Chapter 755
"Please keep your hand"

An ethereal voice sounded in the lake of life.

A bright colorful element light blooms, very beautiful and charming.

This voice is a female voice, and there is still such a woman in the deepest part of this forest. If people from the outside know about it, it will definitely set off another wave.

Long Fei didn't move his hand anymore, he had achieved his goal and there was no need to kill these soul beasts.

Ditian and other ferocious beasts looked towards the colorful light of the Lake of Life, and the heavy feeling on their bodies made their breathing more rapid: "My lord."

In the next second, an exquisite girl with silver hair like a waterfall slowly floated up.

When she landed, the colorful light faded away, revealing her true colors.

With a delicate face, light long clothes, and colorful translucent colors, she is a beauty.

Looking at him, Long Fei called his wife, another Silver Dragon King in his body.

"Ditian, Xiong Jun, you guys are so rude"

Silver Dragon King Gu Yue spoke, her voice was ethereal and stingy.

"Gu Yue pays homage to your lord, what race is your lord from the Dragon Clan?"

Silver Dragon King Gu Yue bowed slightly towards Huang Wei, she could feel that the person in front of her had a terrifying and supreme dragon bloodline.

And I don't know why I can feel a trace of my own breath on this person.

After Di Tian and the others calmed down, they observed again, but they also had frightened faces. At this moment, they finally understood how ignorant they were.

"Humans, they just have the blood of the Qinglong." Long Fei said lightly, anyway, they don't know about the Chaos Qinglong, so it's okay to keep it simple.

"You haven't heard of it, because I don't belong to this universe, I am a detached person." Long Fei raised his head.

Everyone was shocked, Gu Yue was terrified, these three words are so unfamiliar, but they brought a terrible coercion to people.

With a wave of Long Fei's hand, the pressure on Di Tian and the other soul beasts instantly disappeared.

"If you offend me next time, kill me." Long Fei's voice was flat, but they felt a terrible killing intent.

"How offensive I was, thank you sir for not killing me!"

Di Tian and the others were sweating profusely, and hurriedly bowed their hands, bending their bodies so much that they wanted to be buried in the soil.

Gu Yue asked: "Why is your lord here?"

"No, it's just to take a look. Now that I've finished reading it, I should leave."

As soon as Long Fei finished speaking, he was about to leave.

"Can my lord help us?" But at this moment, Gu Yue shouted.

Di Tian and the others were stunned for a moment, and they instantly understood the meaning of the Lord Gu Yue. They must have sensed Qie Ji when they left the customs early, and the person in front of them was probably this Qie Ji.

"The God Realm has closed the path for your spirit beasts to become gods, and you have to transform into a human to rebuild, then you can go to another God Realm to prove the way."

Long Fei's voice was faint.

All the soul beasts were stunned when they heard what he said, their minds filled with endless questions.

"Go to another God Realm?"

Gu Yue was a little silly, and asked puzzledly: "But my lord, how can there be another God Realm? Even if there is, we don't know it at all."

But as she said that, she looked at Long Fei's eyes and suddenly shrank. This person just said that he is a detached person, so this person is probably from another God Realm?
"Then just create another God Realm next to the original God Realm."

"At that time, your soul beasts will become gods and lead to the world of beasts, and humans will become gods and gods."

Long Fei finished speaking.

Gu Yue smiled wryly: "My lord, we are self-aware. It is impossible to create a God Realm. The things needed and the huge divine power are far beyond what we can imagine."


Long Fei raised his hand and shook it, a terrifying power appeared, at least for Gu Yue and other soul beasts, it was a very terrifying power, but for Long Fei it was nothing more than one ten thousandth of a trace.

"What a powerful force!"


Suddenly, Douluo star suddenly trembled.

A divine light shot out from the center.

This scene made all living beings penetrating.

"This this."

"What a terrifying fluctuation of divine power!"

Everyone below, even the God Realm above.

Tang San and the others immediately sensed something was wrong, looked into the distance, and saw a huge island appeared in that place, even bigger than their God Realm!
It forms a law of the world, all the vegetation is extremely dense, and everything is revived!

"Today, I, Dragon Fly, created a new God Realm, called the God and Beast Realm, and all soul beasts can ascend to the God and Beast Realm after reaching the level!"

Long Fei's wandering voice appeared in the ears of all living beings in Douluo Star.

Everyone was shocked.

The gods of the God Realm sensed the arrival of the great enemy.

"This is what he did! Damn it, this is bypassing us and directly creating a God Realm for soul beasts to ascend!"

The incomparable anger of evil and good people.

"Then what should we do?" The rest of the gods also arrived quickly.

"If you don't shoot to destroy it!" Someone suggested.

"This aura is unmistakable, it belongs to that person! If we are destroyed, I consciously tell me that our God Realm will also disappear, and all gods will perish."

Tang San gritted his teeth and spoke.


In the Lower Realm Star Dou Great Forest, Long Fei looked at Gu Yue and said with a smile, "Do you like it?"

"Ah? I like it!" Gu Yue nodded quickly.

"Okay, all your soul beasts have been marked by the world of beasts, and you can ascend!"


Long Fei waved.

"My lord, what about you? Without you, our world of beasts and beasts can't be the opponent of those gods! It will be destroyed soon. They dare not make a move, maybe they are just afraid of you. If you are gone." Gu Yue and others thought of this Immediately became anxious.

This is pushing their soul beasts to the brink of death.

Long Fei said: "You have 1 years in the God Realm to make preparations. During these 1 years, your soul beasts will be protected by the imprint of my God and Beast Realm. If they can't break through that energy barrier, they will be immortal after 1 years." It's in charge."

What he said was 1 years in the God Realm, not 1 years in the Mortal Realm.

This is a very scary number.

All the soul beasts immediately bowed: "Thank you, sir!"


"System, go to the next world to play!"

High above the sky, Long Fei spoke.

System: "Okay, then the lottery draw will follow!"

Soon, the name of a plane was drawn.

"Spell Return"

"It's fun!"

"I like it! Start teleporting!"

Long Fei said.

In the next second, his body disappeared in place.


In Ten Thousand Realms, countless dots are flashing, and one of the blue dots has been selected as one of the options this time!

"Don't you think this is very interesting?" An empty voice sounded in the sky.

Suddenly, a figure appeared out of thin air in this universe of dots.

The owner of this voice was taken aback for a moment.

Take a closer look, that figure is a young man!
"This! Who are you?!"

The figure turned around slowly, and said lightly: "Is this the world and universe where spells return to battle? Well? You gave me such a big surprise when you first came here? Then I will also be you."

(End of this chapter)

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