Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 131 Breakthrough and Assassination 4

Chapter 131 Breakthrough and Assassination 4
A dozen men in black surrounded Li Yi in the middle, and the men in black who fell behind in Lanyao's small courtyard took a look at Li Yi and rushed to Lanyao's room.

Li Yi quickly stepped forward to stop it, but at this moment, there was a roar in Lan Yao's room, "Looking for death!"

"Boom!" The men in black were all stopped at the door of the room by the sound.

And Li Yi also looked at Lan Yao's closed door in astonishment, his face was full of disbelief, he never expected that there were people in Lan Yao's room.

When I looked at Lan Yao's room at that time, I obviously didn't see it, and I didn't feel it at all. Did this man's voice come from Lan Yao's room?

"Who the hell?" Li Yi murmured to himself in confusion.

Among them, the leader of the martial arts expert ordered angrily, "Go in!"

"Yes!" Hearing the leader's order, these killers rushed into Lan Yao's room one by one.

Li Yi wanted to yell, but he didn't expect that he didn't know what to say for a while, as if at this moment, he forgot how to yell.

He just watched the killers rush into Lan Yao's room, but before Li Yi could react, he saw the scene that made his eyes drop.

"Bang bang bang..." A gust of wind rushed out of Lan Yao's room.

The two men in black who rushed to the door of Lanyao's room were blown away by the strong wind in the room, fell into the small courtyard, and rolled several times on the ground. They all looked at Lan Yao's room in astonishment, their eyes filled with disbelief.

Didn't it mean that Lan Yao only has the cultivation level of a martial artist?Why is this aura already innate?

Who is that person in Lan Yao's room?Which innate master will it be?
Li Yi came back to his senses, but instead scratched his head, wondering who was in Lan Yao's room. He also felt this aura, which was obviously an innate aura, and it was extraordinary, even more so. The innate momentum that I know must be strong.

The leader stared angrily at Lan Yao's room, why did the people in Lan Yao's room have such powerful cultivation?Who is he?
"Who dares to take another step forward, kill-no-pardon!" Xuanyuan Hao in the room threatened the man in black outside angrily.

As soon as Xuanyuan Hao's voice fell, it was mixed with a fierce aura, and it was also imposed on every killer of the men in black with the voice, of course their leader Wu Zun was no exception.

As the leader, he already has the cultivation level of Wu Zun, and he can also feel the powerful power of Xuanyuan Hao. The only brow that is not covered by the black veil is also tightly frowned, which is easy to see clearly, and there is a smudge on his forehead. A fine layer of sweat.

"You... who are you? If you are willing to retreat, we can give you benefits!" The leader of the man in black said to Xuanyuan Hao angrily and seductively.

Xuanyuan Hao suddenly laughed arrogantly, "Hahaha... benefits? Do you think you want to impress me just because of your benefits? It's just wishful thinking! With me here today, you don't want to hurt her!"

"Who the hell are you!" Hearing Xuanyuan Hao's words, the leader of the man in black was shocked, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead. It seemed that this man was really not easy to dismiss. What should he do next?

(End of this chapter)

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