Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 307 The Nightmare of the Experts 4

Chapter 307 The Nightmare of the Experts 4
Looking at the things that were about to fall to the ground, Liu Yiqun flew towards the shelf, and at this moment, the precarious things on the shelf fell down one after another.

It's a pity that Liu Yiqun's speed was a little slower, and all the things at the bottom fell to the ground and became shattered.

As for the things that were about to fall to the ground, Liu Yiqun caught several of them, using both hands, one foot and the back.

However, this pose is a bit unsightly.

When Liu Yiqun's apprentices ran to the hall, they saw Liu Yiqun spreading his hands, the golden rooster was standing alone, the other foot was in the air, and there were things on both hands and one foot. They were all surprised and puzzled look.

"What's going on here?"

"Master, what are you doing here?"

Everyone asked curiously.

Liu Yiqun breathed a sigh of relief when he saw what he had caught, but looking down at the pieces on the ground, his flesh ached!

Xiaoguai leaned on the shelf, looked up at Liu Yiqun with a smile, a sly light flashed in his big dark eyes.

"Hee hee hee!" Xiaoguai laughed crisply, "Master Liu, are you tired?"

Liu Yiqun lowered his head, was puzzled by Xiaoguai's question, and was slightly taken aback.

The little girl chuckled, then raised her fleshy little hand, and patted Liu Yiqun's chest.

Don't look at Xiao Guai who is still very young, but the strength of this little hand's clapping is quite strong.

At this time, Liu Yiqun's posture was that of a golden rooster, coupled with Xiaoguai's perverted body and ability, this little hand directly slapped Liu Yiqun to the ground.

However, as Liu Yiqun's body fell, all the things he saved fell to the ground.

"Ping-pong! Touch!" Liu Yiqun fell to the ground together with people and things.

Liu Yiqun's people all showed shock and doubt.

"Master!" All the apprentices suddenly screamed.

When Xiao Guai saw Liu Yiqun's appearance, he giggled with excitement.

Liu Yiqun looked at the little boy who was smiling brightly, and then looked at the ruins on the ground, and couldn't help the corners of his mouth twitching.

"My baby!" Liu Yiqun screamed, and ordered to his apprentice, "Catch this little brat!"

Liu Yiqun's disciples, after hearing what he said, rushed to catch Xiaoguai.

Xiaoguai looked at the man flying towards him, pouted, and then grinned again.

"Come on!" Xiaoguai waved at them excitedly.

A group of people flew towards Xiaoguai, and when they were about to catch Xiaoguai, suddenly, Xiaoguai's figure jumped and disappeared on the shelf, but Liu Yiqun's apprentices didn't react for a while.

The little boy on the shelf suddenly disappeared, which was really unbelievable. They could have reacted and stopped quickly after they caught the little boy.

However, because of the sudden disappearance of Xiaoguai, they didn't react, and their fate became miserable after a moment's pause.

Then another group of people fell to the ground, forming a mountain of people. Because of this collision, the frame lost its stability and fell on the mountain of people with a bang.

In an instant, the wails and screams continued in the entire hall.

The little boy reappeared, and sat on the shelf, clapping his little hands excitedly, "It's fun, it's fun! It's fun! It's fun!"

(End of this chapter)

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