Chapter 753 753. Open a Shop

When Long Fei stepped into the room, he saw these people sitting there upright.

Stand up and greet him immediately when you see him.

Muen had already told them about Long Fei.

The strength of this person is simply not something they can contend with.

People who can't even control the God Realm, how can they who can't even become gods beat each other?
It is too easy for the other party to destroy Shrek Academy.

Looking at the tense people in front of him, Long Fei said lightly: "The muscles and spirit of the body are all tense. Are you afraid of me?"

"Hehe, senior, after all, you are a god, and it is the first time for us to see the legendary god, so we are naturally nervous." Mu En said immediately.

The rest were also called Senior Long Fei.

Although they were shocked and envious of Long Fei's youthful appearance, they definitely would not think that he was younger than them, he must be someone who did not know how old.

Long Fei nodded secretly, and said lightly: "Your people blocked my way outside just now, and made a little move. Don't mind, but they have nothing to do."

"Ah, yes, there is no problem with this, after all, it was the juniors who attacked you, senior." Mu En immediately relieved.

"I don't know what your plan is next, senior?" Suddenly, Mu En asked.

The rest of the people, including Xuanzi, dared not speak out, because they felt that they were not qualified to speak here.

We can't let such a terrible guy stay here, if we can ask him to leave, then of course let him leave quickly, the difference.

"Open a private store in Shrek City." Long Fei said lightly.

After all, there are too many treasures on him, and they are no longer useful to him. Putting anything in such a place will become a supreme treasure, an existence beyond the super artifact.

Besides wanting to play the entire Douluo Continent now, he also wants to open his own shop and live a stable and peaceful life.

After all, he had been fighting in those planes for too long, and he was bored and bored.

Now it's finally possible to come down to the lower realm, all this is really thanks to the system and the ten avenue rings in his hand.

Everyone's eyes were also on the fingers in Long Fei's hands, and they were shocked by the ten rings. The rings looked very ordinary, but they gave them a very terrifying sense of wia, as if they only needed to touch them lightly. If you touch it, it will be directly wiped out.

This feeling of suffocation made them terrified and shuddered, and their souls couldn't help trembling.

When Mu En heard that Long Fei wanted to stay, he felt mixed feelings, but he couldn't help if others didn't leave, but it wasn't necessarily a bad thing, after all, there was such a powerful presence in Shrek City, in a sense It is also a kind of protection, the protection of prostitutes is also a good thing!

So he quickly smiled and nodded in agreement: "It's our honor to be able to live in Shrek City, senior. As for the location of the store, we will choose the best main commercial store for you. No, after all, you gave the junior a new life!"


Soon Long Fei visited all the places in Shrek Academy.

after that
Time flies, it has been a week since Long Fei came here.

An inconspicuous place on one side of the most prosperous commercial street in Shrek City.

There is a shop named after the words "low price and cheap sale".

Why is it located here?
That's because Long Fei asked for it himself.

It's the sixth day of opening.

He didn't do any publicity.

Because he only does business with predestined people.

As soon as you enter the door, you will find a small yard, in which there are many transparent cabinets.

A hundred different things exist every day.

Regardless of whether anyone comes over, they will all be brushed off the next day and replaced with a new batch.

However, in the six days, several households also came.

There are men and women, old and young.

As for the currency of the transaction, as long as the other party has something that can pay, it can be exchanged.

Long Fei was lying on the old man's chair, plugged in the sun, eating melon seeds and drinking tea, very leisurely.

Such a day is really comfortable.

Compared with those horrible battles before, these lives are the happiest now.

At this moment, a voice came over, it was the voice of speaking.

In the next second, two young people appeared in front of the store's door.

This is a man and a woman respectively.

When a man and a woman saw the open shop in front of them, with the words "low price and cheap sale" written on it, they immediately became interested.

"Beibei, I didn't expect such a shop to exist in Shrek City, why don't we go in and see if we can find any bargains?" the woman said to the man, excited and looking forward to it.

The young man called Beibei looked helpless and said, "Xiaoya. What good things can there be in such an unremarkable corner, but since you like it, let's go in and have a look."

Long Fei, who was lying inside eating melon seeds, took a look and then stopped looking.

"These two people should be Tang Ya and Bei Bei in the original book." Long Fei heard from the words of these two people.

This is not too difficult, it's just a matter of combining context.

Simply to die for.

The two walked quickly towards the shop.

As soon as he came in, he saw the leisurely Long Fei lying there eating melon seeds and drinking tea.

I saw him alone in the house.

Beibei took the initiative to say hello: "Are you the boss here?"

Long Fei: "I'm not, then who do you think is?"


Beibei and Tang Ya suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

"Boss, what do you sell here?"

Tang Ya asked.

Long Fei lazily said: "We sell everything, as long as you can afford the price. Today's new products are one hundred items at the back. Go and see for yourself. The usefulness is also written on it."

Seeing Long Fei's attitude, Tang Ya immediately became annoyed: "I said why you, the shopkeeper, have such a temper and you have a big problem with your service attitude. No wonder you can only stay in this small corner and place, and no customers come over!"

"Okay Xiaoya, don't talk about it, let's go in and have a look." Although Beibei was also unhappy with Long Fei's attitude, she didn't want to cause any trouble in Shrek City, so she stopped Tang Ya and said.

Then he looked at Long Fei and apologized, "I'm sorry, but she has a weird personality."

"Look at it if you want to see it, leave if you don't look at it, come to my store if you have a chance, and if you don't have a chance, you can't come." Long Fei didn't pay attention to Tang Ya's matter at all, and didn't even bother to wave his hand.

Tang Ya snorted coldly: "It's so unpredictable, I want to see what you buy here!"

After finishing speaking, he pulled Beibei and walked quickly towards the inside.

About 5 minutes later, the two of them ran out quickly, pointing into the room with shocked expressions, speechless.

"Are you all true?"

"Where did you get all these things?"

"And there's no price on it?"

(End of this chapter)

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