Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 1004 Yuan Hao Leaves His Son 5

Chapter 1004 Yuan Hao Leaves His Son 5
Gradually, two figures appeared in front of everyone.

Ye Hui shook her body a few times before falling to the ground, her life and death uncertain.

But Nangong Yao looked up arrogantly at Ye Hui's fall, and snorted coldly, "Overestimating one's abilities!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the light on Nangong Yao's body gradually disappeared.

The moment the light disappeared, Nangong Yao's body also shook, and Yuan Hao and Liu Qingfeng hurried forward.

Yuan Hao hugged Nangong Yao who was about to kiss the ground, while Liu Qingfeng reached out and grabbed Ye Hui who was lying on the ground.

"Yao'er!" Yuan Hao worriedly called to Nangong Yao in his arms.

Nangong Yao's pupils returned to normal, she turned her head to look at Yuan Hao, and was about to speak when a bloody smell came from her mouth, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Yao'er!" Seeing Nangong Yao vomit blood, Yuan Hao hurriedly called Nangong Yao anxiously.

Nangong Yao glanced at Yuan Hao, and said guiltily in a weak voice, "I'm sorry!"

As soon as the words fell, Nangong Yao fell into Yuan Hao's arms.

Yuan Hao hurriedly called Nangong Yao in his arms, and fed another panacea to Nangong Yao.

Liu Qingfeng turned to look at Yuan Hao, and asked, "Is Yao'er alright?"

"Power backlash!" Yuan Hao stretched out his hand to hold Nangong Yao's wrist, frowned slightly, and said with a sigh, "It seems that the power of the god-level panacea is a bit backlash."

"Bastard!" Liu Qingfeng cursed secretly, and stepped on Ye Hui's body, "Say, who sent you here!"

Ye Hui looked up at Liu Qingfeng, falling into his hands, she would definitely not end well.

"I won't tell you!" After saying that, Ye Hui spit blood back and died.

Liu Qingfeng wanted to stop Ye Hui, but he still hadn't had time. Seeing Ye Hui's death, he was immediately angry.

"Who the hell!" Liu Qingfeng angrily kicked Ye Hui into the sky, waved his hand towards Ye Hui's body, Ye Hui's whole body exploded in the air, and there was only a flame without any debris.

"No matter who you are, I, Liu Qingfeng, will never let you go!"

Yuan Hao hugged Nangong Yao in his arms, but at this moment, feeling that his strength was gradually disappearing, he rushed forward a few steps and fell to the ground.

"Mouse! Yao'er!" Seeing Yuan Hao lying on the ground, Liu Qingfeng hurriedly stepped forward and shouted.

Yuan Hao stood up with his hands on the ground, and looked at his other hand, which seemed to be faintly disappearing.

Liu Qingfeng looked at Yuan Hao's transparent hand, and thought to himself, it seems that the mouse's primordial spirit has been damaged.

"Let me hug Yao'er!" Liu Qingfeng quickly took Nangong Yao from Yuan Hao's arms and said.

Yuan Hao stood up staggeringly, looking at his hands, he didn't expect this day to come so soon.

But never mind, there is still a little time.

Nangong Yao was carried away by Liu Qingfeng and left the arena. Now the original spirit grass is not important, the most important thing is Nangong Yao's life safety.

Liu Qingfeng took Nangong Yao back to the residence to heal Nangong Yao.

Lan Jinling and the others looked anxiously at Nangong Yao and Liu Qingfeng.

Yuan Hao sat by the bed, looked at Nangong Yao who was in pain, "Yao'er, hold on a little longer, you'll be fine soon!"

"Pfft..." Nangong Yao spat blood forward.

Liu Qingfeng slowly withdrew his own strength, let Nangong Yao lean on Yuan Hao's shoulder, wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Steady for now, but Yao'er still needs to stabilize again! My body can't take the strength anymore!"

(End of this chapter)

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