Douluo: Awakening Chaos Qinglong Bloodline

Chapter 723 723. Going to practice

Chapter 723 723. Going to practice

Long Fei said: "It may not be a good thing to improve your physical cultivation too quickly. I would like to ask you to go out to the outside world to experience it, and then continue to break through when you come back. Now, it seems that your cultivation has reached a critical point. A shackle, if you want to experience it, maybe after you come back, you will be in the realm of great perfection in the universe!"

After hearing this, Tuoyu fell into deep thought, and then he said: "Alright, you can go out and practice in the endless world of gods, this is a spiritual thought of the teacher, if the teacher encounters life-threatening danger, the teacher can sense it. , and this divine sense will counterattack. All enemies under the Dao will have absolutely no hope of survival if they are hit, even their souls will be directly shattered."

Closing his eyes, he felt the power of this ray of light. Hearing his master's explanation, Long Fei cheered up.

Long Fei immediately cupped his hands and said: "Master, don't worry, with my current strength, even if the opponent wants to kill me with my half-step Dao, it will be difficult to kill me unless the Dao powerhouse takes action, and disciple The means are also very rich!"

Tuoyu waved his hand: "Okay, you go, this tunnel leads to the nearest place outside Tuoyu's holy land, the endless mortal world."

"Yes, Master!" Long Fei stepped into it.

After he entered, Tuoyu waved again and the golden light tunnel in front of him disappeared without a trace.

Tuoyu muttered: "I hope you can give me a big surprise when you come back, and I look forward to what achievements you will good disciple..."

Long Fei crossed the golden road and kept heading forward, but he couldn't see the end of the front, only a piece of golden chaos, so he didn't even know how long it was.

"System, how long do you think it will take to reach the so-called endless mortal world?"

On the road, Long Fei was bored and lonely by himself, so he communicated with the only thing that existed and could talk to him in his mind.

At least it's a smart one.

The system replied: "The system doesn't know either, don't ask me, the system is so sleepy and the system wants to sleep..."


The system's answer really made Long Fei a little confused and speechless, complaining in his heart, does the system have an IQ?

Long Fei said: "System, you are becoming more and more dishonest. Why do you sleep on your own system? You have been sleeping for [-] million years. Just [-] million years is not enough. You are a fucking pig. Hurry up and talk to me, if you don’t know, then quickly use your supercomputer to calculate it, aren’t you an omnipotent system? Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!!!”

The system complained: "I'm just joking with you, don't worry, don't worry, the system will calculate it now, I can't afford it, you, the host, are getting more and more bad-tempered, and your stomach is getting smaller and smaller. I want to change the system to a new host!"


"There's something wrong... Hurry up, but if you can really change the host, you should be able to restore my cultivation base to what it was before, and rebuild it again. Then I should be able to go to the low-level world like this, right? Now I feel that the stronger I am, the more lonely I feel, I seem to accompany my lover to die..." Long Fei said suddenly.

"The system can help you, but are you really willing? It took so long to cultivate to this city, are you really willing to give up everything now? Are you really willing? (ω`)"

The series of questions from the system rang out. After hearing this, Huang Wenfei fell silent. This question was a very difficult and entangled problem in his mind, and it could not be solved quickly at once. Difficult questions that no one wants to give up on?It took so long to improve to this level of cultivation and everything, no one is willing to give up, and no one swims to make this step, if there is such a person, it will be an omnipotent people!
Hearing this, Long Fei fell silent.Indeed.No one can make this step.Even now, even if he feels lonely, lonely, cold and estimated.but.He really is.If he can't make this step, he doesn't have the courage.

Long Fei slowly closed his eyes.She no longer asks these questions.These questions are stupid.The only thing he has to do now is to allow him to go to the world below without depriving him of his cultivation, and return to the earth world that belonged to him at the beginning, not the man in parallel time and space. What I want to do is to go back to the planet, the earth, and the China where I passed through and died.

But want to do it all.It's so hard, so hard.It is really too difficult.

Came to this endless world of supernatural beings, so many things have passed.For him, he has only been promoted to the realm of completeness in the universe, and there is still half a step above the realm of the Dao, the realm of the Dao.

There are more and stronger ones on the road.And this child is a god-level plane.According to the plane level provided by the system before.Above the god-level plane, there is also a super-god-level plane.Dominant plane.The plane of eternal immortality.Hahaha, oh my gosh!His grandma's.This is not something people can play.

Even if it is systematic, the realm of the universe he is in is very difficult and very strenuous, not to mention the endless amount of energy required by those realms above.

At this moment, the voice of the system sounded: "After the calculation of the system, the host, it will take at least 1 years to go to the endless mortal world, the host should wait slowly! Come here. This mere 1 years is nothing!"

This is his hope.

Long Fei muttered: "1 years. Indeed, in these billions of years, the 1 years in the years are really not worth mentioning. Then I will wait for him to spend it in the cultivation process!" "

The only thing he can do now is indeed to meditate and practice, and he has entered an absolutely deep meditation.Go in, meet his wives, children, and friends in the world in his body. She has conquered so many worlds, and now she just spends these 1 years improving the rules and problems of those worlds.

Yes, after so many years, she has indeed given birth to offspring with those women in her own world.

However, the level of those descendants is still not lacking, he is awesome, otherwise, he can also get them out and play in this endless world of spirits and souls.However, if the level is not enough, it will not be able to survive the chaotic liver wind when it comes in, even with his protection.But under the rules of this film world, he is not allowed to appear.Once there.It will destroy him, and it is impossible to protect his sons and wives all the time.

After speaking, he immediately meditated.

(End of this chapter)

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