Chapter 437
Everyone was talking about Lan Yao, a perverted student from Qilin Kingdom, even Zhan Yun and other students participating in the competition were no exception.

Now they don't dare to look down on Lan Yao any more, this Lan Yao is definitely not half of the people.

Li Xing looked at Yuan Cheng beside him, and sighed slightly. What is going on in this Qilin Kingdom? There are two perverted geniuses. One Yuan Cheng is enough, and now another one is worse than Yuan Cheng. Perverted Lan Yao, let people live?

"Brother Yuan, I didn't expect that Qilin Kingdom really has a trump card hidden in the snow!" Li Xing smiled slightly, poking at Yuan Cheng's tone.

Yuan Cheng stared directly at the ring, and said calmly, "Whatever is hidden or not, those who can come here are the school's trump cards!"

Li Xing was taken aback for a moment, not knowing what to say, Yuan Cheng's words had completely blocked his words, which also contained the meaning of complimenting him, if he refuted, he would be really embarrassed.

Zhan Yun and the other masters suddenly understood that the obvious reason why they didn't get the feeling of being with Lan Yao in the lottery was because of this.

Perhaps, Lan Yao is really extraordinary, her talent is really perverted to the point where it can endanger them.

Perhaps, the strength that Lan Yao is displaying now is not her full strength at all, maybe only a part, or not even a third.

Thinking of this, several people unconsciously broke out in a cold sweat. It seems that the future of this competition is a bit bleak.

Several people secretly decided that as long as Lan Yao's game, they must not miss it, must observe Lan Yao, what kind of talent she has, and when the time comes to fight against themselves, they don't have to be too sudden.

Now they have already pulled Lan Yao into one of the final top ten list.

They can firmly believe that at least two of the Qilin Kingdoms will enter the top ten finals this time, and evenly split, each country has two people, which is also a very good result.

Seeing Lan Yao leave, a group of masters unconsciously wiped the sweat from their foreheads. Is this Lan Yao?No wonder there was that inexplicable feeling in their hearts.

"I didn't expect Brother Han to accept such a talented disciple. I'm really envious!"

"Yes, it seems that Qilin Kingdom will once again become famous all over the world!"

"Within a hundred years, there will definitely be two profound masters within half a hundred!"


Needless to say, the people who said it were Han Feilong and Liu Yiqun's apprentices, Lan Yao and Yuan Cheng.

Han Feilong smiled slightly, knowing that they were talking about it, "Oh, my apprentice has always been self-conscious, and I have never disciplined her, not even taught her a single trick!"

"How could it be!" These masters knew a lot about Han Feilong's unique skills. If Han Feilong taught Lan Yao all his unique skills, then they could remind their students to be careful.

But who knew that Han Feilong would give them such an answer at this time.

"You really don't believe it, no, even her godson is bullying me and bullying me. I still think that I am an apprentice and she is a master!" Han Feilong rolled his eyes immediately, contemptuously watch them.

Hmph, don't even think about escaping my precious apprentice's good things from me, let you all target our Qilin country together, you deserve it.

This made these masters feel puzzled and astonished again. Since Lan Yao didn't learn Han Feilong Wujue, what did he learn?Who taught her?Could it be that she is self-taught?How is this possible!
(End of this chapter)

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