Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 1061 Eyeing on the Dongfang Family 13

Chapter 1061 Eyeing on the Dongfang Family 13
Xiaoguai and Wuhen talked to each other one by one, and the Dongfang family blushed. If Nangong Yao and the others were not paid, it would be impossible.

And the members of the Dongfang family can't vent their anger on Xiaoguai, let alone arrest Xiaoguai, this is the most helpless.

Dongfang Yi asked Nangong Yao hesitantly, "Miss Nangong, I haven't met that young lady from the Hong family, and I haven't written a word yet! Your speed is too fast!"

After all, the more than 600 million yuan is still a lot of pressure for the Dongfang family. It is impossible for them to give Nangong Yao so much money for such a small matter of the Hong family.

Nangong Yao was immediately displeased when she heard this, they wanted to admit it!
"Young Patriarch of the Dongfang!" Nangong Yao called Dongfang Yi with a more emphatic tone on purpose, "What do you mean you haven't even written the eight characters yet? I think you have already prepared the betrothal gift for the Hong family, right?"

"Eh..." Dongfang Wuming was very depressed, which was a matter of course. After all, Dongfang Yi's dowry was already prepared when he went to Nangong Yao for a martial arts competition, but later Dongfang Yi failed to marry Nangong Yao. Another woman was found to replace Nangong Yao, which could be considered to stop some rumors.

Dongfang Yi was suddenly embarrassed, and turned to look at Dongfang Wuming and those elders.

Nangong Yao smiled, and said very gently, "I know, this matter came too suddenly, so I don't care if I can't pay so much money for a while, you can give an equivalent price Herbs and equipment are the same!"

Hearing Nangong Yao's words, the Dongfang family immediately had the urge to vomit blood. This Nangong Yao has marked their Dongfang family's treasure collection!

"Miss Nangong, this is too sudden, can I ask you to discuss it with the elders of the family?" Dongfang Wuming was silent for a long time before slowly asking Nangong Yao.

Upon hearing this, Nangong Yao nodded with a smile and said, "Okay, no problem!"

Although the Dongfang family gave her such an answer, Nangong Yao didn't care or worry. Since they wanted to play, they should play with them. Anyway, she was idle and bored!
"Then thank you Miss Nangong!" Several elders clasped their fists together and said gratefully.

Alas, now they have to bow their heads.

Dongfang Wuming hurriedly said to Dongfang Yi, "Yi'er, take Miss Nangong to take a good rest first!"

"Okay!" Dongfang Yi nodded, quickly stood up and walked in front of Nangong Yao, "Miss Nangong, this way please!"

"Then I will thank the young patriarch Dongfang. It is our honor to let the young patriarch Dongfang personally arrange our resting place!" Nangong Yao said with a smile.

Dongfang Yi could only sigh secretly in his heart, but there was still a smile on his face, and he said with an apologetic smile, "Miss Nangong laughed!"

"Mother, Xiaoguai has never lived in the Dongfang family!" Xiaoguai immediately looked at Nangong Yao pitifully.

Looking at Xiaoguai's appearance, it seemed that he meant that he was going to see the Dongfang family.

Dongfang Yi smiled and saw what was happening, and comforted Xiao Guai, "Little Guai, if you want to see it, how about Uncle Dongfang taking you around?"

"Huh? Okay!" Xiaoguai nodded happily when she heard that.

"You know how to play!" Nangong Yao could only helplessly pat Xiaoguai's head and said.

(End of this chapter)

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