Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 1035 Nangong Yao ran away from home 1

Chapter 1035 Nangong Yao ran away from home 1
The news that Nangong Yao was pregnant, of course the other three major families knew about it, after all, they couldn't hide this news from them.

As for Nangong Yao's sudden departure, it will take some time to find out.

Nangong Wenbin took Liu Guan and others to find Nangong Yao.

Liu Guan was worried about the huge conspiracy hidden behind Nangong Yao, so he set off. He must be doing his duty to Xuanyuan Hao and the others!
In the past, I could be regarded as obeying Nangong Yao's orders, so it is only natural to protect her this time.

Nangong Yao, who was in the Dongfang family's sphere of influence with Xiaoguai, was completely unaware of the tense situation behind.

"Hey, little boy, tell me, is there any difference between the cities of the four major families? Which one is the best?" Nangong Yao asked the little girl beside her with a smile.

Xiaoguai tilted her head and thought for a while, then said, "Xiaoguai doesn't like the Beiming family, that would be too messy! Xiaoguai likes the Nangong family!"

"Hehehe, little boy, if grandpa and the others hear what you said, they will definitely love you to death!" Nangong Yao said with a smile.

"Of course, they like Xiaoguai very much!"

"Let's go, darling, let's go eat something! We can't lose our stomachs, and the hungry baby!" Nangong Yao said with a smile, rubbing her stomach.

"Mother is right!" Xiaoguai nodded in agreement.

Nangong Yao brought Xiaoguai into the restaurant together, because Nangong Yao changed her face a little bit, although she was not stunning, she still had a certain beauty.

Nangong Yao led Xiao Guai into the restaurant, Xiao Er immediately greeted her, "You two are objective, please come inside!"

"Okay!" Nangong Yao nodded, and found a random place with Xiaoguai.

Xiaoguai sat down beside Nangong Yao, and ordered, "Prepare us some good things, and chicken soup, my mother wants to drink it!"

"Okay, please wait a moment, both of you!" Xiao Er wiped the table and left immediately.

Nangong Yao watched Xiao Er leave, and smiled softly, "Little boy, why did you say that your mother wants to drink chicken soup?"

"Grandpa said that the most important thing for mother's body now is to nourish her body, so everyone said that chicken soup is the best! Didn't mother also drink a lot?" Xiaoguai immediately flattered her ass and said as a matter of course, " Xiaoguai has to take good care of mother and sister!"

His father also told him to take good care of his mother, so he must do his son and brother's duties well.

"What a good son of my mother!" Nangong Yao said with a smile, touching Xiao Guai's head.

"Of course, who told Xiaoguai to be mother's precious son?" Xiaoguai immediately grinned proudly.

At this moment, a young girl walked in from outside, and said domineeringly, "Shopkeeper, drive everyone out of your restaurant, this lady wants to eat!"

"Miss, we... we are also opening the door to do business!" The shopkeeper was sweating profusely. This young lady is too unreasonable to make trouble, drive the others away?

The girl yelled at the shopkeeper in dissatisfaction, "Do you think Miss Ben doesn't have this ability?"

"That's right, shopkeeper, do you know who my lady is? My lady is the fiancee of the young patriarch of the Dongfang family!" A maid immediately scolded the shopkeeper showing off.

After hearing the maid's explanation, the shopkeeper immediately broke out in cold sweat.

Oh my god, this lady can't really be Dongfang Yi's fiancée, can she?How can this be good?

(End of this chapter)

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