Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 1202 Qian Bian’s Alchemy Association 16

Chapter 1202 Qian Bian’s Alchemy Association 16
Nangong Yao sneered, staring straight at Lin Jianyue, "Really? But I have never used other spiritual herbs! Are you sure you have checked it?"

Lin Jianyue gulped down a mouthful of saliva, feeling depressed in his heart, why did he feel a sense of fear when he saw Nangong Yao's eyes?

"Of course we checked it. We said there are other spirit grass ingredients, so there is!" Lin Jianyue said firmly immediately.

Listening to Lin Jianyue's tone, Lan Jinling and the others understood that they couldn't find out, but they deliberately said that Nangong Yao added her own spiritual herbs.

"Are you guys as domineering?" Nangong Yao said sarcastically, "Could it be that your alchemy associations are all so domineering? Hmph, I think your alchemy associations are also in decline!"

"Nangong Yao, what are you talking about!"

"Nangong Yao, misfortune comes from your mouth!"


The elders of the Danhui were suddenly angry. This was an insult to their Danhui, and they could not forgive it.

Although they thought it was a bit bad to do so, after Lin Jianyue told them everything about their relationship, they could only bite the bullet.

"Nangongyao, what you say is that you are against Danhui!" Lin Jianyue squinted his eyes, with a cold light shining in them, threatening Nangongyao.

"Really? Old man Lin, tell me, since you called me here, you shouldn't just tell me these things!" Nangong Yao laughed, and turned her head to stare at Lin Jianyue coldly, her eyes full of amusement Look, "If you are sure that I really cheated and used my own spiritual grass, then you should have announced this matter long ago, and I was also kicked out of this competition. Since you didn't announce the result, Then you must have asked me to discuss it with me, didn’t you?”

Lin Jianyue sneered, and praised, "That's right, I didn't expect you to be so beautiful or so smart. You're right, we have something to discuss with you!"

"Let's talk!" Nangong Yao folded her hands on her chest, as if asking for a discussion.

"Nangongyao, as long as you donate your Danding made of Xuantian divine stone to the Danhui, we will let you pass this competition! Become No.1, how about it!" Lin Jianyue immediately got to the point, reminding Nangongyao.

This sentence did not anger Nangong Yao, but it angered Liu Qingfeng.


At first Liu Qingfeng didn't believe what Xuanyuan Hao said to him before, but now he believed it, because their purpose was indeed to fall in love with Xuantian God Shi Danding.

"Say it again!" Liu Qingfeng, who was holding Xuanyuan Yu in one hand, took a step forward, and grabbed Lin Jianyue's neck with the other hand, threatening.

"What are you going to do!" Seeing Liu Qingfeng strangling Lin Jianyue's neck, the atmosphere in the room rose to the extreme in an instant.

"Let go...let me go, talk if you have something to say!" Lin Jianyue held Liu Qingfeng's hand pinching his neck with both hands, and asked in a deliberative manner.

"Qingfeng, let go first!" Nangong Yao waved her hand and said lightly.

"Hmph!" Liu Qingfeng could only let go of Lin Jianyue and push him to the ground.

I didn't expect my subordinates to have such despicable and shameless people, I was really blind.

Lin Jianyue touched his neck and breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that he just passed through the gate of hell.

She thought Liu Qingfeng would strangle her to death, but fortunately Nangong Yao spoke up and saved her life.

(End of this chapter)

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