Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 1054 Eyeing on the Dongfang Family 6

Chapter 1054 Eyeing on the Dongfang Family 6
Originally I wanted to play more, but now I guess I can't play anymore. After playing for a while, Nangong Yao asked you to take Xiaoguai to find an inn to live in.

After all, it's all because of Wuhen's cute appearance.

Nangong Yao angrily pulled Wuhen out of Xiaoguai's arms, and threw it on the table.

"Oops!" Wuhen screamed, rolled around and sat on the table, touched his back in dissatisfaction, and yelled at Nangong Yao, "Why did you throw me away!"

"Hmph, why did you lose you? Isn't it all because of you?" Nangong Yao said angrily.

"What does it have to do with me?" Wuhen looked at Nangong Yao suspiciously, "Besides, what happened to me?"

Just after entering the room, Nangong Yao scolded for no reason, which made Wuhen innocent and wronged for a while.

Nangong Yao asked with a blank look, "If it wasn't for you, would Dongfang Wen have taken a fancy to you? Would she want to get you? Will the next thing happen?"

Wuhen was suddenly embarrassed, and said innocently, "What does this have to do with me? This Dongfang Wen fell in love with me because she has good eyesight! It's not my fault! I was also implicated!"

No way, who made his charm so strong?Femininity is great!This is something no one can be jealous of!
But this time Wuhen was taken aback, and he was called a dog, which is a great insult.

Nangong Yao still blamed and said, "Anyway, it's all your fault, do you dare to clean it up?"

"I... I can't say no to you!" Wuhen lay down on the table very aggrieved, very innocent.

Why is this so, where is the charm, can you blame yourself?This is not my fault, it is born, innate!

Xiaoguai lay on Nangong Yao's lap, looked up at Nangong Yao, "Mother, Wuhen is so pitiful, it's better not to be angry, besides, being angry is not good for the sister in Mother's belly! "

After listening to Xiaoguai's comfort, Nangong Yao showed a smile on the corner of her mouth, pinched Xiaoguai's cheek, and said dotingly, "Okay, I see, mother is not angry anymore, there is such a pistachio as Xiaoguai here, mother Why are you still angry!"

"Hehehe..." Xiaoguai smiled proudly, "Xiaoguai will be a big brother in the future, and a big brother must protect his sister!"

"Little boy, how do you know it's my sister!" Nangong Yao smiled, touched her bulging belly, and asked Xiaoguai.

Xiaoguai tilted her head and thought for a while, then said, "Xiaoguai said that if she is a younger sister, then she is a younger sister, and Xiaoguai likes a younger sister!"

"You little devil, how about having a younger brother?" Nangong Yao asked Xiaoguai with a smile.

"Xiaoguai will protect my brother!" Xiaoguai immediately said firmly.

"You are so good, you are indeed mother's precious son!" Nangong Yao smiled and nodded with satisfaction.

Wuhen lay on the table and looked at Nangongyao sweating because Xiaoguai diverted his attention. Fortunately, Nangongyao didn't pursue it any further, otherwise he wouldn't know what to do when the time came.

Xiaoguai supported Nangong Yao's hand and said with concern, "Mother, you should go to bed and rest for a while, you must be tired after driving all day!"

"Okay, Xiaoguai is the most understanding!" Nangong Yao patted Xiaoguai's head in satisfaction, feeling very happy in her heart.

How can a mother be unhappy to have such a cute, well-behaved and filial son?
(End of this chapter)

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