Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 332 The Secret in the Holy Land 5

Chapter 332 The Secret in the Holy Land 5
When Lan Yao walked out of the hidden cave, Lan Jinling and others also came out.

"Yao'er!" Lan Jinling saw Lan Yao's figure and smiled slightly, "Yao'er, congratulations!"

Lan Yao congratulated Lan Jinling and said, "You too!"

"It seems that you have all gained something!" Chen Qing and others also walked in from the outside and said appreciatively.

Han Feilong looked at Lan Yao excitedly, "Yaoer, not bad!"

"Thank you, master, for your compliment!" Lan Yao smiled triumphantly, with her hands on her hips, "Master, your apprentice didn't embarrass you, did he?"

Han Feilong patted Lan Yao's shoulder with a smile, and laughed triumphantly, "No, no, no! It's a face for the master! The master is very happy!"

Zhu Meijun rolled her eyes at Han Feilong's frightened look, feeling very upset.

Zhou Junkai frowned, looked around, "It seems that the atmosphere here was once chaotic!"

"Yes!" Liu Yiqun nodded in agreement, and turned to look around.

"That's right, master, we felt different when we were practicing just now!"

"Well, I also feel that the aura here is very chaotic, which hinders our cultivation a bit!"

"If the breath can be normal, maybe I can break through!"

"What happened?"


Yuan Cheng and the others frowned, and asked Chen Qing and the others suspiciously.

Chen Qing and the others didn't respond to Yuan Cheng's reply, they just remained silent.

And the culprit, Lan Yao, touched her nose in embarrassment, turned her head and looked around, feeling very guilty.

Although Lan Yao didn't know that the change in spiritual energy when she started practicing was due to herself, but the subsequent fluctuations in spiritual energy must be due to the fact that she took the unicorn pearl.

Chen Qing snorted coldly, turned around and said, "Okay, get out of here quickly!"


Han Feilong stepped back and said side by side with Lan Yao, "Yaoer, how do you feel inside?"

"I think it's good, it's a good place to practice!" Lan Yao smiled and said the truth.

Han Feilong asked Lan Yao anxiously again, "Do you have any thoughts?"

Lan Yao pondered, "I feel, actually, I also have this feeling, but I can't explain it right now!"

In fact, there are no impressions, but a lot of questions.

And that bastard Xuanyuan Hao didn't say anything, making himself full of doubts and dissatisfaction.

Originally, I wanted to teach Xuanyuan Hao a good lesson, but this guy has gone to retreat, so there is no way to teach him a lesson.

We can only ask when Xuanyuan Hao comes out, or when Yuan Hao comes. After all, this matter involving Zhuge Formation must be an ancient matter.

Therefore, even if you ask Han Feilong and the others, they definitely don't know.

What's more, I took away the treasure they hid in the Holy Land.

"By the way, master, do you know why the center of this holy place is unusual?" Lan Yao suddenly asked Han Feilong curiously.

With one hand on his hips, Han Feilong touched his chin with the other and looked up, "You know, this is a treasure left by a master in ancient times, and he set up a formation, and he left a message to arrange things like this! "

"A master! Could it be a master in formation?" Lan Yao murmured while touching her chin.

Needless to say, it must be the Zhuge Formation that can set up such a powerful formation, but why is the Zhuge Formation arranged in this way?
Moreover, these five spirit beads must belong to him, but why are they here?

According to the arrangement of the Zhuge Array, the other four spirit beads may be in the centers of other four national holy places.

It's just that the holy land centers in the other four countries are not accessible to ordinary people, so we must find a way by then.

(End of this chapter)

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