Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 248 The Sensational Genius Controversy 3

Chapter 248 The Sensational Genius Controversy 3
On the competition field, the so-called Fengyun Jihui, the people who come here are not the elders of the general hall.

Four of the five masters from the academy came all at once, and only one, Chen Qing, was still in seclusion and had no way to come.

Xuanyuan Hao smiled, and teased Lan Yao, "Yaoer, it seems that you are quite famous!"

"Fuck you!" Lan Yao gave a blank look, guessing that after this competition, no matter whether she wins or loses, she will be the focus of attention.

Lan Yao and Chen Zhenjia who came to the ring looked at each other with arrogant smiles on their lips.

"It's started, it's started..."

"Oh my god, this Lan Yao is too powerful!"

"That's right, if it were me, I would definitely refuse directly!"

"This Chen Zhen's family is at least a martial artist!"


There was a lot of discussion among the crowd, whether it was students or elders and others.

"Lan Yao, start!" Chen Zhenjia ordered Lan Yao arrogantly.

Lan Yao rolled her eyes, and cursed inwardly, let's start, shall we?Why does it sound like the boss is ordering the subordinates?
Since this is the case, then I can't be merciful, and today I will let you see how powerful I am, Lan Yao.

Both of them took a step back, raised their internal energy, and used their unique moves to fight at the beginning.

"Sura Whirlwind Fist!"

"Flame Dragon Strike!"

A gust of black wind gushed out from in front of Chen Zhen's family, sweeping across the entire arena. Everyone could still feel the force of the strong wind.

On Lan Yao's side, a fire dragon rushed straight out of Lan Yao's arms, like a fire dragon soaring into the sky, heading straight for the black wind.

"Boom!" The fire dragon collided with the black wind, and the aftermath of the powerful energy scattered around and turned into layers of waves, just like ocean waves.

"噗噌噗..." Both Lan Yao and Chen Zhen's family on the ring took a few steps back, but Lan Yao took more steps back than Chen Zhen's family.

"I'm sub-Ao!" Seeing the collision of these two tricks, he suddenly shouted.

Everyone looked at the arena in astonishment, they didn't expect Lan Yao to be so powerful, the power of this Yanlong attack seemed to be comparable to the peak of Wu Zong.

Seeing that Lan Yao in front of him actually caught his first move, he was quite surprised in his heart, as expected, he was as perverted as the rumors said.

At this time, Yuan Cheng, who was standing beside Liu Yiqun, folded his arms and frowned slightly.

"Yuan Cheng, it seems that Lan Yao's talent is no less than yours!" Liu Yiqun glanced at Yuan Cheng beside him, and said with a smile.

Yuan Cheng's brows loosened, and he said firmly, "Master, I know that Lan Yao's talent is not bad, but I won't admit defeat either!"

Liu Yiqun nodded in satisfaction, "Well, yes, as my apprentice, Liu Yiqun should have such an aura!"

"Sure enough, the reputation is well-deserved!" Zhu Meijun and the three masters also nodded slightly, with expressions of admiration.

Clenching his fists, Han Feilong said firmly, "This time, I will definitely let Lan Yao be my apprentice!"

"Master, don't worry, Lan Yao is a swordsman, and if you want to be a teacher, you are also a teacher!" Han Feilong's apprentice hurriedly comforted Han Feilong.

Han Feilong clasped his arms proudly, with a powerful aura of a strong man rising from his body, "Of course! In this academy, who else can try out such a powerful sword technique except me?"

"Yes, yes, master is the most powerful!"

"Master's swordsmanship is invincible in the world!"


(End of this chapter)

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