Chapter 434
Looking at the expression of surprise because of her abnormality in front of her, a playful smile appeared on the corner of Lan Yao's mouth.

"Several, have you seen enough? If you don't give an answer, these senior experts will be angry!"

With a bit of dissatisfaction, Lan Yao reminded those referees who didn't say a word, but there was more sneer and ridicule in her heart.

"This... this..." The referee looked at the trial stone and then at Lan Yao, repeating over and over again, unable to complete a sentence.

Han Feilong laughed triumphantly, and put his hands on his hips, "Hahaha... how about it? Haven't you finished the test yet? Hurry up and announce the results after the test!"

Let you be shocked, let you doubt, let's see if this result doesn't scare you to death!snort!
Wu Zhuipeng stepped forward angrily, and grabbed the life-testing stone, "Huh! If there is anything I can't say, I want to see, this Lan Yao"

Only halfway through the conversation, Wu Zhuipeng was stunned when he saw the writing on the test stone, and he didn't say a word.

When he saw the word fourteen on the test stone, he couldn't believe it even more.

Is this test stone already broken?

If Lan Yao had surpassed the peak of the Martial God, his age would definitely not be so small.

I thought it was because Lan Yao was more than that old, she was a master who could rejuvenate, but I didn't expect...

"Brother Wu, what's wrong with you?" Ding Shengjun and others looked at Wu Zhuipeng who suddenly stopped talking, extremely puzzled.

Wu Zhuipeng looked at Wang Kehui and others behind him, without saying a word, he handed them the test stone.

Now there are no words to express the astonishment and shock in my heart.

Everyone was a little surprised, looking at the test stone handed over by Wu Zhuipeng.

"what happened?"

I wanted to ask something, but I found the words on the test stone.


"how is this possible?"

"14 years old?"

"Oh my God!"

"real or fake?"


A group of people looked at the trial stone in disbelief, the corners of their mouths twitching slightly.

They really couldn't believe this test stone, they all found it incredible.

Liu Yiqun smiled triumphantly, seeing how scared you are, you deserve it, whoever made you insult Qilin Kingdom and Lan Yao like this, this is the retribution you deserve!
Yuan Hao hugged Lan Yao in his arms proudly, and smiled slightly, "Yaoer, look, these little guys are scared by you!"

"Little guy?" Lan Yao turned her head to look at Yuan Hao, raising her eyebrows in understanding, after all, Yuan Hao is already an old guy from ancient times, calling them little guys is not an exaggeration, "Well, pretend I didn't say that! "

"Yao'er, I think you should let me teach them a good lesson!" Yuan Hao said with an indignant expression while clutching his fists.

Lan Yao gave Yuan Hao a blank look, "I think you haven't fought for tens of thousands of years, you want to find someone to fight!"

"Hehehe... Mo Ruoyao who knows me!" Yuan Hao smiled triumphantly, hanging on the tip of Lan Yao's nose.

"Fuck you! You just know how to play tricks!" Lan Yao gave Yuan Hao another blank look. Why does this guy like playing rascal so much?

Han Feilong put his hands on his chest and said proudly, "Hey, you old guys, have you seen enough? Hurry up and tell the result, do you know that we are all waiting very anxiously!"

Liu Yiqun was also extremely excited to be so arrogant and so aimed at masters from other countries.

(End of this chapter)

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