Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 1052 Eyeing on the Dongfang Family 4

Chapter 1052 Eyeing on the Dongfang Family 4
Dongfang Yi's father, Dongfang Wuming, found out about Dongfangwen's affairs and hurried to Dongfangwen's boudoir, trying to find out what was going on?

Several elders of the Dongfang family also came, wondering in their hearts, who would be so bold as to dare to hurt a member of the Dongfang family.

Dongfang Yi sat on the main seat, glaring angrily at the two guards who went out with Dongfang Wen, "Tell me, what happened?"

The two guards glanced at each other, and quickly explained everything that happened just now.

This made the Dongfang family sweat profusely.

It turned out that Dongfangwen provoked someone who shouldn't be provoked because of a monster, but who else in this fairy world should not be provoked?
An elder asked the guard curiously, "Who is the person you said you shouldn't provoke? Who are their mother and child?"

The guard shook his head, with an innocent and confused look on his face, and explained, "This, the subordinates don't know either!"

Another guard quickly explained, "By the way, patriarch, when the woman left, she said that the young master owed him something, it seems that this time she is also here to ask for money!"

"What? What do I owe?" Dongfang Yi, whose name was called, suddenly yelled in astonishment.

Dongfang Wuming immediately turned to Dongfang Yi, "Yi'er, do you know them?"

Dongfang Yi thought for a while, frowned, and couldn't think of anything, and quickly explained, "No, I don't know, I don't know at all, Dad, how could I owe someone anything, and I don't have a written proof!"

"However, there is a written proof of what the mother and son said, and they will come to find the young master tomorrow!" The guard said hastily and innocently, what they said was true.

"What do their mother and son look like?" Dongfang Yi raised his eyebrows, and quickly asked the two guards.

It even happened to me, who could it be?But Dongfang Yi couldn't figure it out no matter how he thought about it, he didn't have a written proof at all, so how could he owe others money!
No matter what Dongfang Yi thinks, he thinks differently, this is not the money he owes, but the money that his fiancée was cheated of.

The guard thought for a while, and described, "This woman's appearance is still a beauty, but it's not that stunning. Generally, the appearance of a young lady from a first- and second-rate family is almost the same!"

"This kid, it looks like, it's about five or six years old, it's quite cute, it's very likable!" Another guard said, "It's the cutest and most handsome kid I've ever seen!"

"Aren't you talking for nothing!" An elder scolded the guard angrily.

What kind of description is this, how does it make them imagine which team of mother and child it is!

The two guards shrank their necks, they were very innocent, they didn't do it on purpose, and they really didn't know how to describe it!
Dongfang Wuming was silent for a moment and asked, "Then do you know their names?"

"That girl doesn't know, but the young one seems to be called Xiaoguai!" the guard said quickly.

"Little boy?" Dongfang Wuming and the others looked at each other suspiciously. They had never heard of this child's name, and it was still a nickname.

Dongfang Yi touched his chin, thinking to himself, did he know a mother and child, and the child was five or six years old, who could it be?

However, a flash of inspiration flashed in Dongfang Yi's mind, as if he had thought of something, but he felt something was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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