Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 406 Goodbye Pervert 1

Chapter 406 Goodbye Pervert 1
Following the arrival of the people from Qilin Kingdom, Qinglong Kingdom and other four countries came one after another.

In addition to the candidates from the academy, the royal families of various countries and other major families sent people to visit this 20-year competition.

Although in name only the students of the Five Nations Academy competed, the actual implication was self-evident.

Every country is unwilling to admit that their own country is low, so they all want to achieve better results and become the top of the five countries.

This competition will also represent that the honor of each country has a profound meaning for each country.

Before the competition, all contestants from the five countries will have a meeting, and they will also submit their list of entries by the way. In order to avoid cheating, they will conduct various investigations on the age and cultivation level of the students.

Ten masters of the Xuanzun period from five countries have personally inspected and checked, and no one has played favoritism or cheated.

If the students being inspected belong to one country, then the eight masters of the other four countries will inspect them more seriously, which is also for the benefit of their own country.

They are of course willing to find fault in this situation, and it is best to kick the opponent out of the game.

For this meeting, a lottery must also be conducted to arrange the order in which the students will appear.

The rules of the game drawn by lottery are: each student from the five countries draws lots, a total of ten lots, and after each person holds a lottery, it will not change until the end of the game.

The rules of the game are that each of the five countries draws the lottery with the same number to compete with each other, and they will compete once with the people with the same number lottery, and they will be eliminated by the score.

Five points for a win, one point for a tie, and no extra points for a loss. Finally, among those with the same number, the student with the highest score will enter the final list.

Therefore, there is a serial number from one to ten, each student represents each serial number, and then the competition is based on the serial number, regardless of the country, even if the two opponents are from the same country, there must be a winner.

So in the morning three days before the competition, Hu Feilong and Liu Yiqun brought Lan Yao and ten students who participated in the competition to the Justice Court.

Although there are elders in this Justice Court, they are generally like puppets because of their insufficient cultivation. When the top ten masters from the Five Kingdoms come, they will become sick cats.

Although the Court of Justice is neat, it also contains various unspoken rules.

Lan Yao stroked her chin, looked at the gate with the plaque of "Justice Court" at the door, "This is the Justice Court? Why do I feel that it is not neat at all, it is a bit crooked!"

"Yao'er, don't talk nonsense!" Lan Jinling quickly persuaded Lan Yao.

Lan Yao stuck out her tongue slightly and stopped talking.

Although everyone knows that Lan Yao is a woman, Lan Yao still wears men's clothes. Over time, everyone thinks that she is more pleasing to the eye in men's clothes, but they will feel uncomfortable in women's clothes.

For Lan Yao's naughty and cute behavior at this time, all the students were a little moved.

Although Lan Yao was wearing men's clothes, they couldn't help thinking of going elsewhere.

Just as Han Feilong and the others were about to enter the Court of Justice, a voice came from behind them, "Brother Han, Brother Liu!"

Liu Yiqun and the others turned their heads to look at the group of people coming behind them, and smiled secretly in their hearts.

"So it's Brother Cao and Brother Wang! It's been a long time!" Liu Yiqun and the two hurriedly clasped their fists together and said politely.

(End of this chapter)

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