching power.

There are only three people who are familiar to him in this holy place.

The first aspiration, the second Honghuo, and the third Xiuyu master.

If you think about it carefully, the one who is with him here is still the flame, so it is the second Honghuo.

Long Fei was surprised, and murmured: "It can't be such a coincidence, can it? He also absorbed more than a billion years before he was promoted from Guihun Dzogchen to Huanyu realm?"

With the help of Huanjie Pill, he thinks, this guy will either not be able to step in, or he will break through within the range of [-] million to [-] million years at most.

Unexpectedly, this breakthrough took far longer than he expected!

At this moment, he couldn't help but sighed.

Then he moved towards the scorching flame in an instant.

The moment he arrived, in front of him was a star as big as the sun, all covered in flames, and there was a strange monster totem on this star.

"Could it be that this is their family, the god-hunting beast?" Long Fei frowned, the flames here had already threatened him, and he immediately waved a wave of ice power with the power of the green dragon blooming on him, and his whole body was instantly incomparable. comfortable.


Suddenly there was a sound of wild laughter, and a figure of flame shot up into the sky from within the star, directly separated from the star, and gradually revealed its true original form in the distance in front of Long Fei.

This person is Hong Huo!

His aura now is many times stronger and vaster than it was a billion years ago, very, very scary.

There is an incomparably wonderful chaotic charm on his body.

That's right, Honghuo has successfully reached the Huanyu Primary level!

"Congratulations to Senior Brother Hong for successfully breaking through Guihun Dzogchen and stepping into the realm of the universe!"

At this moment, Long Fei slightly cupped his hands and smiled as a gesture.

Seeing Long Fei, Hong Huo immediately restrained his breath and smiled: "Junior Brother Long! What a coincidence? Why are you here?"

His figure quickly came in front of Long Fei.

Looking at Long Fei, Long Fei smiled and said: "It's a coincidence, whether it's the first meeting or the second meeting, we are so destined. Thinking of the senior brother who met and broke through just like that."

Hong Huo laughed out loud when he heard it: "That's right, Junior Brother Long, you have also broken through to Guihun Dzogchen, and you really have good aptitude! Senior brother, I did not disappoint you, I finally broke through the shackles and stepped into the realm of the universe!"

Hong Huo laughed and patted Long Fei's shoulder and said, "The Huanyu Realm is really a very wonderful realm, only those who have reached it can understand this extraordinary! Brother Long is the brother I owed the 35 gods before." The coins will be returned to you shortly!"

"Okay Senior Brother Hong!" Long Fei nodded and did not refuse.

"Where does Junior Brother want to go now?" Hong Huo asked.

Long Fei said: "Junior Brother, I want to go to the Points Pavilion in the Holy Land."

Hong Huo said: "Your brother has points?"

Long Fei shook his head: "Not yet, I plan to go to the Holy Land mission after I have a look."

Hong Huo patted his chest, and said solemnly: "That's no problem! As long as you don't accept too difficult tasks, I can take you off, brother!"

"Let's go then!"

After finishing speaking, the two of them turned into two rainbow lights and flew directly towards the formation.

After entering the formation, set the goal directly to go to the Score Pavilion in Tuoyu Holy Land.

5000 years have passed.

The two of them finally arrived at the Points Pavilion in Tuoyu Holy Land, which is farther than the previous places.

Looking at the flow of people coming and going in front of the Points Pavilion, Long Fei was startled, and said, "It turns out that this is the most crowded place in the Holy Land."

Hong Huo nodded and smiled: "That's natural, after all, everyone needs points in exchange for cultivation resources."

"Let's go, let's go in and find out!" Hong Huo said.

Long Fei nodded: "Okay."

The two walked inside.

Under the leadership of the old man Honghuo, the two completed the procedures according to the procedure, and Long Fei couldn't wait to click on the Points Pavilion to browse.

I don't know if I don't see it, I was shocked when I saw it.

There are so many good things here, how could there be such a vast territory and holy land without a deep foundation?
So, maybe there will really be one of the materials here!

Long Fei muttered in his heart, recalled the memory in his mind, and checked it quickly.

However, after reading for a long time, he found that there was no material he wanted, and he was immediately disappointed.

But just when he was disappointed and was about to leave like this, what he saw in the next second made his eyes shine.

In front of him, he finally saw a material he needed!

No phase masking
This is one of the top ten materials.

And the points needed to redeem it.
Long Fei looked along the tail.

Suddenly stunned.

Disciple Points [-]
Hong Huo seemed to sense Long Fei's need, so he asked, "Junior Brother Long, do you need this formless essence?"

Long Fei nodded without the slightest hesitation: "That's right, is this [-] disciple points too much here?"

Hong Huo frowned, nodded and said: "More is not too much, and less is not too little. It is at the middle level. You can have it if you do one of the higher-level tasks, and you don't need too many of the lowest-level tasks. time."

"Is there only one formless essence here?" Long Fei asked worriedly, fearing that it would be gone if someone else bought it, and it would be nothing at that time.

Hong Huo shook his head: "Generally speaking, there is more than one in stock. If I really need it, I can buy it for you!"

When he said this, he gritted his teeth. After all, [-] disciple points can be exchanged for a lot of resources, but thinking of Long Fei's great kindness to him, and the gang that helped him before, he also planned to help.

Upon hearing this, Long Fei's eyes burst into light, but he didn't answer in a hurry, but asked, "Can God's coins be exchanged for disciple points?"

Hong Huo said: "Yes, a god-mixed currency can be exchanged for a little point, the ratio is one to one, but the condition for the exchange is that you must have received at least one task and must complete it, otherwise it will not be possible."

Then he looked at Long Fei and said, "Junior brother probably hasn't done the mission yet, right?"

"No!" Long Fei looked distressed. If there were, he would have 15 mixed coins on him right now, which can be exchanged for disciple points.

Hong Huo grinned and said, "It doesn't matter, brother, I will pay for the 25 disciple points for you, and I will treat it as paying you back the [-] god mixed coins first, and then I only owe you [-]!"

Long Fei nodded: "That's all I can do, this thing is very important to me, I must take it down!"

"no big deal!"

With a wave of his hand, Hong Huo directly exchanged his disciple points for this formless essence.

In the next second, the [-] disciple points on his token disappeared. Although it was a bit painful, it will be fine soon.

(End of this chapter)

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