Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 1071 The Lively Dongfang Family 8

Chapter 1071 The Lively Dongfang Family 8
Nangong Yao sat at the table, listening to Nangong Wenbin's concern for her, the most asked questions were of course her body and the baby in her belly.

This also made Nangong Yao feel jealous. So many people cared about this child before it was born.

Nangong Lei stretched out her hand to touch Nangong Yao's protruding belly, and asked curiously, "Why is this belly so small! I remember that everyone was pregnant for at most two years, and their belly was already big at that time!"

"Hehehe..." Nangong Yao smiled awkwardly, her stomach now only looks about four months old, and it has been nearly a year since Yuan Hao left her.

"What do you know about this child? The longer the child is conceived, the better the child's talent will be when it comes out!" Nangong Wenbin said educationally.

"I don't know how long it took for this child to come out!" Nangong Lei said curiously while supporting her chin.

"As long as she doesn't make trouble and behaves well in her stomach, I don't care when she is!" Nangong Yao said with a smile, rubbing her stomach.

"Yao'er, how long do you plan to come back this time?" Nangong Wenbin asked Nangong Yao worriedly.

Nangong Yao smiled and said, "I plan to go back after a stroll! Grandpa, don't worry, I'll be fine! It's so boring at home!"

"You child, alas, you really don't take good care of yourself. Your mother, who died young, can't teach you!" Nangong Wenbin said helplessly.

"Grandpa, don't worry!" Nangong Yao said with a smile, "I know my own body."

Nangong Fei asked Nangong Yao curiously, "By the way, Yao'er, what are you doing in the Dongfang family?"

Nangong Xian also nodded, and asked Nangong Yao, "That's right, why did you come to the main house of the Dongfang family?"

"Eh..." Nangong Yao smiled awkwardly.

Xiaoguai immediately explained for Nangong Yao, "Of course they came to ask for debts from the Dongfang family! They owe money to Xiaoguai and mother!"

"Owe money? What money do you owe?" Nangong Lei looked at Xiaoguai curiously and asked.

"Dongfang Yi's fiancée competed with Xiaoguai for Wuhen, and wanted to beat Xiaoguai, but Xiaoguai and Wuhen gave him a hard lesson. Xiaoguai was frightened, so of course he had to ask them for mental damages! "Xiaoguai immediately said as a matter of course.

"Eh..." This Dongfang Yi's fiancée actually competed with Xiaoguai Wuhen, he was simply tired of work.

However, when he heard that Xiaoguai had already taught that woman a lesson, he didn't care.

"Shouldn't this be taken from the woman's family?" Nangong Xian asked Nangong Yao curiously and doubtfully, "Why did you come to the Dongfang family again?"

"That's right! But since this is the fiancee of the young patriarch of the Dongfang family, it must be because of their reputation. They think we can't offend her, so they bully others like this. I don't like it, but I am also very humane. I gave them a lot of relief, one third was paid by the woman's family, one third was paid by the Dongfang family, and the last third was a wedding gift for them, so it was confiscated!" Nangong Yao was very generous Said.

"Then how much do you want in total?" Nangong Wenbin asked Nangong Yao curiously.

"Not much, not much, just 2000 million!" Xiaoguai smiled and waved his hand.

"Only 2000 million?" Soon, the members of the Nangong family thought it was 2000 million gold coins, and these 2000 million gold coins are nothing!Because one-third down, it's just over 600 million.

(End of this chapter)

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