Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 362 Daddy Can’t Have an Affair 3

Chapter 362 Daddy Can’t Have an Affair 3
"Who are you?" Young Master Qi turned his head and looked at Lan Yao with dissatisfaction and doubt.

Lan Yao smiled slightly, folded her hands on her chest, "Who am I? I specialize in teaching bullying dogs like you!"

"You... who the hell are you, to talk to me like this!" Young Master Qi immediately yelled at Lan Yao angrily, "Little bastard, don't seek death!"

"I said you look like a dog, and the dog barks so loudly! Where did the master go?" Yuan Hao stood beside Lan Yao holding Xiaoguai, looked around suspiciously, and asked He said, "Hey, owner of the dog, where are you now! Come out quickly, your dog has escaped, hurry up and catch it back!"

Listening to Yuan Hao's ridicule, Lan Yao couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.

Of course, everyone in the entire restaurant couldn't help laughing, but there were also some who knew the identity of this Young Master Qi, but they still covered their mouths secretly and dared not laugh out.

"Laugh, what's so funny!" Young Master Qi yelled angrily, "Get out, get out of here, Young Master!"

"Let's go!"

In order to protect their safety, everyone in the restaurant hastily escaped from the restaurant, only Lan Yao, Yuan Hao, and Young Master Qi were left.

"Who are you guys? Do you know where this is?" A man behind Young Master Qi asked Lan Yao arrogantly.

Lan Yao snorted coldly, and said contemptuously, "Before the master said anything, the dog was barking!"

"If you don't want to be unlucky, just leave here obediently and apologize to the old man!" Yuan Hao threatened Young Master Qi viciously.

Now that Lan Yao made a move, she couldn't stand by and watch.

Master Qi waved his hands angrily, "You guys, teach me a good lesson!"

"Okay, I haven't exercised for a long time, so I'll play with you today!" Lan Yao clenched her fists and said arrogantly.

Yuan Hao quickly reached out to stop Lan Yao, and smiled to dissuade, "Yaoer, why do you want to do it? Just these guys, they are not my opponents!"

Lan Yao gave Yuan Hao a blank look, this guy just refused to let her make a move, "Get out of the way!"

Yuan Hao touched his nose, he was worried about her, but the other party was the martial god Wu Zong's cultivation level!Now is not the time to deal with them.

However, since I'm here, I don't have to worry about what kind of tricks Young Master Qi is playing. No one will know what tricks I use in a sneaky way.

"Okay, since Yao'er likes to play, I won't stop you!" Yuan Hao smiled, sat on the bench, and put Xiaoguai on Lian's lap.

Xiaoguai immediately scolded Yuan Hao dissatisfied, "Daddy, you are so disrespectful, you don't even want to help mother!"

If you don't help mother, you still want to stop me. This is a rare opportunity for me to make a move!

"Who says I can't help!" Yuan Hao immediately retorted, and softly approached Xiaoguai's ear, "Your mother and you are so strong, if I help her with such a big fanfare, I will only be angry, but if I If you help without your mother knowing, you won't be angry, will you? Are you going to be scolded by your mother?"

"I don't want to!" Xiaoguai immediately shook his head and said in refusal, "Daddy, I support you, hurry up and help... watch the show!"

Yuan Hao nodded with a smile, "Yes, it's a good show!"

(End of this chapter)

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