Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 258 Who dares to hurt Lan Yao!dead 7

Chapter 258 Who dares to hurt Lan Yao!dead 7
Yuan Hao sat on the head of the bed, holding Lan Yao's hand.

And Lan Yao comfortably used Yuan Hao's legs as her own pillow, very comfortable.

"Yao'er, are you very proud?" Looking at the smug smile on Lan Yao's face, Yuan Hao smiled and said dotingly.

Lan Yao blinked her eyes, a sly look flashed in her eyes, and she immediately retorted, "No? How could I?"

"Look at you, isn't that the smile on your face? A treacherous smile!" Yuan Hao pinched Lan Yao's nose and teased.

Lan Yao hurriedly grabbed Yuan Hao's hand and yelled, "Oh, what are you doing? Pinching again? If you keep pinching, I'm going to be disfigured!"

"Even if it's disfigured, you're still mine!" Yuan Hao smiled triumphantly, "Actually, it's better to be disfigured. In this case, everyone will dislike you, and you will be mine alone!"

"What nonsense!" Lan Yao gave Yuan Hao a blank look. This guy knew how to bully her, but he was still a little sweet in his heart.

But thinking of Yuan Hao leaving, he asked a little bit reluctantly, "Brother Yuan, do you want to leave after a while?"

"Yeah, I just hope that the sky can be a little later, so that I can stay with you for a while!" Yuan Hao nodded slightly, "Yao'er, when you are in the academy, you must take good care of yourself. ?"

"Well, I will, don't worry!"Lan Yao nodded slightly, with a happy face.

Since Yuan Hao was leaving soon, Lan Yao and Yuan Hao chatted with each other until Yuan Hao was about to leave.

Yuan Hao turned his head to watch the sky gradually brighten outside, and patted Lan Yao, "Yao'er, I'm leaving!"

Lan Yao quickly sat up, looked at Yuan Hao reluctantly, "I'll see you off!"

"If you send me off, you will be even more reluctant to part with me. Don't worry, I've treated you for one night, and you should be fine!" Yuan Hao smiled and comforted Lan Yao.

"Well, I know!" Lan Yao nodded, looked at Yuan Hao, and watched him leave with some reluctance.

Watching Yuan Hao leave, Lan Yao opened her mouth and yawned.

After chatting with Yuan Hao all night, I feel a little sleepy now.

Yuan Hao, who was in mid-air, still looked back at the academy reluctantly, could only shake his head, and disappeared into the sky.

At dawn, Lan Jinling and Ouyang Yu came to Lan Yao's room and looked at the sleeping Lan Yao.

"Ouyang, how is Yao'er's health?" Lan Jinling turned to ask Ouyang Yu beside her.

"Don't worry, looking at Lan Yao's face, it's already much better!"

"Oh, Yao'er's personality really worries me!"

"She's like that, don't worry, I think we will worry a lot in the future!"

"makes sense!"


When Lan Yao opened her eyes, she saw Lan Jinling and Ouyang Yu standing beside her bed chatting softly.

"Brother Ling? Ouyang?"

"Yao'er, you're awake!" Hearing Lan Yao's voice, Lan Jinling sat beside the bed and cried happily.

Lan Yao nodded, looked at Lan Jinling and Ouyang Yu, and smiled, "Don't worry, I'm fine now!"

"Yao'er, do you know how worried I am? I won't allow you to do this again in the future, you know?" Lan Jinling frowned, with a somewhat remonstrative tone.

"I know, don't worry!" Lan Yao could only fool Lan Jinling for this moment, and she probably would forget it in the future.

Seeing Lan Yao's quick agreement, Lan Jinling might forget about it in the future, so she could only shake her head, "You!"

(End of this chapter)

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