Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 383 The Attacking Killer Was Miserable 2

Chapter 383 The Attacking Killer Was Miserable 2
There was a faint smile on the corner of Yuan Hao's mouth, and he kindly reminded, "What's the matter? Tell you a very strange skill, that is the space field. This skill does not exist in this first plane! If you don't want to After experiencing the pain of hell, it is best to tell the truth, who sent you and why are you following Lan Yao?"

"I...we..." Zhang Shan and the two looked at Yuan Hao, as if they saw the god of death holding a sickle, which made them break out in cold sweat.

At this time, Yuan Hao was full of murderous intent, they dared to hit Lan Yao with their intentions, they were looking for death.

Although Zhang Shan and Zhang Feng saw Yuan Hao smiling, but the murderous aura and aura emanating from him made them almost unable to hold on.

With a "plop", Zhang Shan and Zhang Feng both knelt on the ground, sweating profusely.

"Pfft..." Zhang Feng couldn't bear the momentum in this space, and blood spewed from his mouth.

Zhang Shan, who had a higher level of cultivation than Zhang Feng, was better, but he couldn't hold on any longer.

Yuan Hao slightly reduced the pressure, "How is it? Tell me, who sent you here!"

"I...we..." Zhang Shan still hesitated.

Yuan Hao glared at Zhang Shan coldly, and Zhang Shan flew out instantly.

Zhang Feng was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at Zhang Shan vomiting blood, and fell into a pool of blood, he was stunned.

Just now, I didn't see Yuan Hao making a move at all, but seeing Yuan Hao glaring at Zhang Shan, Zhang Shan flew out of the whole body.

Seeing Zhang Shan's miserable situation at this time, Zhang Feng's back was covered with cold sweat, and he looked up at Yuan Hao in fear.

Yuan Hao smiled slightly and asked Zhang Feng, "Do you know? Who sent you here?"

"I know, I know!" Zhang Feng nodded immediately after seeing Yuan Hao's power.

I have never seen a person who is more powerful than Yuan Hao. They are at least the masters of the Xuan level, and their cultivation base is not low. Hao just stared like that, this person's cultivation must be No.1 on this plane.

Yuan Hao nodded in satisfaction, "Tell me, who sent you here!"

"'s Chen Qing!" Zhang Feng gritted his teeth. Although he hesitated in his heart, he still wanted to speak out for his own life.

"Chen Qing?" Yuan Hao was taken aback for a moment, but immediately a haughty smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, it turned out to be this guy.

It seems that Chen Qing still can't forgive Lan Yao for hurting his grandson Chen Zhen's family, and now he will send killers to kill Lan Yao when Lan Yao comes out.

And these people are the ones with the highest cultivation level among the groups of people following Lan Yao, that's why Yuan Hao went to them first, at least they are all of the Xuan level.

"Yes... yes, Lan Yao killed Chen Zhen's family, that's why he tried his best to kill Lan Yao. Anyway, Lan Yao has already left Qilin Kingdom, so he sent us to kill Lan Yao. If Lan Yao can be killed, Chen Zhen Qing can die because Lan Yao is training and fighting outside." Zhang Feng quickly explained, hoping that Yuan Hao would be lenient, he doesn't want to die yet.

"Hmph, he is so rampant with his meager Xuanzun's cultivation base, it's beyond self-control to want to hurt Yao'er!" Yuan Hao snorted coldly, with a bit of contempt and disdain.

If it wasn't because Lan Yao didn't let him make a move before, perhaps Chen Qing would have been wiped out long ago, and there is still the matter of sending a killer today?
(End of this chapter)

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