Douluo: Awakening Chaos Qinglong Bloodline

Chapter 745 745. Suck Suck Suck

Chapter 745 745. Suck Suck Suck

Long Fei, who had already swept away the demon army on his side, seemed to feel someone calling his name in his heart at this moment.

After absorbing a huge amount of power into his body, he closed his eyes to feel the source calling him in his heart.

Suddenly he opened his eyes again, and said lightly: "So it's my wife, my husband is going to share the heavy responsibility for you now."

Long Fei said.

Feel her breath.

Directly use teleportation to disappear in place.

When he reappeared, it was already a different flavor now.

During that time, Zhao Xue resisted the devil's attack in a panic.

Although there are righteous fighters on their side, the number and strength of the demons are much stronger than them.

What's more, Zhao Xue was restrained by the opponent's two Dao Demons.

These two dao demons are at the primary level of dao.

The three cast spells on each other.

Anyway, Zhao Xue is also in the realm of Dao Consummation.

After sacrificing the treasure, they were defeated steadily.

But the two dao demons cast a strange formation spell, mobilizing all the power of heaven and earth from all sides to them.

In this way, the two sides directly played a [-]-[-] split.

Moreover, Zhao Xue still has some signs of gradually falling behind.

The decline of physical strength and strength made her sigh.

But at this moment, there was a powerful and thick life force in her body that was rising steadily. It was this strange force that made her recover quickly the stamina and strength that she lost in an instant.

This made her extremely amazed.

When the two dao demons who had been fighting with Zhao Xue woke up, they found that the army of demons on their side suddenly disappeared at some point.

This scene made the two of them dumbfounded on the spot.

"How is this going?!"

With an exclamation, he cursed directly: "That bastard did it! Come out!"

"I said you demons, do you want to dance too?"

At this moment, a cold voice sounded.

The crowd looked over.

Zhao Xue was excited, she felt a familiar aura just now.

It turned out to be my husband!


Zhao Xue shouted excitedly.

Long Fei had already flown up.

A powerful force locked the two demons in front of them.

Feeling the restriction of this force, the two devils couldn't get rid of it with all their strength, and suddenly panicked: "Who are you?"

"Where is your ruler? Take me there!" Long Fei asked coldly.

"Are you the ruler?" The two Dao Demons asked with some uncertainty.
"No, but I can kill that master of yours, and then the entire world of God-hunting Endless will be restored to its former glory." Long Fei said lightly.

"Haha!! You're not a ruler, so what right do you have to meet our king! You're not qualified!!!"

The two dao demons immediately laughed.

A guy who isn't even a master is nothing more than an existence that can be crushed to death in front of their king!

Can't afford to turn a big wave out!

Really think too highly of yourself!
"You didn't even say it, so I'll look for it myself!" Long Fei didn't bother to talk nonsense with them.

Raise your hand and pinch it!
The two Dao Demons suddenly felt their bodies swell up, their eyes glared scarlet, and after a scream, they exploded to death.

Immediately afterwards, two streams of experience quickly filled Long Fei's body.

Simultaneously digest the memories of these two people.

There is a dark and chaotic world, and there is nothing to see.

"In the dark and chaotic world, do you know where this condition is met in the endless chaos?" Long Fei muttered, then turned to look at Zhao Xue.

As soon as the divine sense moved, a force shot directly into Zhao Xue's mind, which directly shared the picture he just read with Zhao Xue.

Zhao Xue looked puzzled and surprised.

Zhao Xue shook her head and said, "Husband, I don't know this place, nor have I seen it before."

He paused for a while and continued: "In our God-Hunted Endless World, Chaos is all golden, there is no way there can be black, even we can't affect the color change of God-Chaos."

"Maybe you can go to them to see, maybe Zhao Lei and the others may know."

Zhao Xue's tone was also full of uncertainty.

No matter what, Long Fei could only be like this.

He checked the experience bar, and now he can feel the power boiling in his body, quickly absorbing the power he just had.

The body is very full.

Absorbed one after another.

However, compared to stepping into the Dominant Avenue, a lot of experience points are needed.

"I see. You continue to guard here. I will go over to Zhao Lei to see the situation."

After Long Fei finished speaking, he suddenly raised his finger slightly, pointed at Zhao Xue's mind and said, "I will pass on a magical power to you right now, called instant transfer. As long as you can sense the other party's breath and remember it, you can find it." If it is, no matter how far it is, it only takes a moment to reach it!"

"Just now I used this magical ability to come to you!" Long Fei said.

Zhao Xue closed her eyes, feeling the magical skill that Long Fei taught her.

Everyone was shocked.

I didn't expect this ability to exist.

However, she can also do this step for her who is already a Daoist, but it is still difficult to be very specific.

After all, the world they live in is god-level, and they will also be subject to huge restrictions.

Positive and negative are corresponding.

No one can escape this rule, unless they can reach the legendary realm of transcendence, which is unattainable and impossible, then they are qualified to touch this method of escape.

But in the entire endless world of gods, there are only two masters known so far.

Countless years have passed.

There are also two dominating the avenue.

After dominating the avenue, one is detached.

But dominating the avenue may be all there is to it.

"System, I have absorbed so many things that I can't touch the realm of the Dominant Dao, so how many people do I have to absorb from the Dominant Dao to the Transcendence Dao? What's more, there are not so many creatures in this world for me to absorb. !"

At this moment, Long Fei was in incomparable suffering.

At this time, the voice of the system rang in his mind: "This road is very difficult, but there is a way that can make you transcend the realm, and that is to directly absorb the energy of the entire God-mixed endless world. That's it, but you need to fight against the attack of the avenue. There is no small rank between the avenue of domination and the avenue of detachment. It can be said that it is very simple to step in, but it is also possible. It's hard to say, and it will never be possible!"

"Hehe, you really gave me a good question! I want to leave here now and go to the plane below. I want to go to the world in the anime and manga in my previous life to pretend to be aggressive. How about you I have a chance?"

After Long Fei heard it, he stopped practicing immediately.

Similar to people.

It's no use chasing meaning for a lifetime.

"Now there is a way for you to play in a plane below the god level!"

"That is to create ten Dao rings, and let all your strengths be imprinted in them to reduce your cultivation and strength, and that's enough."

(End of this chapter)

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