Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 1261 Going to the Beast Forest 25

Chapter 1261 Going to the Forest of Beasts 25
Suddenly they couldn't find the breath of the Lingzhu, and Nangong Yao and the others lost their direction to look for, but they still went in the direction they sensed before.

It has been nearly a month since I groped in the beast forest.

Neither the Lingzhu nor Hai Jun and others were found, which made Nangong Yao depressed for a while.

Just when Nangong Yao and the others were depressed, a group of figures flew in the sky.

Nangong Bo looked up at the figure in the sky suspiciously, blinked his eyes, "Ah! Qin Yuejun!"

"Huh?" Xuanyuan Hao and the others looked up at the figure flying in the sky.

"It's really them!" Nangong Fei exclaimed in astonishment.

" them!" Nangong Lei hurriedly pulled Nangonghe's clothes and shouted.

"You can't bark yourself!" Nangong He glanced at Nangong Lei and said contemptuously.

Nangong Lei accused angrily, "Are you a man like this? Anyway, I am also a girl! How can I make a girl scream!"

"Eh..." The corners of Nangong Fei's mouth twitched slightly.

Nangong Yao smiled and pulled Xuanyuan Hao's clothes, "Go!"

"Okay! Who told me to be your husband! Everything can be done by my husband!" Xuanyuan Hao smiled, and looked up at the figures in the sky flying towards their heads.

"Hai Jun!"

Hai Jun, who heard his name called from below, was slightly taken aback, and looked around suspiciously, "Is anyone calling me?"

"I don't know!" Everyone shook their heads slightly and said.

"Hai Jun, look down!" Nangong Fei and the others hurriedly waved at Hai Jun.

Hai Jun and the others lowered their heads and were startled when they saw Nangong Yao and the others below.


"It turned out to be Miss Nangong and the others!"


Hai Jun and the others saw Nangong Yao and the others, and quickly fell into the air. They were extremely excited to see Nangong Yao.

"Nangong, it's great that you guys are here too!" Hai Jun walked up to Nangong Yao excitedly and said.

Nangong Yao nodded slightly and said with a smile, "Hai Jun, it's been a long time since you all saw each other. It seems that your husband's achievements during this period are really good! All of them have surpassed the gods!"

"Of course, we came up first after all, and before we came out to practice, the master of Haotian Pavilion gave us a lot of elixir to help us break through!" Hai Jun immediately said with a smile.

"You are my people, if this guy doesn't give it to you, I will definitely give him a hard lesson!" Nangong Yao protested with her fists clenched.

Hai Jun glanced at Xuanyuan Hao, and quickly clasped his hands together, "I've seen the pavilion master!"

"No need to be too polite, all of you are Yao'er's friends, that's my friends!" Xuanyuan Hao waved his hand slightly, and said helplessly, "If I dare to put on airs to you, I'm afraid, my Haotian Pavilion will be destroyed. destroyed!"

"What? Do you think I'm domineering and vicious?" Nangong Yao turned her head and threatened Xuanyuan Hao very unhappy.

Xuanyuan Hao immediately shook his head with a drop of sweat profusely, "No, how could I! Yao'er, don't just think about it, I still don't know about you?"

"Hmph!" Nangong Yao rolled her eyes, with a smug look on her face.

Qin Yuejun stretched out his head and asked Nangong Yao curiously, "By the way, Miss Nangong, where is your child? When we came up, the child was not born yet! How is it now?"

"Here it is!" Xuanyuan Xi and Lan Jinling walked in front of Hai Jun and the others holding Xuanyuan Yu's two younger brothers.

(End of this chapter)

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