Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 1012 Leaving in a Clear Storm and Wrath 3

Chapter 1012 Leaving in a Clear Storm and Wrath 3
Nangong Yao and the others came to the most west, which is the frontier of the Ximen family.

Just entering a mountain range on the border of the Ximen family, it looks like an endless mountain range. What is there in the distance?
"There are so many mountains? Why does it feel like there is no end in sight!" Zhan Yun stood at the bow of the boat and asked Nangong Xian and the others curiously.

Nangong Xian shook his head slightly, and said, "I'm not very clear, our Nangong family also has a piece, but there are oceans over there, endless oceans, and some people have been there, but they don't know why, and they haven't arrived after flying for half a year. In the end, there is no hope of returning!"

"Of course!" Liu Qingfeng sneered and said, "Whether it is the first plane, the second plane, or even the third plane, there are restricted areas. These restricted areas are not for you to enter, but for you to enter. What your four major families guard are the four restricted areas, and these four restricted areas are a secret!"

"Secret?" Everyone looked at Liu Qingfeng curiously.

"This is a secret that has been passed down from ancient times. In ancient times, it was already a place that no one dared to go to. Of course, some people have gone to explore it, but it is really terrifying. After arriving at the border, I feel that there is a It was swallowed by a powerful force, and then disappeared at the border. Since then, no one has been willing to approach, so, therefore, in ancient times, all the peak masters managed to get down in this large area. The formation makes everyone think that this is just a forest, mountains or ocean, but in fact, these are just illusions!"

"Illusion? No way? Is this also an illusion? Isn't this a mountain range?" Xu Xiang looked at so many mountains in astonishment.

Nan Gongxian also didn't believe it was true, "Yes, this is not an illusion, is it? Is this illusion too real?"

"It's very possible!" Dugu Yun folded his arms and frowned, "Didn't we enter Nangong's phantom array? What we felt at that time was true!"

"Indeed!" Zhan Yun nodded in agreement and said, "However, it is amazing that we can all be so real and no longer enter the formation unknowingly!"

"Of course, this guy, but the ancestor of the formation, knows what kind of formation he is playing with over there every day!" Liu Qingfeng said with a bit of pride, but said helplessly.

"Ancestor Array?" Nangong Yao was taken aback, then turned to Liu Qingfeng and asked, "Could it be Zhuge Array?"

"That's right, it's him!" Liu Qingfeng nodded slightly, and said, "This guy is a genius in formations, of course, because he listened to someone's advice, this guy focused all his attention on In terms of formation, or that person is looking for him!"

Nangong Yao immediately blushed, why did Liu Qingfeng's tone seem to be talking about herself?
"Liu Qingfeng, from your tone, it seems that you are very familiar with this Zhuge formation?" Nangongxian asked Liu Qingfeng curiously.

Hearing Nangongxian's words made Liu Qingfeng angry.

"Ci'ao, don't talk to me about that. Except for a certain person, there are only formations. He doesn't listen to others talking to him, but... I haven't seen him for a long time, probably dead. Already!" Liu Qingfeng said with his arms folded.

"Zhuge formation, the ancestor of the formation!" Listening to Liu Qingfeng's words, Yuan Cheng and others were shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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