Douluo: Awakening Chaos Qinglong Bloodline

Chapter 704 704. The Silent Flame Realm is Broken!

Chapter 704 704. The Silent Flame Realm is Broken!


The bodies of Long Fei and Hong Huo quickly flew upside down and smashed hard on the ground, smashing countless powders and spreading their power in all directions.

The dust dissipated, and the two got up.

But at this moment, a little blood was showing from their mouths.

There are more Honghuo than Longfei, after all, the latter is practicing Wuji Longevity Kungfu, and also has various fields, especially the field of recovery of all things.

In the next second, in the domain he activated, a huge force of life enveloped him and Hong Huo in an instant, and the injuries of both of them were healed in an instant. .

Feeling that the injury healed instantly, Hong Huo was extremely shocked, and turned to look at Long Fei: "Junior Brother Long, is this your ability?"

Long Fei nodded his head: "That's right, there's still a big gap between our strengths."

Hong Huo also had an extremely solemn expression, and said through sound transmission: "I have already sent a distress signal back to Tuoyu Holy Land, and someone will come over soon, so let's work together to delay it."

"Okay!" Long Fei nodded.

Seeing the two of them heal instantly, Xuan Tianzi was also slightly surprised: "Do you have domain skills?"

Then he snorted coldly, and his expression returned to indifference: "Death struggle!"

Suddenly he moved, and directly launched a melee attack on Long Fei and Hong Huo.

"Senior brother be careful!"

Long Fei's complexion changed, and Hong Huo burst out with monstrous power, rushed up to confront Xuan Tianzi again.


At this moment, as a roar sounded, the surrounding ground suddenly trembled violently.


Hong Huo, who was spitting blood, and Xuan Tianzi, who was easily crushing the former, were also taken aback for a moment, and looked over.

Over there, countless lightning bolts gathered on Long Fei's body, and his hair turned golden!
And it's long!

The terrifying aura quickly enveloped him, and countless power arrogance soared all over his body.

In just a short moment, it has reached the realm of perfection in the universe!
One must know that there is an incomparably frightening gap between Guihun Great Perfection and Huanyu Perfection, but now they don't know what secret method Long Fei used to achieve it.

Such a terrible method can only use secret methods!

"Interesting secret technique, if I can get it, it will be a concrete help!" Xuan Tianzi showed endless greed in his eyes, and then directly covered Honghuo's face with his kick, "Wow!" Honghuo was in pain The screams entered the ground like piling, and blood spurted out without money.

I don't know whether it is dead or alive.

"Look for the dead monster!"

Long Fei shouted angrily, and shot out, he must fight quickly, now that he has stepped into the stage of Super Saiyan III, he consumes extremely fast, the stronger he is, the faster he consumes, and now he is The main body is under full power under all forces.

This is the full strength of his body, and it explodes directly to the perfection of the universe!
"The world that was promoted by the secret method is just perfect, how can it be my match for the great perfection of the universe?" Xuan Tianzi sneered with disdain.

Then he rushed up directly, intending to personally meet the ant who soared up with the secret method.

bang bang bang! ! !
Ever since, the two met and went together.

The fight was very fierce, the sky was surging, the void was vibrating, there were cracks in this world, and the gravitational force of the void penetrated everywhere.

Relying on these means and various means such as the domain in his body, Long Fei achieved a super endurance, and he was forced to have a [-]-[-] split with the Xuan Tianzi, who is in front of him, who is perfect in the universe!

Xuan Tianzi was incomparably shocked, Long Fei had brought him too much shock, so his complexion became even more ruthless: "This son must not stay, even if he can't get you, then he will completely destroy you and let everyone You can’t get such a secret technique!”

At this moment, he was rarely injured.

Suddenly Long Fei rushed in, and a Kamepai Qigong rushed towards his face.


Xuan Tianzi's complexion changed, he was hit, the attack exploded directly, and his body exploded thousands of meters away.

"Haha." At this moment, Long Fei was out of breath, he didn't know how long he had been fighting, his eyes moved to the area below and he came to Hong Huo in an instant, Hong Huo was not dead yet, he just passed out.

He quickly used the recovery field of all things to revive him, and at the same time restored his physical strength to quickly support the third stage of Super Saiyan.

After all, in this state, he also superimposed the Qinglong Nine Changes.

The Chaos Azure Dragon Art is not covered, it is very powerful.

Moreover, fighting against a strong man like Xuan Tianzi made his Wuji Longevity Kung Fu more substantial, and he would pick it up if Xuan Tianzi didn't recruit him. In this way, he hit harder and harder, and his body received more feedback.

If this continues, he may not be able to kill Xuan Tianzi in a short time, but Xuan Tianzi's round endurance is far inferior to him. He can completely consume this guy and find a chance to kill him!
"Damn bastard!"

"Heavenly Demon Destruction!"

Xuan Tianzi became angry, he was beaten into such a state by an ant who was in the state of great perfection in the universe, it really made him lose face, he was so angry that he no longer had the noble posture of a handsome young man before.

Now he has completely turned into a demon, inspired and upgraded all the magic energy, and turned into a huge monster body with the power to destroy the world. The breath alone is infinitely close to the half-step Dao realm, and the entire Silent Flame Realm is in Trembling and tearing.

This is a symbol of not being able to bear this terrible power. If this power continues like this, this Silent Flame Realm will completely collapse, and they will enter endless chaos.

But it's not a big problem. Their current cultivation base is definitely not enough for the Endless Chaos Storm.

The world-destructive Mieshitianmo attack landed, and Long Fei's complexion changed, and he immediately moved away with Hong Huo's body in an instant.


In the next second, this realm was reduced to shreds under this terrifying force.

Xuan Tianzi felt such a change in his face: "Where is the person? Why did he disappear?"

Yes, he couldn't feel the aura of Honghuo and Longfei, but he reacted quickly in the next second, and laughed arrogantly: "Hahaha, how can he still be alive under such a terrible killing by this seat? No It’s impossible to survive half a step avenue! How could I think that these two people escaped? It’s really ridiculous!”

Xuan Tianzi's face was extremely cold: "Hmph, two ants, so what if the other one is special? Isn't it dead? If you surrender to this seat early, and submit to this seat, this seat may save your life as a dog!"

But now?

Dead people have no qualifications.

At the same time, he also planned to leave here, but just as he turned around to leave, suddenly there was a shock in the endless chaos of the void, an unusual spatial fluctuation.

"Huh? Is someone coming?"

In the next second, a bloody figure descended from the chaos.

If Long Fei definitely recognized this person again, this person was the domain master Xiu!
Xuan Tianzi's pupils shrank: "Half a way! Not good!"

He was going to turn around and run away, but at this moment a terrible force enveloped him.

"It seems that the disciples of this Holy Land have been killed by you. The master of this domain is still a step late, but it is not bad for you to be buried with them in a perfect world!"

The domain master Xiu snorted coldly, and with a grasp towards the void, he instantly pinched the infinitely mighty Emperor Xuan in his hand like an ant.

"Don't! Don't kill me! If you kill me, the Mo Yuan Clan will not let you go!" Xuan Tianzi roared in horror.

Completely lost the demeanor of the strong before.

(End of this chapter)

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