Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 1025 The National Treasure of the Nangong Family 1

Chapter 1025 The National Treasure of the Nangong Family 1
Nangong Yao didn't reach the Nangong family's sphere of influence until mid-March in the airship, and finally arrived at the Nangong family in early April.

The members of the Nangong family were relieved to receive the news that Nangong Yao and the others had returned.

Seeing Nangong Wenbin come out with a group of people from the Nangong family, this also made Nangong Yao stunned.

"Grandpa!" Nangong Yao and the others got off the flying boat.

"Wow! What a big spaceship!"

"Is this a spaceship? No way? It's amazing!"

"If only I had one too!"

Nangong Lei and other younger generation disciples looked at the spaceship in astonishment.

They have never seen such a powerful spaceship.

"Yao'er, you are finally back, I'm really worried about grandpa!" Nangong Wenbin quickly looked Nangong Yao up and down, and was finally relieved to see that she was fine.

Nangong Yao was hugged by Nangong Wenbin, and she was speechless for a while. Isn't this grandpa too worried about herself?
However, it is really a blessing to have such a loving grandfather around!
Nangong Yao smiled and comforted Nangong Wenbin, "Grandpa, don't you think Yao'er is doing well?"

"As long as you're fine!" Nangong Wenbin touched Nangong Yao's cheek with distress, "Look at you, you've lost weight!"

"Is there? Why don't I feel it?" Nangong Yao held her cheeks in both hands, wondering.

"Oh, it's true, grandpa. We two living beings standing here don't know how to care. We only care about my cousin. Alas..." Nangong Xian said to Nangong Bo beside him with an aggrieved expression.

"That's right, grandpa is so eccentric!" Nangong Bo leaned on Nangongxian's shoulder and pretended to cry.

Nangong Xian patted Nangong Bo's head and comforted him, "It's all right, let's comfort each other!"

"En!" Nangong Bo nodded slightly, "Second brother is the best!"

The corners of Nangong Yao's mouth twitched as she looked at her two cousins, they really knew how to play!

Nangong Wenbin walked up to Nangongxian and the others, each of them was slapped across the head, "Don't you know that girls are for pampering? Two brats, did you take good care of your cousin along the way!"

"Oh! Grandpa, take us as your own grandsons!"

"That's right, Grandpa, you're too eccentric, my cousin doesn't need our protection at all, it's almost enough to protect us!"

The two Nangongxian brothers secretly complained in their hearts, why is there such a big difference!

Nangong Yao smiled and covered her mouth, looking at Nangong Wenbin and the others, it was very amusing.

"Okay, grandpa, don't talk anymore, my cousin and the others have protected me very well!" Nangong Yao quickly comforted Nangong Wenbin.

Nangong Wenbin nodded slightly, "That's good, if I don't protect you well, I'll have to skin them!"

"Azu, do you only see your mother? You can't even see Xiaoguai!" Xiaoguai looked up at Nangong Wenbin aggrievedly, complaining.

Nangong Wenbin quickly squatted down, hugged Xiaoguai and comforted him, "Why, Azu misses Xiaoguai so much, Xiaoguai is so cute, how could Azu miss Xiaoguai?"

"Hmph, I don't believe it, Xiaoguai, Azu only saw mother!" Xiaoguai puffed out her small mouth aggrievedly and turned her head away from looking at Nangong Wenbin. Seeing the appearance of crying, cold sweat broke out on everyone's forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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