Chapter 368

In the entire hall, no one spoke, but there were all kinds of complications in their hearts.

"Yu'er, do you know who the person who hurt you is?" Qi Changming hurriedly asked Qi Yu, first to find out who dared to insult the Qi family like this.

Qi Yu thought for a while, he didn't seem to know their names at all, they never mentioned them from the beginning to the end.

"I don't know, they didn't even report their own names!" Qi Yu gritted his teeth viciously.

Qi Changxian's eldest son, Qi Ning, couldn't help asking Qi Yu, "Young patriarch, why don't you even know who the person who hurt you is? So how can we avenge you!"

"Why don't I know their names!" Qi Yu shouted at Qi Ning angrily, knowing that he must see his own joke now.

Hmph, Qi Ning, don't be complacent, when my injury heals, some of you will look good.

If it was before, Qi Ning would never play Qi Yu so blatantly. Now Qi Yu is already a useless person without cultivation.

Those who have been abolished, whether it is martial arts or spiritual cultivation, are in worse physical condition than ordinary people.

Qi Ju couldn't help covering his mouth and laughing, this guy didn't seem to know his situation yet.

Looking into Qi Yu's eyes, how could the brothers Qi Ning and Qi Ju not know what was going on in his heart?I'm afraid there will be no chance in the future.

With Qi Yu's cultivation base abolished, there must not be many people in the Qi family who gave him face, and I am afraid that his lower body may have been in bed.

The only one who can care about him is his mother Fang Wenying.

And the people he bullied in the past might take this opportunity to teach him a lesson and play with him!

"You don't even know the people who hurt you. How can we help you find revenge for them? At least, you can tell me a little bit about their characteristics!" Qi Changwu asked Qi Yu kindly, "How many people are there in their group? How is their cultivation? ? Wearing appearance and so on!"

"Two young men, and a child, about one or two years old, from the name, it seems to be Xiaoguai!" Qi Yu tried his best to calm down his anger, recalling how they called each other, "The man in the blue robe called the other One is Brother Yuan!"

"Hmph, you dare to desecrate our Qi family, you must not let them go!" Qi Changming said angrily, "Second brother and third brother, you immediately take someone to find those two bastards,'s three!"

"Yes, brother!" Qi Changwu and Qi Changxian both nodded, "We'll go down and make arrangements right away!"

In fact, they were a little reluctant in their hearts. Someone who could hurt Qi Yu to such an extent must have a high level of cultivation. Even if they sent someone, they would definitely not be opponents, and they would only offend these two masters. .

Qi Hong followed behind Qi Changwu, and asked anxiously, "Father, are you really going to find those two masters?"

"What do you think?" Qi Changwu said with a cold snort.

"Second brother, I think we should put on a show! It's not like we don't know Qi Yu's character, and what he said this time must be false! He didn't even say how he provoked those two masters!" Qi Changxian frowned, reminding Qi Changwu.

Qi Changwu nodded, and said in agreement, "That's right, according to what the eldest brother said, even I don't have the ability to make Qiyu like this, this cultivation base must be much stronger than ours, at least Xuanzun Xiu in order!"

(End of this chapter)

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