Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 1076 The Lively Dongfang Family 13

Chapter 1076 The Lively Dongfang Family 13
"Don't worry! I'm just reducing their strength. I also know the balance in this fairy world! It should be said that no one in this plane knows this balance better than me!" Tao Wenping said with a smile.

"Yes, my lord!" Hearing Tao Wenping's words made the members of the Beiming family even more puzzled.

But now Nangong Wenbin and others in the Dongfang family don't know the purpose of Tao Wenping and the Beiming family at all.

When Dongfang Wuming's father, Dongfang Shu, heard about Nangong Wenbin and the others, he was immediately furious, and the Dongfang family was going to ask for debts.

"You old boy, if you don't practice well in the Nangong family, what are you doing in our Dongfang family!" Dongfang Shu immediately cursed dissatisfiedly when he saw Nangong Wenbin.

"Hey, who are you, why are you not polite and scolding Azu casually!" Although Xiaoguai would bully Nangong Wenbin sometimes, she would still defend her Azu.

Dongfang pivoted his head and looked around, but he didn't see anyone. He thought to himself, why didn't he see anyone? "Who? Who's talking!"

Hearing that Dongfang Shu didn't see him, Xiaoguai kicked Dongfang Shu's leg angrily, and only heard a "crack" sound of bones breaking.

"Ah!" Dongfang Shu's leg was broken by Xiaoguai's kick, and he hugged his own leg and yelled.

"Eh..." Nangong Wenbin looked at Dongfang Shu who was screaming, and was immediately depressed. This guy is really pitiful.

"You... where did you come from, you little brat!" Dongfang Shu shouted at Xiao Guai angrily.

Nangong Wenbin quickly introduced with a triumphant smile, "This is my great-grandson, what? Do you want to bully the younger generation?"

"I..." Dongfang Shu looked at Xiaoguai, and then at Nangong Wenbin, how could he bully a child!It's just that he didn't expect Nangong Wenbin to have such a lovely great-grandson!

"Hmph, let you bully Azu!" Xiaoguai puffed up and said, "Xiaoguai doesn't like you!"

"Hahaha, little boy, it's not in vain that Azu loves you so much! Hahaha..." Nangong Wenbin was very happy to see the little boy defending himself.

"Azu, you are so useless, you don't even fight back when you are bullied!" Xiao Guai said to Nangong Wenbin very earnestly.

Nangong Wenbin was sweating profusely, who is the elder!
"Yes, yes, thank you, darling!" Nangong Wenbin could only say gratefully.

Dongfang Shu touched his leg and glared at Nangong Wenbin angrily.

"Tell me, what are you going to do in the Dongfang family!" Dongfang Shu didn't believe that Nangong Wenbin came to the Nangong family just for the money.

Nangong Wenbin opened his mouth to speak, but Xiaoguai preempted him, "Grandpa, you must have lived for a long time, and your head is muddled! Grandpa said that he came to ask you for money, and that your Dongfang family owes us The money! And Uncle Dongfang also promised Xiaoguai to pay back the money, do you want to deny it?"

"It's not that our Dongfang family owes money at all, so we won't pay any money!" Dongfang Shu said to Xiaoguai and the others angrily.

"Hmph, it's not much because of your Dongfang family's cheapskates!" Xiaoguai said with a contemptuous glance, "It's fine if you don't pay! I'll announce to the world immediately that your Dongfang family sent Hong Jialing and Dongfang Yi's marriage contract was teased, and all ties were broken! The Dongfang family is a cheapskate family!"

(End of this chapter)

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