Peerless mother genius cute baby

211 Chapter 2 Is the Spring Heart Sprouting

211 Chapter 2 Is the Spring Heart Sprouting
Those who didn't see it, heard that those who saw this game were extremely regretful, why didn't they see it!
The current Lan Yao has become the idol of everyone on the field. Even if her cultivation base is weaker than her own, she can still defeat a master who is stronger than herself, and she can't even defeat her. in the case of the device.

"Where's Lan Yao? We want to see Lan Yao!"

"We want to see Lan Yao, get out of the way!"

"Lan Yao, where are the Lan Yao people?"


Outside the small courtyard where Lan Yao was, surrounded by a group of people, shouting at the top of their voices.

It was bustling outside, but the room was very quiet. Lan Yao, with her hands under her head, was lying on her bed with one leg resting on the knee of the other, whistling.

And beside Lan Yao lay a white pet, which was Wuhen of Warcraft.

Wuhen licked his front paws, raised his head dissatisfied, and looked at the leisurely Lan Yao, "I said, little girl, can you go outside and take care of it, it's very noisy!"

"Didn't you set up an enchantment? Can you still hear the voice? Why can't I hear it?" Lan Yao rolled her eyes at Wuhen beside her. Shout out and make sure those people get the hell out!"

"Hmph! I want to go to you, I won't do such a lowly thing!" Wuhen tilted his head and buried himself in sleep.

Lan Yao shook her head helplessly, closed her eyes, and called out, "Brother Xuanyuan, are you there?"

"Here, what's the matter? Miss your husband?" Xuanyuan Hao smiled, flirting with Lan Yao.

The corner of Lan Yao's mouth twitched slightly, and she shouted angrily, "Xuanyuan Hao, you are courting death!"

"Hahaha..." Xuanyuan Hao smiled triumphantly, and said to Lan Yao, "This time, you performed very well, really!"

Lan Yao smiled proudly, but said gratefully, "Thank you!"

If it wasn't for Xuanyuanhao, maybe I wouldn't be where I am today, if it wasn't for Xuanyuanhao to guide me, maybe I wouldn't be where I am now, so Lan Yao is also grateful from the bottom of my heart.

Suddenly, a wisp of white mist floated out of Lan Yao's gold bracelet, gradually turning into a human form.

Lan Yao sat up in astonishment, blinked her astonished eyes, and looked at the man in a pure white robe in front of her. His handsome appearance almost fascinated Lan Yao, and this man was Xuanyuan Hao.

" are?" Lan Yao looked at Xuanyuan Hao suspiciously.

"Xuanyuan Hao, don't you know him?" Xuanyuan Hao approached Lan Yao's face, with a charming smile on his lips, teasing her, "Thank you? Then how can you thank me? Do you want to promise me forever? ah?"

Lan Yao, who was being molested by Xuanyuan Hao, clenched his fists and shouted at him, "Who wants a lifetime promise!"

The anger dissipated, Lan Yao looked at Xuanyuan Hao in astonishment, she didn't expect to be so handsome, to be honest, this was the first time she had seen Xuanyuan Hao, and she had only heard Xuanyuan Hao's voice all the time.

Xuanyuan Hao smiled, sat on the edge of the bed, stretched out his hand to touch Lan Yao's head, and said with concern, "Did you get hurt in this match?"

"It's okay!" Lan Yao shook her head slightly, glanced at Xuanyuan Hao who was sitting next to her, felt her heart beating extremely fast, and her face was also hot.

"What's wrong? Is something uncomfortable?" Xuanyuan Hao looked at Lan Yao who was blushing, and asked suspiciously.

Lan Yao subconsciously knocked off Xuanyuan Hao's hand that was about to touch her face, took a step back, looked at Xuanyuan Hao in astonishment, "You...what are you going to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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