Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 364 Daddy Can’t Have an Affair 5

Chapter 364 Daddy Can’t Have an Affair 5
He had no idea that all of this was entirely controlled by Yuan Hao. The moment Lan Yao faced Master Qi, he had already set up a domain in this restaurant, which was equivalent to an independent space outside this world.

In this space, Yuan Hao is the god who lives in the world, no one can go against his will, as long as he wants to make people do what he wants, he can do whatever.

Unless that person's cultivation base is not low, can match Yuan Hao's strength, and can break through the void and leave his independent space.

Perhaps, in this universe, there is only Liu Qingfeng.

And with Master Qi's cultivation base, or rather on this plane, it is impossible for anyone to notice that he has arranged such an independent space without anyone noticing.

Even Lan Yao didn't know about this matter, she just knew that it was just a trick of Yuan Hao's emissary, and she didn't know that she was already in Yuan Hao's independent space.

With Yuan Hao as her backing, how could Lan Yao let go of such a good opportunity?

To be able to teach these second generation ancestors in front of me severely.

Young Master Qi, who was a little distracted, hadn't realized it yet, and even if he did, his movements were too slow, because his current cultivation base was equivalent to a decline, and his speed was much slower.

Lan Yao punched Master Qi fiercely in the face.

"Touch!" It landed on Young Master Qi's right eye comprehensively and accurately, and the real Young Master Qi stepped back a few steps and covered his eyes.

Lan Yao looked at Young Master Qi's right eye, proudly blowing the "dust" on the face of her fist, with a look of arrogance, "Boy, how about it? Do you want a symmetrical one!"

"Boy, you are looking for death! Although I don't know what you did, I will never let you go today!" Young Master Qi was furious, covered his painful right eye, and rushed towards Lan Yao again. past.

Xiaoguai happily patted his hands and shouted, "Come on, come on... Daddy, give this bad guy a symmetrical one! It'll look good this way!"

"Don't worry, it will happen!" Lan Yao happily comforted Xiao Guai not to worry too much.

Yuan Hao was also happy to watch a good show, watching Lan Yao teach Young Master Qi a lesson.

Watching Young Master Qi get a pair of panda eyes, he couldn't help laughing, and kicked Young Master Qi to block him.

Young Master Qi clutched his crotch, pointed at Lan Yao, and stared at her fiercely, "You..."

"Me? What's wrong with me?" Lan Yao smiled and raised her chin arrogantly towards Young Master Qi.

"Can't see!" Yuan Hao hurriedly covered Xiaoguai's eyes.

Xiaoguai grabbed Yuan Hao's big hand and yelled dissatisfiedly, "Xiaoguai wants to see it!"

Seeing Young Master Qi clutching his crotch, Xiaoguai still understood a little bit.

"Hahaha... Daddy is amazing! The villain is miserable and fun!" Looking at the poor young master Qi, Xiaoguai immediately burst out laughing.

"In the future, you must never mess with women. If you don't, you will lose your children and grandchildren!" Yuan Hao quickly reminded Xiaoguai, and was the first to teach.

Xiaoguai waved his hand, and said something completely out of age, "Don't worry! Xiaoguai won't make my sisters angry, especially Daddy, if you dare to have an affair, you will die!"

Yuan Hao immediately rolled his eyes at Xiao Guai, and said triumphantly, "Fart, your father and I are the most loyal husbands in the world, so this kind of thing won't happen!"

Seeing Lan Yao solve Master Qi and others so easily, Yuan Hao nodded with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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