Chapter 760 760. Almost GG

"Swallowed? If you keep it for me, then I can still save your life. It seems that the sky is destined to kill you!!"

The black shadow man was furious, as if a supreme treasure had been thrown away.

Numerous black shadows sublimated, and countless scimitars enveloped this area, sealing the entire void with incomparably powerful power.

Huge shackles appeared one by one.

Seeing this scene, Long Fei's complexion changed, and he took out the Qinglong Ancient Sword and slashed down.

Under his cultivation, this Qinglong ancient knife has the power not to fall into the realm of detachment.

It is the treasure of the zone that rubs against this edge.

Two scimitars fell.

The black shadow man's expression became even more displeased, and the huge Dharma image directly blasted towards Long Fei!

The knife was blocked in front of him, but it didn't do much. The powerful and overbearing force seemed to crush him. An impact made him spit out a mouthful of blood. He immediately mobilized the recovery field of all things, and his whole body was crushed by the powerful impact. It was blown away and smashed hard on the rock formation.

Slammed down, the knife fell to the ground, panting.

It's so powerful, this guy didn't use his full strength just now, now this is the opponent's full strength, if it's not right, it probably isn't.
Long Fei felt dark in his heart, this time he felt a little powerless.

This is the world of super gods, it's really outrageous.
"You who are detached from one is destined to be unable to defeat me. Now I will destroy you and take your Dao ball!"

In the hands of the black shadow man, there is an infinite point.

This is very small, but it gives people the illusion that it can annihilate all living beings in this world.


But at this moment, a more terrifying force shot out from the outside area, breaking open the blocked space in an instant, the energy exploded, and the power was powerful.

The black shadow man also changed, and immediately retreated, gathering strength to defend.

"Damn, my enchantment has been broken"


The black shadow man was extremely angry, his eyes were about to burst, and he was about to succeed, which bastard came out to make trouble!
With the help of the field of recovery of all things, Long Fei also recovered, and the powerful force also shook him out, and the hollow in the rock behind him became deeper.

"Cough cough."

He is also curious about who saved him.

He raised his head and looked over.

It was found that two figures appeared in the sky.

two old men.

One of them had three balls floating on it.

One of them had two balls floating on it.

"The people of the Demon Shamen, all the demons will kill them!"

Among them, the three old men who had Daoqi came down from the sky, and the vast and terrifying power instantly shocked the black shadow man whose face changed, his whole body exploded with blood, a large crack appeared, and the bones in his body exploded instantly.

"Three balls surpass three balls poof.poof."

The black shadow man flew thousands of meters away, and a long trail of blood slid down.

"Little guy, are you okay?"

"It's a good thing we arrived in time, otherwise my righteous people will die tragically and the evil people will kill us."

The two descended from the sky, came to Long Fei, and said with a smile.

Seeing that Long Fei was still alive and well, and he didn't want to be a miserable person, he nodded very satisfied.

Righteous way, evil way.

Long Fei was taken aback for a moment, seeing these two familiar names again.

It seems that no matter where you are, you can't get rid of these two forces.

He hastily cupped his hands: "This junior has seen the two seniors, thank you for saving your life, I don't know the names of the two seniors."

Naturally, he was also shocked. He didn't expect that there was another person with three balls in front of him.

It's already so difficult to condense one Dao ball, so if you have three, the strength of such a person is terrifying and unimaginable. No wonder he can easily break through the blockade of that guy, and just a simple tie A can beat the opponent It became like this.

"Old man Xiao Zhi!" The old man with two balls said with a smile.

The old man with three darts said with a smile: "Old man Xiao Zhizai!"

The name surprised Long Fei a little.

"Junior Long Fei, I have seen the two senior Xiaos!" Long Fei said hastily.

After nodding, the two turned around and looked at the man with the black shadow on the opposite side. They climbed up with difficulty and trembling, trying to escape.

"The people from Longmen, cough cough old guy, actually chased you here. Although I am no match for you, it is absolutely impossible for you to kill me! When I break through the three realms of detachment, your death will come!"

The black shadow man spat out blood, his voice was hoarse and weak, and at the same time, the hand behind his back was pinching the hand formula.

"Big words are not ashamed, and you dare to lie when you are about to die!"

"Kill it!"

Xiao Zhi snorted coldly, and a long sword pierced through the void in front of him, shooting the shadowy man away.

The sharp edge on the sword is cold and sharp, and it has the power to kill black shadow men!
The black shadow man's pupils shrank, and the next second his body was penetrated, and a burst of power burst forth instantly.


The black shadow man was blown to pieces.

This might is terrifying!
Long Fei doubted himself a little, is the other party really so easy to kill?
Is this gone?

"The other party just disappeared?" Long Fei asked with a blink of an eye.

Xiao Zhi frowned, and shook his head: "No, the opponent has no balls left, so it's just a clone."

Long Fei was taken aback: "Clone? The fight with me just now was just a clone?"

Xiao Zhi said: "No, the person who fought with you just now was the deity, but what is eliminated now is the avatar. It is very likely that we have neglected that the other party used strange means to escape just now."

"The evil spirits of Moshamen have a lot of heretical techniques." Xiao Zhizai said calmly.

Long Fei breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out that it was just the clone behind him, that is to say, the main body that he fought with just now.

That's good, otherwise it would be too shocking.

At the same time, he also lamented that the gap in power in this world, even if it is only one ball, is so terrible and cannot be made up.

Just now he almost tried his best, but he still couldn't beat his opponent.

If it is placed in the lower realm, let alone a small rank difference, even a large realm can leapfrog and kill the enemy!
It's even more impossible to be so embarrassed
It seems that he has really come to a world where he cannot rely on these to leapfrog battles.

"Little friend Long, look at your face, where did you come from?" Xiao Zhi turned around and asked.

With a smile on Long Fei's face, he was naturally vigilant in his heart. Although these two people saved his life, when you come to this unfamiliar place, you can't just trust each other just because they saved you.

"I just ascended from the lower realm." Then he said.

"You turned out to be an Ascendant. It turns out that everything makes sense. It's my fault that you don't have the aura that belongs to our super god realm. You are an Ascendant." Xiao Zhi was shocked by the two of them.

"Are there very few ascenders?" Long Fei asked puzzled.

"Of course, especially the god-level world directly below the super-god-level plane. Although there is only one more word, the gap between them is immeasurable. People who can ascend from the lower realm are all The existence of a super top cultivation base is a very good seedling!"

"However, for countless years, no living beings have been able to ascend from the lower realm for too long."

Both of them looked at Long Fei with such joy.

(End of this chapter)

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