Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 343 Step on him again 6

Chapter 343 Step on him again 6
Chen Zhenjia was shocked immediately, and hurriedly resisted, "Black Dragon Storm!"

A black tornado is like a tiger rushing towards Lan Yao's flame dragon.

"Four Seasons Swordsmanship! Xia Lei's Thunderbolt and Thunderbolt!" Lan Yao raised the soul-chasing sword in his hand, and the tip of the sword pointed directly at the sky.

The originally clear sky turned into a mass of dark clouds, lightning flashed, and thunder rang, "Boom..."


The thunder and lightning connected the sky and the ground, and strips of blue lightning fell on top of Chen Zhenjia's head.

Chen Zhenjia quickly raised his oolong halberd to fight against the thunder and lightning in the sky.

"Wow! Such a powerful thunderbolt!"

"Why does it feel like I'm going to cross the catastrophe!"

"This sword technique is too powerful! I wonder if Chen Zhen's family can do it?"

"With such a high level of cultivation, Chen Zhen's family should be fine!"


"Shock!" Lan Yao angrily pointed the soul-chasing sword at Chen Zhen's family.

"Boom!" A voice resounded from above the ring.

"Five Elements Slaying Formation! Activate!" Lan Yao's whole body seemed to burn with a ray of light, turning into a figure, and shouted loudly.

Everyone saw a flash of blue light on the stage of the arena, and then disappeared.

"what happened?"

"What is a killing formation? A killing formation?"

"Is it some kind of formation?"

"No way? Could it be that Lan Yao is still a magician genius?"

"Hasn't the formation been lost long ago? How come Lan Yao still knows it?"

"Has this formation been activated?"


Everyone looked at Lan Yao and Chen Zhenjia on the ring with puzzlement and astonishment.

No one knew what Chen Zhen's family saw now, but there was a look of horror on his face.

Liu Yiqun looked at Lan Yao, then at Han Feilong, and asked, "Han Feilong, what kind of apprentice are you? How can you know formations?"

"What kind of Five Elements Slaying Formation is this? It seems to be just a legendary formation! How could she do it?"

"That's right, I've only seen the Five Elements Killing Formation in books! I don't know if it exists or not!"

"Did Lan Yao really set up a five-element killing array?"


Han Feilong crossed his arms proudly, "Of course! But I didn't teach this, my apprentice is a perverted genius!"

"You've got to be pissed off!" Seeing Han Feilong's smug expression immediately made Zhu Meijun and the others very upset.

Lan Yao's lost formation immediately surprised them, these great masters.

They also know that this is definitely not taught by Han Feilong, it must be another master of Lan Yao, and it cannot be invented by her own thinking.

According to this speculation, how powerful the master master behind Lan Yao must be!At least he must be a formation master, no one would want to offend a formation master!

You don't need to do anything, you have already been played to death, and now there are almost no people who know how to form in the mainland. Even if they know how to form, they can only arrange some simple gathering arrays and so on.

This kind of profound killing formation is absolutely impossible.

Chen Zhen's family in the arena was completely trapped in the formation at this time, and he didn't even have any strength left to fight back.

Lan Yao also formed seals with both hands, maintaining the activation of the formation.

The activation of the formation also consumes a lot of qi and spiritual power. The more profound the formation, the more cumbersome and powerful the formation, the more powerful the consumption is, so now Lan Yao is constantly looking at the magic pill in his mouth. .

(End of this chapter)

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