Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 1074 The Lively Dongfang Family 11

Chapter 1074 The Lively Dongfang Family 11
Dongfang Wuming suddenly felt that he was so powerless. How could he be bullied by a brat like this, and he was also speechless. After all, he was also the patriarch of the Dongfang family, okay?It's really embarrassing!

"Who will dare to marry into the Dongfang family in the future! Alas, the Dongfang family seems to be dying!" Xiao Guai looked at Dongfang Wuming and the Dongfang family with sympathy.

"Puchi..." Finally, someone couldn't help laughing out loud.

Seeing Dongfang Wuming's embarrassment and entanglement, the people who watched were extremely depressed, and of course there were also excitement.

Dongfang Wuming looked at Xiaoguai tangled, and didn't know how to respond to Xiaoguai's words for a while, it was really a big failure.

"What's the matter? Why don't you talk!" Xiaoguai suddenly felt silent, looked up at Dongfang Wuming in doubt, blinked a pair of cute big dark eyes, and asked curiously, "Grandpa Dongfang, why don't you talk?" ?”

Dongfang Wuming wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said with a forced smile on his face, "No... nothing! You... what do you want me to say?"

"Tell me if you want to pay back the money!" Xiaoguai immediately got to the point and said, "It's better to hit the sun than to choose a day, so pay it back today!"

"Huh! Huh?" Dongfang Wuming nodded in a daze, and then looked at Xiao Guai suspiciously.

Xiaoguai clapped his hands and said gratefully, "I'll just say, Grandpa Dongfang is the best! You promised Xiaoguai!"

"What did I promise you!" Dongfang Wuming was still a little dumbfounded just now, and didn't quite understand what Xiaoguai said just now.

"Grandpa Dongfang, how can you deceive a child? Do you think that Xiaoguai is just a child so you deceive Xiaoguai? Xiaoguai is so sad!" Xiaoguai sobbed aggrievedly, and a layer of mist appeared in his dark eyes , looking at Dongfang Wuming pitifully.

Dongfang Wuming suddenly had black lines all over his head, and looked at Xiao Guai depressedly.

"Grandpa Dongfang?" Xiaoguai looked at Dongfang Wuming with aggrieved and hurt eyes full of sadness.

"Grandpa Dongfang won't lie to children, right?" Little Guai asked Dongfang Wuming who didn't say a word.

Dongfang Wuming felt even more wronged in his heart, did he really have to pay?No!

Nangong Wenbin covered his mouth with a sneer, feeling extremely refreshed.

The people of the Dongfang family are really pitiful!When they met Xiaoguai, they were out of luck.

Dongfang's nameless hand supported his forehead, looked at Xiaoguai and said, "Well... I have something to do, I... I'll take my leave first!"

Seeing Dongfang Wuming leave the hall with a "whoosh", everyone in the Nangong family was sweating profusely. What's going on?Funk?

Nangong Wenbin looked at the back of Dongfang Wuming's departure, smiled triumphantly, knelt down and patted Xiaoguai on the shoulder, and gave him a thumbs up, "Xiaoguai, yes, that's great, you are indeed my guai Great grandson!"

"Hmph, of course!" Xiaoguai said proudly with her hands on her hips, raising her chin arrogantly.

It's a good idea to play with this young master!I still don't know who is playing whom!
Everyone in the Nangong family looked at Xiaoguai with great admiration, and they regarded him as their little idol. He was so powerful, so powerful, and he was speechless when Dongfang Wuming said it. It was just too much fun for him to say funk.

(End of this chapter)

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