Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 396: Groups of Killers Strike 7

Chapter 396: Groups of Killers Strike 7
In order to fight against the killer in front of him, Lan Yao has used all his strength, and now almost all the internal strength in his body has been consumed, to the point of exhaustion.

Lan Yao was gasping for breath, sweating profusely on her forehead, still holding the long sword tightly, staring at the killer fiercely with a pair of murderous eyes.

I'm really not reconciled, obviously I killed Chen Zhen's family, and I have accumulated experience after such a long time of fighting, at this time, I have no room to fight back.

This made the arrogant Lan Yao very unwilling to admit her weakness.

"Hmph, you're overthinking yourself, now you've reached the end of the road, let's see where you go, die!" The killer raised his knife and headed towards Lan Yao's head.

Lan Yao looked at the knife held by the killer in both hands, the light of the knife stimulated her eyes.

"How can I lose here?"

Unreconciled, Lan Yao looked at the killer, unwilling to admit that she had just surrendered, and it was impossible to die here.

I still haven't done many things, I haven't really stood shoulder to shoulder with Yuan Hao, and now I am still standing under Yuan Hao's protection.

There are still many, many things that have not been done, and I am not reconciled, really not reconciled.

"Ah!" Lan Yao shouted angrily, and the blood in her whole body began to boil violently.

Lan Yao's sudden action at this time made the assassin startled, and quickly stepped back, looking at Lan Yao in astonishment.

"Breakthrough?" The killer's eyes were full of disbelief. I didn't expect Lan Yao to break through. Is this a breakthrough in the face of life and death?

Wisps of water mist rose from Lan Yao's body from under her feet, gradually enveloping Lan Yao's body, making her figure faintly visible.

"Roar..." Suddenly, a deafening beast roar, carrying a powerful force, reached the killer's ears.

Yuan Hao instantly moved to the other side of the killer, looking at Lan Yao who broke through at this time, a gratified smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

A golden light flew out of Lan Yao's body and landed in front of Lan Yao's body, it was Wuhen of Warcraft.

Wuhen opened his mouth and yelled at Lanyao, the white hair on his body gradually changed, all the parts of ancient mythical beasts appeared on Wuhen's body, and the aura scattered all around, causing the surrounding trees to be broken instantly.

It was almost time for a cup of tea, Yuan Hao stroked his chin, and looked at Lan Yao with some worry.

Lan Yao seemed a little anxious to break through and lost her temper, which is not good.

Yuan Hao quickly escaped from a panacea and walked towards Lan Yao.

With Yuan Hao's cultivation level, there would be nothing wrong with getting close to Lan Yao, so he put the elixir into Lan Yao's mouth.

The turbulent internal energy in Lan Yao's body gradually stabilized a lot, and the pained look on her face also became less painful.

Yuan Hao supported Lan Yao and sat cross-legged on the ground. Now Lan Yao needs a quiet place to practice.

Wuhen scratched his head with his front hoof, looked at Lan Yao, and walked slowly to her side.

"Wuhen, go and get rid of this obstructive guy!" Yuan Hao squatted beside Lan Yao, and glanced at the killer who was a little frightened.

Wuhen raised his head to look at Yuan Hao, and then looked at the killer complainingly, knowing how to order himself.

"Go!" Yuan Hao gave Wuhen a hard look, threatening.

"Go as soon as you go, and you will know how to command the beast!" Wuhen turned around frustrated with the small face to deal with the killer.

Yuan Hao turned his head to look at Lan Yao who was beside him, and shook his head helplessly, this girl almost got mad and didn't even know it, so she must be careful next time.

(End of this chapter)

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