Chapter 1046
"Okay, how can I miss such a good thing!" Asking for debts is the most fun and exciting, and Wuhen immediately said excitedly, "Master, please sit on my back quickly, I will bring You go!"

Nangong Yao was speechless for a moment, why did this guy let them sit on his back, didn't he always coddle and refuse to let them sit on it?It's really useless to get up early!

"What's the matter? Hurry up!" Wuhen walked to the door and called out to the depressed Nangong Yao.

Nangong Yao smiled and walked to Wuhen's side, "Wuhen, don't you like us sitting on your back?"

Wuhen smiled embarrassingly, and said with a blushing face, "One moment and another! Hurry up, I'm still waiting to go to the Dongfang family to ask for delicious food!"

Nangong Yao suddenly had black lines all over her head, so this little guy's purpose is this!
"Okay! Wuhen, get bigger quickly, let's sit on your back!" Nangong Yao patted Wuhen's back with a smile and said urgently.

Wuhen nodded, and instantly transformed his body into a large head more than ten meters long, enough for Nangong Yao and Xiaoguai to sit on.

Nangong Yao hugged Xiaoguai and jumped onto Wuhen's back, which was soft and comfortable.

"Wuhen, hurry up!" Nangong Yao urged, patting Wuhen's back.

"Okay, let's go!" Wuhen immediately flew into the air excitedly, turning into a white light and disappearing into the sky.

At this time, Nangong Wenbin and others who came after Nangong Yao and the others saw Nangong Yao and the others on Wuhen's back.

"Is this Yao'er?"

"It seems to be Yao'er and Wuhen!"

"What kind of monster is that white monster?"

"Is this really Yao'er and the others?"


Looking at Nangong Yao and the others, Nangong Wenbin and others were all excited.

"Yao'er!" Nangong Bo and the others hurriedly shouted at Nangong Yao.

But how could Nangong Yao and Xiaoguai hear their cries?He had already gone to the Dongfang family in Wuhen, a comfortable flying monster.

Moreover, Nangong Yao would not let them catch them so quickly, even if they heard it, no one would just ignore it.

"Yao'er didn't seem to hear it!" Nangong Bo said pitifully.

Alas, how did Wuhen run so fast?It was gone in a blink of an eye, who let them see it at the buffer speed of Wuhen just rushing into the sky, of course it was a little slower, and then accelerated.

"This speed is too fast! Where is this going?" Within a few breaths, the people of the Nangong family could no longer see Nangong Yao and the others, which immediately made them depressed.

This speed is probably unmatched in this fairy world!Even those extremely fast flying monsters can't compare to Wuhen!

Nangong Wenbin could only sigh, "When did this Yao'er have such a monster that shook his head and flew so fast!"

Liu Guan nodded with a smile, and said, "This should be Miss Yao's contract monster. Wuhen's speed is very fast. It seems that we will not be able to catch up!"

Liu Guan knew Wuhen's speed, no one could catch up with Wuhen's cunning back then, after all, stealing fragrance was not something ordinary people and monsters could do.

Wuhen's speed of escaping was so fast, even they had to admit defeat, it couldn't be compared!What's more, what about them people from the fairy world?I can only say sorry, your speed is too slow!
(End of this chapter)

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