Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 1069 The Lively Dongfang Family 6

Chapter 1069 The Lively Dongfang Family 6
Nangong Wenbin and others swaggered into the Dongfang family.

And Dongfang Wuming also heard about their arrival, sat in the hall and waited for them, waiting for the elder to bring them in.

"Ah, I didn't expect that I could come to this Dongfang family. It's been so many years, and I haven't been here for a long time. Looking at this house, it hasn't changed!" Nangong Wenbin said in amazement.

"At that time, the four major families didn't exist yet!" Liu Guan said in amazement. Sure enough, this fairy world developed very fast.

The afterimage of that year has completely disappeared, and the fairyland is also developing.

"Senior Liu, in your memory, what is the last impression of Immortal World?" Nangong Lei asked Liu Guan curiously.

Liu Guan sighed and said, "Oh, there are only a few million people left! The situation at that time was really miserable! Some tall people have already gone up, while some low-level people are staying here. There are also some tall ones who can’t go up because of serious injuries, so they can only stay here! Same as me! However, this was a long time ago, and I guess not many people remember it!”

"That's right, no one can leave an ancient book, but what is said is that the fairy world is maintained by the four major families!" Nan Gongxian said in agreement.

"I don't know if Yao'er is here!" Nangong Bo looked around curiously and asked, "Elder Dongfang, is Yao'er in the Dongfang family?"

"Eh... this..." The elder leading the way of the Dongfang family was at a loss for words at once, whether to say it or not, I was afraid that Nangong Yao and the others would meet, and their Dongfang family would have to shed their skins!
"What, what, what!" Nangong Fei said unhappily, "If you are here, you are here, if you are not, you are not here. Is it so embarrassing?"

Nangong Lei also nodded in agreement, "That's right!"

"The front hall is here, everyone, please come inside!" The elder could only keep silent, and finally saw the hall, and quickly put aside the topic.

"I think Yao'er must be here!"

"That is, our people saw them coming in, but they didn't see them going out!"

"Could it be that he was arrested?"

"How is it possible? It's not like you haven't seen that pervert, little boy!"

"That's right!"


The members of the Nangong family were discussing for a while, which also made the elders of the Dongfang family break out in a cold sweat.

The elder brought the members of the Nangong family to the front hall. Seeing Nangong Wenbin, Dongfang Wuming clasped his fists with a smile, "Senior Nangong is here too!"

"What's the matter? Don't you welcome me, an old man?" Nangong Wenbin asked angrily.

"Of course not. Senior Nangong being able to come to our Dongfang family really makes us flourish!" Dongfang Wuming quickly argued.

"I won't bother you anymore, let's get straight to the point!" Nangong Wenbin said directly without sitting down.

"Senior Nangong, let's sit down and talk slowly!" Dongfang Wuming said quickly and respectfully. After all, Nangong Wenbin is a figure of his father's generation.

Nangong Wenbin sat on the guest seat, and said dissatisfiedly, "I've already sat down, now I can talk about it!"

"Eh..." Dongfang Wuming was speechless for a moment.

Nangong Bo asked curiously, "Patriarch Dongfang, I want to ask if Yaoer, my cousin Nangong Yao, and my little nephew Xiaoguai are in your Dongfang family!"

(End of this chapter)

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