Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 1091 Nangong Yao’s Life Is Dying 3

Chapter 1091 Nangong Yao’s Life Is Dying 3
When everyone hurried to Nangong Yao's small courtyard, they saw that Nangong Yao had already collapsed in a pool of blood.



"Miss Yao!"


Sitting on the ground guiltlessly, it was all his fault, everything was his fault, he shouldn't be so careless.

Xiaoguai burst into tears and called Nangong Yao, "Mother, mother, what's wrong with you? Don't scare Xiaoguai! Mother..."

Liu Guan hurriedly took Nangong Yao's pulse, fed a panacea to Nangong Yao, still sighing in his heart.

Nangong Yao was injured by Tao Wenping's self-detonation. The power of this self-destruction was stronger than their unique moves, and Nangong Yao was still attacked at close range. It is already a miracle that she survived.

Seeing Nangong Yao suffer such severe injuries, Liu Guan felt extremely guilty!
"How is Yao'er?" Seeing Liu Guan diagnose Nangong Yao, all members of the Nangong family looked at him anxiously.

Liu Guan sighed and shook his head, "Miss Yao was seriously injured! If it was someone else, that person would have been shattered by self-explosion, and Miss Yao is already considered the best! Sigh, the panacea in me is limited, Can't help Miss Yao!"

"Yao'er!" Everyone looked at Nangong Yao lying on the ground in a pool of blood with heartache.

How could such a thing happen? Nangong Yao is the savior of their Nangong family, and even the most outgoing child of the Nangong family.

Looking at Nangong Yao, Nangong Hai felt even more distressed.

"I'll save Miss Yao's life first, and see if I can save her. I can only rely on them!" Liu Guan said with a sigh.

"Senior Liu, is there anyone who can save Yao'er?" Nangong Wenbin asked Liu Guan quickly.

"When he arrives, you will know that it's not until you know his identity!" Liu Guan said with a sigh, and then pointed to Nangong Hai and said, "Just wait a while!"

Nangong Hai was stunned, and looked at Liu Guan suspiciously. He couldn't feel Liu Guan's cultivation level, and he had captured Tao Wenping before, so he admired Liu Guan even more in his heart. Later, he asked Nangong Wenbin and the others Only then did I know that Liu Guan was an old man in ancient times.

After settling Nangong Yao and letting all the members of the Nangong family leave, Liu Guan took out a pill bottle, "This is for you to break through the gods! Take it right away!"

"Breakthrough Godman?" Nangong Hai was extremely astonished.

Liu Guan nodded slightly, and said, "Yes, after you break through, immediately go to the God Realm of the third plane, and go to Haotian Pavilion to find Xuanyuanhao!"

"Haotian Pavilion?" Nangong Hai looked at Liu Guan suspiciously again, "Senior, are you not going?"

"I can't go, so I can only rely on you. Only he can save Miss Yao. Remember, it means that you came from the second plane. This token is a token. You must find Xuanyuan Hao and tell him personally. Is it?" Liu Guan hurriedly instructed Nangong Hai.

Nangong Hai nodded slightly, "Okay, I understand, Senior Liu, I will do as you say!"

"Here are some things I gave you, you can use them in the God Realm!" Liu Guan gave Nangong Hai another Void Ring and said.

Nangong Hai nodded, and took the pill bottle to break through.

Liu Guan sighed again, "Whether Miss Yao can be saved depends on you!"

In God Realm, Ye Liwen looked at the broken jade slip in her hand. This is Tao Wenping's natal jade tablet. Now that the jade slip is broken, Ye Liwen also knows that he is dead.

(End of this chapter)

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