Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 125 The battle with the wolf dog 7

Chapter 125 The battle with the wolf dog 7
Liu Jiahao picked up the giant ax on the ground and glared at Lan Yao angrily, "Lan Yao, you and I are at odds with each other, today either you die or I die!"

"Ah!" Liu Jiahao raised his giant ax and rushed towards Lan Yao, with the momentum of vowing to die together.

Lan Jinling watched Liu Jiahao behind Lan Yao suddenly attack Lan Yao, and quickly shouted, "Yao'er, be careful!"

Even if Lan Yao didn't look at it, she knew what was going on, a confident smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, she was already on guard.

Suddenly, Lan Yao turned around, folded her palms together, and unexpectedly caught Liu Jiahao's giant ax that was coming towards her head.

"Huh, huh, huh..." Lan Yao stepped back with both hands, tightly sticking to Liu Jiahao's giant axe. Under the shocked eyes of everyone, she led Liu Jiahao to walk on the ring again, following her own beat. dance.

There was a triumphant smile on the corner of Lan Yao's mouth, she crossed the handle of the giant axe with both hands, approached Liu Jiahao's face, and said softly, "Liu Jiahao, don't you think you are very noble? Today I will make you lose all face!"

After all, before Liu Jiahao could react, Lan Yao's palms were already attacking his chest, the back of the palm landed on his chest, knocking him back continuously, and backed up.

Lan Yao hit Liu Jiahao's arm hard with her elbow, Liu Jiahao let out a scream, let go, and the giant ax in both hands fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Lan Yao grabbed Liu Jiahao's other hand and dragged Liu Jiahao around.

"Hands and bones!" Lan Yao's hands turned into sharp claws, grabbing Liu Jiahao's wrist.

"Click, click..." There was a crisp sound of bones breaking.

Liu Jiahao shouted up to the sky, Lan Yao kicked Liu Jiahao's leg fiercely with his right foot, Liu Jiahao also knelt heavily on the ground, and a hole was sunk in the ground.

"Huh..." Liu Jiahao was thrown into the air by Lan Yao, Lan Yao raised her head, jumped up in the air and put her foot on Liu Jiahao's back.

Liu Jiahao soared straight into the sky, Lan Yao jumped again, jumped over Liu Jiahao's body, and stepped heavily on Liu Jiahao's stomach.

At this time, Liu Jiahao fell to the ground like a skyrocket.

With a sound of "touch", there was a sound of heavy objects falling from above the ring, followed by a cloud of dust.

Lan Yao fell to the ground slowly, looking at Liu Jiahao who was about to stand up on the ground.

"Liu Jiahao, do you admit defeat?" Lan Yao asked Liu Jiahao with a triumphant smile on the corner of her mouth, with a treacherous flash in her eyes.

Liu Jiahao was even more angry at this time, staring at Lan Yao fiercely, and said word by word from the corner of his mouth, "No...admit...defeat!"

"If that's the case, we'll fight until you admit defeat!" Lan Yao sneered, a silver light flashed in her hand, and she rushed towards Liu Jiahao with a long sword tightly grasped in her right hand.

"Shua shua shua..." Everyone could only feel that in the darkness, a few sword lights flashed, and Liu Jiahao volleyed towards the sky outside the ring.

Lan Yao smiled treacherously, flew up into the air, swung the long sword in her hand, and rushed towards Liu Jiahao's lower body.

"Pfft..." Liu Jiahao flew upside down.

Seeing where Lan Yao was attacking, all the men gasped. They unconsciously covered their crotches with their hands, their legs tightened, and cold sweat dripped from their foreheads and backs.

"My darling is shaking, my God!"

(End of this chapter)

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