Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 430 Requiring Retesting 3

Chapter 430 Requiring Retesting 3
Pan Yunxi clutched her chest and half-lyed on the ground, looking at Lan Yao on the ring with a faint smile.

He still couldn't recover, and still couldn't believe the result in front of him.

How can this be!He actually lost?My cultivation base is much higher than that of Lan Yao, why did I lose?
No matter how I calm down the waves in my heart, I still can't let myself accept such a result.

Who is Lan Yao?What happened today?This is a dream, right?

However, Pan Yunxi could clearly feel the pain in his body, which made him believe that this was definitely not a dream.

Pan Yunxi hoped that this was just a dream.

At the moment when he accepted the result, Pan Yunxi finally understood something.

There must be a reason why the Kirin Congress sent Lan Yao to participate in this competition.

Yes, definitely yes, it must be Lan Yao's innate abilities that made Qilin Kingdom boldly dispatch Lan Yao, a student of Wu Zongxiu.

After analyzing these things, Pan Yunxi finally figured out everything, it turned out to be the case.

However, it was too late to understand now, and he had already lost.

Pan Yunxi still couldn't accept that he lost to Lan Yao just like that, he was unwilling, extremely unwilling.

Zhuang Wenbo rushed towards Pan Yunxi, "Yunxi, how are you?"

Pan Yunxi clutched her chest, glanced at Zhuang Wenbo, lowered her head with a look of unwillingness in her eyes, "I'm sorry, I lost!"

"What's going on?" Zhuang Wenbo asked Pan Yunxi suspiciously.

Pan Yunxi shook his head, looked at Lan Yao on the ring, and frowned, "Lan Yao... Lan Yao from the Qilin Kingdom is definitely not ordinary, I finally understand why a student from the Qilin Kingdom who only has the cultivation of Wu Zong came here !"

It's too late to understand now, but you can't let the students in your own country suffer.

Lan Yao stretched her waist, and said helplessly, "Oh, it's true, I haven't warmed up yet, so I'm going down so fast, and I won't let anyone play! It's clear that we want to play together!"

"Bang bang bang..." The group of people fell down because of Lan Yao's words before they regained their composure.

Unexpectedly, Lan Yao actually said it was so easy. Although the game was fast and seemed easy, there was no need to say that, right?
Luo Tongjie walked forward with a smile, and greeted Lan Yao triumphantly, "Lan Yao, you are really amazing! You are amazing! You are simply my idol!"

Although Lan Yao is younger than him, even though Lan Yao's cultivation seems to be weaker than him, but her perverted talent and ability still make him admire her very much.

Now Lan Yao's fight made Luo Tongjie admire him even more.

"Uncle Luo, do you know that you sprayed all your saliva on my face!" Lan Yao stared at Luo Tongjie through gritted teeth, and said respectfully.

Luo Tongjie was taken aback, quickly covered his mouth, and smiled awkwardly.

"Be careful what you say in the future!" Lan Yao gave Luo Tongjie a blank look and warned.

When Luo Tongjie looked at Lan Yao's figure leaving arrogantly, he immediately admired him even more from the bottom of his heart.

Xiaoguai excitedly clapped her little hands and shouted, "Yeah yeah... I won, I won!"

Han Feilong smiled slightly, crossed his arms and looked proudly at Lan Yao's "tall" figure.

Xiaoguai happily ran to Lan Yao's side and shouted, "Mother, you are really amazing, you are Xiaoguai's idol!"

(End of this chapter)

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